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Greens powder on calendar and clock

How Long Does It Take Greens Powders To Work?

First, the bad news: Even the most effective greens powders will not work overnight. So, if you start taking a supplement today how long does it take greens powders to actually work?

Generally-speaking greens powders take between two to three months of daily intake in order to see and feel the benefits.

While everyone is different, it's important to know how long you need to wait before expecting to feel the full range of amazing benefits of greens powder. It's a supplement packed with nutrient goodness, including leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, vitamins, and minerals.

There are a number of factors that will directly influence how soon you can begin to see and feel the results, which we will talk about in more detail now.

Factors That Influence Supplementation Effectiveness and Efficiency

There are six key factors to consider regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of greens powder:

Are you nutrient deficient?

If you are deficient in minerals and vitamins, it's likely that your body will take longer to feel the full effects of greens powders. Don't worry, though; greens powder will help solve that problem, but it may take that extra bit of time before the nutrients kick in.

This is where an extra dose of greens powders included in your diet once or twice a week may come in handy – a nutritionist will be able to advise you on this.

The type of supplement

The way you take your supplements can make a difference. Greens powders vary, coming in various forms, from capsules, and tablets to just straight-up powders.

Standard greens powders are absorbed much faster when taken as just that; a powder.

Capsule or powder form?

Water or fat-soluble supplement

Although they vary by brand, greens powders are generally a water-based supplement. This means that they are absorbed quickly, but you also don't need to take them with food if you don't want to.

Fat-soluble varieties of supplements, on the other hand, are required to be taken with food, meaning that they are absorbed slower in the body.

Nutrient pairings

It's important to remember that taking certain nutrients together means the body can absorb them much easier and more quickly.

Bear this in mind when adopting these leafy greens powders into your diet.

Health problems can impair nutritional absorption

Health problems such as lack of adequate digestive enzymes can cause a range of problems, directly affecting how long it takes greens powders nutrient absorption. Speak to your health professional about this if you are concerned.

Your lifestyle and habits

If you want to feel the full health benefits of taking greens powders, there are several lifestyle factors that will affect how quickly (and how overall effective) taking greens powder will be for you and your body.

Quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake are two of the most efficient ways. Not only will doing so make way for your greens powder to work, but it will also help with a range of other health issues and side effects of these habits, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and much more.

Super Greens Guide


When is the best time to take green powders?

The short answer is, pretty much any time that works for you! Before breakfast, on your lunch break, on the commute home, before bed – most greens powders are suitable for taking any time of the day.

So, don't worry if you forget to take it at a set time; as long as you take it, that's what matters. However, many people find the easiest and most convenient time to take greens powders is in the morning.

It's certainly a powerful start to your day.

How often should you have greens powder?

Because green powders are nutritional supplements taken as part of a well-balanced diet, they need to be taken every day in order to feel the full benefits, such as rising energy levels and allowing the body's immune system to flourish fully.

When you take it every day, you know that you are getting adequate specific vitamins and healthy bacteria. If you are stressed out or have overdone it in the gym, it's perfectly fine to take more than one serving of greens powder to allow your body to recover.

Finding the balance of how much to take and when to take it is key, so listen to your body and what it is telling you.

Best time to drink greens powder

Should you drink greens on an empty stomach?

Many people have no problem having greens powder on an empty stomach; others have difficulty with mild nausea-type feelings when first starting out. If this happens to you, take the dietary supplement alongside a light meal which should completely solve the problem.

Can you mix greens powder with protein powder?

Yes! Consuming greens powder with protein powder can effectively help your body recover, particularly if you are very active.

And, with the number of great flavors of protein powder on the market, it can be a delicious post-workout treat, too, as part of a healthy diet.

Whole foods and protein, what's not to love!

Greens and Protein Powders

The Bottom Line

In summary, greens powders can take time to feel the full health benefits, but it's important to remember that reaching optimum health is a marathon, not a sprint.

As part of a healthy diet, the benefits of greens powders are numerous.

Greens powders support detoxification, promote digestive health, help symptoms of a range of chronic diseases, and ensure you have enough vegetables in your diet to potentially both feel and look better than you ever have done!

So it pays to be patient because it's worth hanging in there and giving them a go!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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