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Balance of Nature vs Juice Plus

Balance Of Nature Vs Juice Plus

Two popular supplements that are often compared because they are so similar is the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules and the Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

Both Balance of Nature and Juice Plus has been around for more than two decades, and both brands offer very similar supplements – each one produces singular supplements that are combined into a “Fruit and Veggie” combination package that they then sell together.

If you’re looking for Fruit and Vegetable capsules, there’s no doubt that either or both of these brands have surfaced as you’ve been scouring the internet for supplements.

I will be reviewing Balance of Nature and Juice Plus side by side, looking at certain aspects of the supplements, and ultimately coming to a conclusion about which supplement is better to buy!

So, get ready to take a look at the comparison of Balance of Nature and Juice Plus and see which one comes out on top!

What Is Balance of Nature?

Balance of Nature was founded over two decades ago and is a supplement company that specifically creates superfood capsules.

The Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules are the brand’s most popular supplement and they have been since they were first showcased to the market.

Much like the Juice Plus supplement that they are being compared to, Balance of Nature doesn’t provide just one supplement that contains fruit and vegetables, they provide a combination package of a vegetable supplement and a fruit supplement.

Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable pills are vegan, dairy-free, non-GMO, and gluten-free.

Although the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules do contain a wide range of ingredients, a lot of which are known to be incredibly potent, it’s unclear whether or not the capsules will provide sufficiently dosed ingredients since the formula is made up of proprietary blends.

Firstly, it’s completely unclear how much of each ingredient actually exists within the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules due to the fact that all of the ingredients exist within a proprietary blend.

Also, since capsule supplements very rarely have the ability to contain sufficiently dosed ingredients, this is also concerning.

However, I will be looking more closely at the efficacy of the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable Capsules later in this comparison review.

First, let’s take a look at the overall pros and cons of these capsules!

Balance of Nature Fruits and Veggies


  • No taste – good for people that can’t stomach superfood powders.
  • Been on the market for over 20 years.


  • Ingredients exist within proprietary blends.
  • Insufficient amount of ingredients.
  • Expensive in comparison to other supplements on the market.

What Is Juice Plus?

Juice Plus was also founded over two decades ago, like Balance of Nature. It also provides Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

The supplements each stand on their own, but the brand couples them up to create a Fruit and Vegetable combination package.

Although Juice Plus produces a wide range of supplements, the Fruit and Vegetable capsules, together, are one of the most popular supplements sold by the brand.

Unfortunately, there’s not a huge amount of information provided by Juice Plus about the Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

Therefore, it’s unclear who they’re suitable for and how the products are produced. For example, even though the capsules are supposed to be plant-based, it’s unclear whether they’re fully vegan, or if they contain dairy/gluten, etc.

However, unlike the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules, the Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules do have some of their ingredients disclosed.

Although there are two different versions of the supplements’ ingredients label, one of the ingredients labels for the supplements shows the amount of each ingredient within the formula.

Therefore, this makes it easy to figure out whether the formula will contain sufficiently dosed ingredients and be effective, or not.

Unfortunately, though, it does seem as if the capsules don’t contain sufficiently dosed ingredients.

Therefore, it’s unclear whether the capsules will actually provide the benefits associated with the supplement.

However, I will be looking more closely at the efficacy of the Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules later in this review.

First, let’s take a look at the overall pros and cons of these capsules!

Juice Plus Tubs


  • No taste – good for people that can’t stomach superfood powders.
  • Been on the market for over 20 years.
  • Disclosed ingredients.


  • Expensive.
  • MLM company.

Balance Of Nature Vs Juice Plus Benefits

Balance Of Nature

Balance of Nature doesn’t actually provide a great deal of information about the benefits associated with the Fruit and Vegetable capsules. This makes it difficult to figure out the exact benefits of consuming the formula.

Obviously, this isn’t ideal since it’s unclear what the capsules do! Therefore, as a consumer, you don’t know if you actually need to take these capsules.

All the Balance of Nature website says is that by consuming the Fruit and Vegetable capsules you will be able to benefit from essential micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, that will therefore support you to be your healthiest self.

The brand simply says that the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules will help you “Feel & Be Your Best”.

Clearly, it’s a shame that the brand doesn’t supply more information about the benefits of the Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

Check out how Balance of Nature compares to other superfood supplements:

Juice Plus

Unfortunately, there is also not a lot of information about the Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

Although there are various clinical study papers and articles about the ingredients within Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules, there’s no specific information provided by the company about the benefits of the capsules.

