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Greens in the fridge

Should You Refrigerate Greens Powder?

Greens powders have become increasingly popular. They're jam-packed with micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, so who wouldn't hop on the trend? So, why should you refrigerate your greens powder after opening?

Consuming them alongside a healthy diet is the way to go, and let's face it, there's nothing better than eating clean, green, and feeling like a health machine!

Luckily green powders do keep for a long time. Here's how you should be going storing them for maximum shelf life.

Make Your Greens Powders Last Longer

Green powders generally have a long shelf life. However, they are made from powdered and dried forms of fruits and vegetables, and everything does go off at some point. Luckily there are ways to keep your powder fresher for longer.

Before opening your greens powder, it is best to store it in a cool and dry place.

Once you have opened it, you should store it in your fridge as this will retain its potency and flavor. You can also make them last longer by keeping them in the dark and leaving the powder in the bag that it came in.

The powder is packaged to protect it from light or getting wet or too cool. Avoid storing your green powder on top of the fridge or any appliances, as the humidity and mechanical heat can shorten the powder's lifespan.

If you scoop the powder out using a spoon, it is best to use a dry and clean spoon; otherwise, you risk having mold grow in your container – and this is the last thing you want. Trust me; your greens will last much longer when stored properly!

Keep The Efficacy Of Greens Powders High With Refrigerating

Refrigerating your greens powders is a great idea, and it's best to keep them cool and dry when in the refrigerator. This is because the digestive enzymes and probiotics retain maximum potency and live longer when kept cool.

This way, you can truly benefit from your green supplement!

It is not vital to refrigerate your greens powders. Keeping them in a cool and dry place will do, but refrigerating them will undoubtedly preserve the efficacy and integrity of all the healthy ingredients.

Storing them in the fridge also means that they will be in an environment that stays at the same temperature. It isn't good for greens powders to go from hot to cold; at least you know they'll stay at a stable temperature in the fridge.

Always Ensure An Airtight Seal-Once Opened

Ziplock bags or closely sealed containers won't do the trick. This is because air can easily permeate the plastic or the container causing the powder to absorb moisture. If it isn't airtight, the powder will also get too much oxygen, starting to break the powder down.

Some good examples of airtight containers or seals include Kilner jars, lids with clamps, glass jars with tight lids, vacuum-sealed bags, or plastic containers. However, the only problem with using see-through containers is that light can get in, which tends to break down dehydrated products, like greens powders.

Moisture, oxidation, and light make the powder go off much faster, and airtight seals can prevent this. If your powders get too much air and moisture, they will likely start to clump. It is generally better to keep your greens powder in the packing they came in rather than putting them in a new tub because the packing is made to preserve the product.

Fresh vegetables in the fridge

Keep Heat Out of Greens Powders

Green powders generally thrive when at room temperature or when they are refrigerated. However, in heat or direct sunlight, they tend to spoil quickly, and heat can also rid the powder of its essential nutrients and active ingredients. This is something we all want to avoid.

Heat harms the effectiveness and potency of the nutrients and vitamin content, and degradation occurs when the powder is exposed to high heat. Most supplements are highly sensitive to heat, so it is best to avoid them if you'd like to make your greens powders last with all of their added benefits.

How to Tell If Your Greens Powders Have Gone Bad

Like fresh food, greens powders will generally start to smell bad if they have gone off or are expired, they may also change color and taste funny. The potency in the powder will decrease if it has gone bad, meaning that it is not beneficial to take it anymore, so it is best to purchase new green powder if you see, taste, or smell that it is different.

Ensure Maximum Freshness

If you want your greens powders to stay fresher longer, the general answer is to store them in a dry, cool place or in the fridge. Your greens powders can often last months, even years, if you store them correctly and ensure they are happy and at the right temperature. Remember, no heat; this will spoil the powder very quickly.

Remember: Always check the label or tub for the recommended use by date.


How soon should you consume green powder once opened?

Powders are generally at their freshest in the first 6-9 months. The product will have an expiry date which will tell you how long you have to consume it.

What's the shelf life of a green powder?

Most green powders have a shelf life of around 2-3 years unopened, and you should store them in a cool and dry place, but once you have opened them, they should go in the fridge.

Do green powders expire?

Yes, they do. Green powders generally expire after three years. However, you could still consume the powder after its expiration date, as long as the taste, color, and smell remain the same. Otherwise, it is best to buy a new one.

Are green powders worth it?

They can be the perfect solution to maintaining a healthy lifestyle without constantly worrying about produce going off.

Green powders are rich in various nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and nitrates. They can boost your immune system, increase your energy levels, aid digestion, and ensure that your body is healthy.

Storing my greens powder in the fridge
I keep 3-4 months worth of my greens in the fridge

The Bottom Line

Greens powders are incredibly healthy, and the variety in the market is endless. There is something for everyone, from super greens to grass sources to spirulina. And the health benefits are endless.

To keep them fresh and make them last, it is much better to keep them refrigerated; this way, you can have a great source of all the vitamins and nutrients you need, even if you don't eat enough fresh foods and veggies!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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