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Why I Have Stopped Drinking Alcohol

I have been thinking about this for some time now but I have decided to quit drinking even though I’m not an alcoholic!

I have never struggled with alcohol in my life.

Going without alcohol for a month is really easy for me. So, anybody who knows me would probably wonder why I am stopping drinking alcohol altogether.

Actually, I have never been a great drinker.

During my late teens and university years, I was nicknamed the “chunder king” (short for Chunder Loo rhyming slang for spew) by one of my best mates from home.

Nights out partying would end up with me being violently sick, not just once but normally three to four times within an hour. Not a pleasant feeling even though friends found it amusing.

After a few evenings out with expat friends in Malaysia and feeling really groggy the next day, I decided I would quit drinking alcohol. I will explain in much more detail why but first let me talk about my relationship with alcohol.

University drinking days
Photo by Lifehacker Guy

Early Years Experimenting With Alcohol

I have never been a beer drinker, I still sort of blaming my Dad as he used to make his own beer when I was a kid.

Now we're not talking about the fancy home craft brewing kits you see these days (check out Amazon for some examples). In those days it was a very basic, 40-pint metal bowl and wooden stirring spoon over the kitchen hob.

We would always know when he was making a 40-pint tub of beer as the kitchen floor would be completely sticky from the hops spilled on the floor.

I would joke that I could do a Michael Jackson impression from beat it as it was really that sticky!

So whenever I went out for drinks with mates knowing what to drink was never straightforward. I mostly went for sweet-tasting drinks that really didn’t taste alcohol – I really enjoyed the alcopops period. You remember them, Two Dogs and Hooch.

A few of these and you soon couldn’t feel your teeth!

During my teenage years when most kids are experimenting with alcohol, I was very rarely drunk. This was mostly because I was a dedicated runner and triathlete until Chronic Fatigue Syndrome knocked me for six and affected my health.

Later in my working life, I tended to stick to spirits with soft drinks, it could be vodka or Jack Daniels. JD coke eventually becomes my alcoholic beverage of choice. Although I was also partial to Mojito and the odd Pina Colada (I know!).

Favourite alcoholic drinks

Benefits of quitting alcohol

There are some really compelling reasons for giving up alcohol. Deep down we probably know most of the reasons why it makes sense to stop, or at least significantly reduce drinking.

I found the seven most effective reasons why I should stop.

7 Reasons Why I Quit Alcohol

  • Improved concentration and productivity
  • Better sleep
  • Higher energy levels
  • Weight loss
  • Better health
  • Learning that you don’t not need alcohol to have fun
  • Saving money

When looking at this list of benefits it’s really easy to see why everyone should consider quitting for at least one month, if not longer.

If you are keen to quit alcohol and are not sure where to start there are plenty of resources online – check out You can even find apps to help you stop too – check here for a list

Quitting Social Drinking Easy?

One thing is for sure if you quit drinking your social life does change.

I am not going to deny that it's easy, in some cases as it really depends on your social circle of friends.

It’s easier living in Malaysia to quit drinking that’s for sure. Okay so Malaysia is a Muslim country and alcohol is not cheap like its neighbor Thailand, but it’s not as simple as that.

Let me explain.

I am a British guy and we are known around the world for our drinking culture (or lack of in some cases). Since being old enough to drink I have never been a fan of feeling pressured to drink alcohol.

In my experience, when in the UK a lot of times this is mostly the case.

You just have to go to one of the big British towns in the UK to see it.

I am from Bournemouth and the town looks a mess late at night at the weekend. Most of my friends who still live in Bournemouth rarely go into town during the evening mainly for this reason.

Drunk brits in Manchester

[This scene is from New Year in Manchester, which made the news and was turned into many memes]

You would very unlikely see this in Malaysia.

In Malaysia, it’s really easy to go out in the evening and just enjoy great food and non-alcoholic drinks. And so this makes it way easier to quit drinking.