However, the company does suggest that the capsules contain vital micronutrients, and in comparison to the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules, there’s definitely more information across the website about the capsules.

Balance Of Nature Vs Juice Plus Ingredients

Balance Of Nature

When I first reviewed Balance of Nature, the brand claimed that the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules could provide 16 servings of fruit and 15 servings of vegetables.

Clearly, it’s impossible for this many servings of fruit and vegetables to be held within such small capsules (2g).

Since the brand no longer claims that this is the case, they also clearly realized that was impossible and decided to retract their statement.

However, Balance of Nature still makes a strong statement – the brand claims that the Fruit and Veggie capsules provide 10 servings of fruit and vegetables.

Although there is a dedicated area on the Balance of Nature website that attempts to prove how these capsules provide 10 servings of fruit and vegetables through the 2g capsule serving size, there’s not enough significant research to back this up and it’s seemingly impossible for the capsules to provide such sufficient servings.

To fully prove that the capsules cannot contain this many servings of fruit and vegetables, we can take a closer look at the ingredients label to figure out whether the ingredients are sufficiently dosed or not!

Although the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsule ingredients label isn’t fully disclosed and the capsules are made up of proprietary blends, we can make an estimated guess about whether the ingredients are sufficiently dosed by comparing recommended doses to the weighted serving of each blend.

Looking at the Fruit capsules, the Maintain Blend totals 731mg and contains 8 ingredients.

Unfortunately, since just three of the ingredients – aloe, grape, and blueberry – have a combined recommended dose of 800mg, not all of the ingredients within this blend are sufficiently dosed.

Continuing to look at the Fruit capsules, the same can be said for the Protect Blend.

The Protect blend totals 719mg, and since cherry and aloe vera have a combined recommended dose of 1g, it’s impossible for all of the ingredients within this blend to be sufficiently dosed too!

Looking at the Vegetable capsules, both the Maintain Blend and the Protect Blend don’t have the ability to contain fully sufficiently dosed ingredients.

For example, wheatgrass is just one of the ingredients in both blends – it has a recommended dose of 3g, but since the blends total 720mg and 713mg each, it’s once again clear that not all the ingredients within the formula contain fully sufficiently dosed ingredients.

Although certain ingredients within Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules may provide nutrients and health benefits, if not all the ingredients within the capsules are sufficiently dosed, they may not provide a sufficient dose of nutrients or health benefits as an overall supplement.

Balance of Nature Fruits and Veggies Supplement Facts

Juice Plus

There are two different types of ingredients labels shown on the Juice Plus website for the Fruit and Vegetable capsules, which seems a little odd!

However, luckily, one of these labels shows a disclosed list of all the ingredients within the capsules.

This is great news because it means we can take a closer look at whether or not the ingredients within the formula are sufficiently dosed or not.

In the Juice Plus Fruit capsules, not many of the ingredients actually have standard recommended doses. However, the two that do – beetroot and cherry extract – are not sufficiently dosed.

The dose of beetroot powder within the capsules is 45mg, whereas the recommended dose of beet powder is 5g.

The dose of cherry extract in the formula is 50mg, but the recommended dose of the cherry extract is 2,500mg. Clearly, both of these ingredients are completely underdosed.

Looking at the Juice Plus Vegetable capsules, it’s also clear that the ingredients that do have standard recommended doses are also not sufficiently dosed.

For example, there’s 15mg of spirulina in the capsules but the recommended dose of spirulina is 1-3g.

There’s 15mg of garlic powder in the capsules but the recommended dose of garlic is 400mg.

There’s 10mg of beets, but again, the recommended dose of beet powder is 5g.

Therefore, clearly, both the Juice Plus Fruit and Juice Plus Vegetable capsules do not contain sufficiently dosed ingredients. This means that they may not be effective!

Juice Plus Vegetable Label

Juice Plus Fruit Label

Balance Of Nature Vs Juice Plus Taste

Balance Of Nature

Since Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules are capsule supplements, they don’t have a taste.

Obviously, if you keep the capsules in your mouth for too long without swallowing them, they will start to dissolve and taste unpleasant.

However, as long as you swallow them immediately, as you are supposed to, the capsules don’t taste of anything.

Since a lot of people get put off by the taste of green and superfood powders, the thought of consuming capsules is much more pleasant!

Juice Plus

Exactly like the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules, Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules are also, clearly, capsule supplements and they don’t have any taste associated with them!

Therefore, this makes the capsules an appealing supplement alternative for those that don’t like superfood powders!

