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ColonBroom Review: Benefits, Drawbacks, And Comparison

Are you lacking energy? Struggling to lose weight? Have difficulties with bowel movements? Here’s a closer look at ColonBroom’s pros and cons.

These are the main complaints I’ve heard when it comes to issues with gut health.

We’ve all probably heard the saying, “you are what you eat,” but what if your diet isn’t the problem?

When it comes to our digestion, there can be potential difficulties in nutrient absorption and maintaining a healthy gut biome.

A popular combination for digestion is probiotics There are many probiotic variations depending on your health profile.

Whether it be greens with probiotics or gut supplements for men and women, there are options everywhere.

Maybe you’ve already tried probiotics or digestive enzymes for these reasons since they have incredible healing benefits for our digestive system.

But it can be difficult to discern which way to turn when facing these issues, especially when you feel you’ve tried many diets and supplements.

An often overlooked component is fiber intake and how it impacts our bowel movements and overall energy. Today I’m going to look at a powerful fiber supplement, ColonBroom.

Many have claimed this product has done the trick for the aforementioned issues.

But does it measure up?

ColonBroom Verdict

The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:

Coupons: None available



  • Ingredients / Dosages:3.5
  • Ingredient Safety:3.0
  • Value for the Price:4.0
  • Brand Transparency:3.0
  • Taste:4.0

ColonBroom Review

Why Is ColonBroom’s Supplement So Important?

As mentioned earlier, difficulties with bowel movements impact much more than we think.

Getting backed up creates issues we might try to fix with a cup of coffee in the morning.

But ultimately, there’s no real solution here.

As well, other underlying symptoms can often go overlooked.

Let’s take a quick look at some common struggles people report feeling:

  • Heaviness in your gut
  • Constipation
  • Imbalanced gut microbiota
  • Difficulty in losing weight
  • Lack of energy
  • Risk of bloating

So what’s the deal with ColonBroom then?

ColonBroom is a powdered high quality fiber supplement, with psyllium husk as its primary ingredient.

Dietary fiber is important for our digestive health and regular bowel movements. Read more about the best probiotics for men here.

Fiber also helps you feel fuller for longer and can assist in preventing some diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and bowel cancer.

It’s vegan, gluten free, and contains no GMOs!

The aim of this product is to alleviate the symptoms above with ease of use.

With one scoop a day mixed with 8oz of water, you’ll start to feel the benefits within 24-72 hours!

Typically, this supplement is best used for around 2-3 months to really integrate all of the positive effects.

So what’s ColonBroom all about?

The Brand Behind ColonBroom

ColonBroom is a supplement manufactured by Max Nutrition LLC.

They’re dedicated to bringing in the best supplements to help with your health & fitness goals.

They offer anything from pre-workout to protein supplements, covering a broad range of clientele needs.

ColonBroom’s Ingredients List

ColonBroom’s primary ingredient is Psyllium Husk, which is the main source of fiber production in the product.

Some of the ingredients are individually measured, but ultimately this product is still a proprietary blend.

This means you can’t be 100% on how much of each ingredient you’re getting.

Regardless, let’s take a look at some of the key ingredients that make up this supplement!

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium Husk comes from the outside shell of the seed called Plantago Ovato.

When you combine the powered version with water, it dissolves and gets thicker as it’s passing through your digestive tract.

Psyllium Husk is praised for treating constipation and weight loss.

Citric Acid

Citric Acid comes from citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges.

It’s a natural preservative that helps various foods from expiring.

It can help with metabolism and other digestive issues.


Lemon juice itself also helps with digestion and constipation.

It’s been used for thousands of years all over the world, helping to treat and clean the body.

Here are the ColonBroom supplement facts:

ColonBroom Label

ColonBroom’s Top Health Benefits

Body Detox

Citric acid also offers certain benefits when it's taken as a supplement.

Citric acid encourages normal cellular respiration in human metabolism, which means that it plays a key role in igniting the metabolic process to create energy.

Without it, the entire energy-producing mechanism in the body is inefficient, and the body is no longer vital enough to heal and detoxify. (Source)

Weight Loss

Because psyllium absorbs liquid in your body, it can help give you a feeling of being full.

This can help you control the amount of food you eat.

Talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking psyllium if they’ve suggested that you lose weight. (Source)

Improved Overall Health

Fiber supplements can be used to add to the dietary fiber you get from food.

They can help ensure regular bowel movements, treat acute bouts of constipation and help lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

There is evidence that they can reduce the risk of heart disease and even colon cancer. (Source)

Improved Overall Health

Does ColonBroom Have Side Effects?

This product doesn’t have any major allergens, but check in with your doctor to ensure it’s right for you.

Does ColonBroom Have Positive Customer Reviews?

Everyone reacts to supplements differently, but this product has a largely positive response.

  • 95% of consumers noticed more frequent and regular bowel movement
  • 80% of consumers recorded weight loss without feeling hunger
  • 90% of consumers felt lighter after 12 hours of using ColonBroom

Customer Testimonials:

One reviewer, Brandy Isom, says:

This stuff is amazing! I’ve had moderate gut issues for quite some time. I’ve been taking Colon Broom for about 2 weeks now, and already feeling better. Since taking Colon Broom, I’m more regular, less bloated, and I have fewer cravings for sweets and junk food. Plus, this tastes SO GOOD.

Another reviewer, Valerie Henao, says:

Tastes great and works great! Has jumped stared my weight loss after being at a plateau for months! Love the flavor and that it does not bloat my stomach! Also it helped me start losing weight again after months at a stand still. Well worth the money!

ColonBroom Pricing

One full size container of ColonBroom costs $69.98.

That’s about $1.14/serving!

For nearly a dollar a day, I’d say the benefits are worth the investment.

Where To Buy ColonBroom

You can purchase ColonBroom straight from their website, or on Amazon for a slightly lower price.

ColonBroom: My Verdict

Ultimately, you can get fiber supplements from a wide array of sources.

There will always be cheaper or more expensive options with unique blends and ingredients.

ColonBroom offers a high-quality solution with additional flavor to aid in consumption, unlike other fiber supplements.

It’s certainly worth a try if you want to alleviate pesky symptoms keeping you from your health goals. Overall, why not give ColonBroom a shot and get those bowels moving?

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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