The only caveat is that the lad's night out with fellow expats in Malaysia I have unfortunately had to stop going to. Not drinking alcohol on these nights would be too much hard work as the focal point of the evening is drinking.

Why did I use to drink?

I thought this was an interesting question to ask. On the surface seems like an obvious answer, to enjoy the effects of being a bit or quite drunk.

But, I believe there is more to it than this.

Often drinking is to fit in with your peers, to feel comfortable, and to give Dutch courage. (I will have to ask my Dutch friends why this is the case!).

I have never been that bothered about being in the gang, the cool gang who drink or smoke behind the bike sheds. So, I don’t believe I drank alcohol because of this.

Sometimes though I drink for confidence which may surprise some people as I don’t appear to be shy or introverted. Actually I believe I am an ambivert, which is a mixture of extrovert and introvert.

Jack Daniels HoneyFor years I never enjoyed the taste of alcohol but since I had discovered Jack Daniels and Coke that’s changed.

I have to admit I enjoy the taste, even the newer flavors Jack Daniels honey and even Fire.

Of course, there is the feeling of being merry, a little drunk. The funny thing is that rarely did I find that alcohol relaxed me.

Yes, I did feel a little merry but it could soon progress to the drunk stage if I got carried away. Then I would be back to square one, the next day feeling regret and unhappy about another unproductive, wasted day.

Feedback from Family and Friends

It’s been over 6 weeks now since I stopped drinking alcohol and everyone has been supportive.

I think most friends know about my blog and my attempts to make improvements in my life, to try different things and see what works for me.

Anyone who finds it unusual and doesn’t get why I am not drinking, then I believe won’t understand the why of what I am trying to do. Either that or likes their alcohol and couldn’t ever imagine giving it up!

Unfortunately, some “friends” may not necessarily like the new you. I do think that if drinking alcohol was the only binding part of the friendship that it's a fairly weak bond, eh?

When arranging to meet in the evening with friends I do point out in advance that I have stopped drinking. This heads-up means that the venue can be changed if need be and that there is no need to have the conversation of why I am likely drinking tea or water.

Bottom line: Will I stop forever?

To be honest I am not sure at this stage.

I really like the fact I never wake up with a hangover. I feel more alert and have no excuses as to why I shouldn’t be productive – other than being tired from possibly the kids waking me up during the night.

So, whilst I am on my 90-day fat-belly challenge I won’t be drinking as I really want to get in shape and lose fat.

I feel much, much better since quitting alcohol and so will continue the tea and odd soft drink for the time being.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!


  1. Anyone who says they or others are as much fun when they do not drink compared to when they do drink have been living in a cave. Go to a party in Nashville then go to one in New Orleans or New York. No comparison. I know that drinking alcohol carries some risk. What is life all about. Being with friends and family and having fun. I will take my risks. Fun takes precedence over living to be 100. Why risk getting in an automobile or airplane. Risk is there. So just stay home, don’t drink and bore the hell out of everyone. Dean Martin was correct.

    1. I think it very much depends on your definition of fun 😉

      Also, this is very much personal.

      For me, being drunk wasn’t fun compared to being able to function every day and not suffering hangovers. In terms of socially, friends that only want to hang out when your drinking or drunk were not close/true friends.

      Again, it’s personal. I never judge anyone who wants to drink, loves to drink, or wants to get totally smashed all the time (as long as they don’t hurt anyone else).

      The only caveat here is that I would find it a little sad if a person said they needed to drink to have fun.

      After nearly 4 years now I can say there were only a few evenings I thought a drink would be nice. And so, it comes down to priorities and what you want.

      I place being present for what I am saying to people, remembering the evening, not having hangovers, feeling better, over the feeling of being drunk.

  2. Great article Adam. When I visited you in Malaysia recently I was pleased to know that you had quit drinking as funnily enough…so had I around the same time! It made absolutely no difference to our nights out…equally as enjoyable. I also hope that alcohol is now a closed chapter in my life as I have had just as much fun without it. I have also written a blogpost on the subject –

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