However, just the same as the Balance of Nature capsules, if you hold the capsules in your mouth for too long, they will disintegrate and taste unpleasant.

Balance Of Nature Vs Juice Plus Cost

Balance Of Nature

Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules are not one type of supplement – they are two different types of supplements that are sold as a combination package.

The Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules both contains 30 servings.

These capsules are available at different prices depending on the type of Balance of Nature customer you are.

Balance of Nature allows you to be either a ‘Preferred customer’, which means you sign up for a subscription and a health coaching program or a ‘Retail Customer’, which is a one-off purchase customer.

If you are a “Preferred” customer, the cost for one tub of Balance of Nature Fruit capsules and one tub of Balance of Nature Vegetable capsules is $69.95.

This works out at a daily cost of $2.33.

If you are a “Retail” customer, the price is much higher.

The cost for one tub of Balance of Nature Fruit capsules and one tub of Balance of Nature Vegetable capsules is $89.95. This works out at a daily cost of $3.00.

The Balance of Nature capsules, in my opinion, is very expensive for what they are!

When you break down the cost per serving of the supplements, even at the “Preferred” customer price, it works out much more expensive than a number of high-quality supplements out there.

Juice Plus

Exactly like the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules, the Juice Plus capsules are not one type of supplement. Again, they are two different types of supplements that are sold as a combination package.

However, unlike Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules, you can’t buy the Juice Plus capsules on a one-off purchase. Instead, you can only buy a month’s supply of the capsules.

One month’s supply of the Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules contains 2 bottles of Juice PLUS+ selected vegetables and 2 bottles of Juice PLUS+ selected fruits.

Each bottle contains 120 capsules, providing 60 servings per bottle, or 120 servings for both bottles.

You can buy the bottles on a recurring monthly payment of $50. Therefore, this means that for each serving you take, the cost works out at $0.45. So, a daily dose of both the Fruit and Vegetable capsules costs $0.90.

This is obviously much cheaper than the Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

However, it’s absolutely unclear when you can stop this recurring payment, which not only shows that the company is lacking transparency, but it’s dangerous as you may be locked into a contract with them for an unknown amount of time.

Balance Of Nature Vs Juice Plus: Which is Better?

Honestly, I would not consume either the Balance of Nature or Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable capsules.

Although both sets of supplements have slight differences in terms of price and ingredients label disclosure, both of them don’t contain sufficiently dosed ingredients and therefore make them a waste of time to purchase and consume.

However, overall, I would say that the Juice Plus capsules do take the lead slightly, simply because it’s good to see that these capsules at least have fully disclosed ingredients labels.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!


  1. It doesn’t seem that you looked into the pile of research on Juice Plus. Double blind, placebo controlled, cross over, published studies done on the blood of the humans that consume it!!!

    1. Thanks Sue can you provide the links to this data. I would be very impressed if this is as you say because supplements VERY rarely do this because the science is based on the ingredients.

  2. I feel when you reference the amounts it is slightly misleading. While you are correct that the daily allowance is not obtained, you’re quoting the amounts that are in a single capsule. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules each of the fruit, and veggie, each day. So you’re not getting 15mg of spirulina per dose, but you’re getting 30mg per dose. As I previously said, I will concede most of the ingredients are under the “recommended” daily allowance…However, as Yvonne said, they are to supplement your diet…not be the only thing you eat all day. Hopefully, if one is spending the money on supplements, they are also attempting to eat a balanced diet.
    I know people who take Balance of Nature, and I know people who use Juice Plus, and all say the feel a difference. I personally used Juice Plus as my prenatal vitamin, with my Obstetricians approval. He had me double the dose to make sure I was getting enough folic acid and iron. So, I took 4 capsules of each per day.
    With all that said…I believe both are good. However, regardless of which you use…you must also eat a balanced diet to get the full benefits. Nothing is a magic bullet.

    1. Thanks Annette for your comment. Just to highlight though “30mg per dose” of spirulina is absolutely a TINY amount. The research shows a daily intake of between 1-3grams (yep grams not milligrams) per day to get the health benefits marketed by greens supplements. Few brands actually seem to have this dose.

  3. I feel you are missing the point these are supposed to supplement your daily diet routine not be your only source of vitamins/supplements. As a user of Juice Plus I am sad that we as a society cannot see how many options there are for us to explore and possibly use. To me I have a more well rounded diet that includes Juice Plus fruit and veggie capsules as well as the omegas which have helped me be pain free I my joints and muscles. I personally recommend this product. All I can say is try it and decide for yourself it’s the only way you are going to know.

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