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Diarrhea After Fasting

Diarrhea After Fasting

Many believe intermittent fasting boosts focus, increases mental clarity, and flares up fat burning. Let's look at how to treat diarrhea after fasting.

But diarrhea and other stomach problems that come from fasting can ruin an otherwise fun time.

Intermittent fasting is considered to make you healthy, so why might it be the reason for diarrhea?

There are many possible reasons if you've had a stomachache or upset stomach and doubt it may relate to fasting.

They can vary from simple mistakes to severe medical problems.

In this blog article, you'll learn the reasons for diarrhea after fasting and related issues like nausea.

Diarrhea After Fasting

The Many Benefits Of Fasting

Even though fasting is becoming more popular now, it has been done for hundreds of years and is an important part of many religions and cultures.

Fasting is defined as the self-restriction from all or some foods and beverages for a set period of time.

Generally, most forms of fasting are performed for longer than 24-72 hours. (Source)

In contrast, intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Fasting has been proven to have several health benefits, from better brain functioning to weight loss.

Here are the well-known health benefits of fasting supported by science.

Such as:

  • Better blood sugar control because of insulin resistance reduction
  • Improved health because of decreased levels of inflammatory markers
  • Better heart health because of improved blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides
  • Fasting may improve brain functioning and prohibit neurodegenerative disorders
  • Weight loss due to low-calorie intake and boosted metabolism
  • Improved growth hormone secretion, which is crucial for metabolism, growth, muscle strength, and weight loss
  • Extend longevity and delay aging
  • Fasting may help in cancer prevention and improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy

Does Fasting Cause Diarrhea?

Fasting is a method in which you don't eat anything (and sometimes don't drink certain drinks) for a certain amount of time.

Some fasts last for hours or a day.

Others last for more than a month.

The duration of a fast depends on the fasting person and their reasons for fasting.

If you experience diarrhea while fasting, you must end your fast until the signs of diarrhea improve.

Diarrhea happens when the nutrients in the food pass quickly through the gastrointestinal tract and exit the body without being absorbed appropriately.

Diarrhea during a fast can lead to several side effects.

Such as:

  • Malnutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Cramping
  • Malabsorption
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

Diarrhea and nausea during a fast can be dangerous and stressful.

While fasting, your body is more likely to feel nauseous, tired, and dizzy.

These conditions only worsen with diarrhea. (Source)

Because of these things, it is strongly suggested that you stop your fast until your diarrhea gets better or goes away completely.

You can then start your fast again when you no longer have diarrhea or its side effects.

Intermittent and extended fasting

Diarrhea After Fasting

Not everybody experiences diarrhea and fasting together, but if you've dealt with them simultaneously, you should take it seriously.

Of course, diarrhea during fasting is annoying — and it can even stop people from continuing to fast.

When a person fasts, their body is more sensitive to changes or disruptions, and fasting can be risky in a dehydrated state, mainly if you are in a hot environment or physically active.

And finally, stomach problems during a fast can also cause serious problems that need to be fixed right away.

These problems range from wrong fasting practices to health conditions that need medical attention.

Diarrhea while fasting occurs because of incorrect or unhealthy food choices.

On the most basic level, eating too quickly or too much may upset your stomach, causing diarrhea.

This is especially true after long fasting periods.

Aside from how fast and how much you eat, your digestive system is also affected by the macronutrients in your first meal.

Overeating is a principal reason for diarrhea after fasting.

Sometimes you can experience diarrhea after breaking your fast because you added high-fat meals to your diet plan.

Diarrhea happens when your body can't digest food quickly enough because you ate too much fat or make too much bile. (Source)

One more factor to observe is your supplement usage.

Some supplements, like magnesium and medium-chain triglycerides, are well-known for causing diarrhea.

If you take these supplements right after fasting, it’s a recipe for gastrointestinal tract issues.

But in reality, taking any supplement on an empty stomach right after a fast can make your stomach feel bad.

Intermittent Fasting And Diarrhea

Intermittent Fasting And Diarrhea

Intermittent fasting is considered a fantastic weight loss method that deals with stubborn fat and benefits your health.

People who do intermittent fasting can have normal blood sugar, a lower risk of heart disease, and the right amount of insulin in their bodies.

Besides transitioning to a more mindful way of living, many people encounter its side effects.

People new to intermittent fasting make mistakes that lead to the side effects of intermittent fasting.

It’s common that dietary changes greatly impact our bowel movements.

Excess water and salts are flushed out via the gastrointestinal tract during intermittent fasting. (Source)

There can be various triggers, for example, too much coffee.

Nevertheless, intermittent fasting can't be the only reason for diarrhea.

You can be more prone to getting diarrhea if you break your fasting cycle.

But that's just normal.

Diarrhea during intermittent fasting can happen because of the following mistakes:

  • Using refined carbohydrates between fasting periods
  • Legumes enriched with fiber
  • Milk products (milk proteins or lactose)

Diarrhea after breaking your fast is common.

This is particularly true after days of fasting.

Our digestive system slows down when we stop eating.

If we eat a big, rich meal after fasting for a long time, our digestive system might not be able to handle it.

This could lead to diarrhea.

Diarrhea After Fasting: Closing Thoughts

Diarrhea is an occasional side effect of fasting, but some people experience it.

Usually, diarrhea during fasting comes from zero-calorie sweeteners(like truvia or stevia), caffeine, or taking supplements on an empty stomach.

It's generally not dangerous as long as you drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Summing up, fasting is valuable for weight loss and improving overall health. Many people fast with no side effects at all, and if you're trying to improve your shape, you should add intermittent fasting to your daily routine.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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