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Chlorella Cracked cell powder benefits

Chlorella Benefits: What’s So Good About This Algae?

Chlorella is becoming increasingly popular on the supplements market, and it’s now well-known for being one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet.

Nearly every super greens powder (if it’s a potent formula!) will contain chlorella, and it will be one of the ingredients that the brand attributes a lot of the health benefits of the formula to.

As well as being a common ingredient in super greens formulas, there’s also a wide range of chlorella-only supplements out there on the market, and the popularity of these supplements is increasing week by week.

So, what really is so good about chlorella? What are the benefits associated with it and why should you make sure that you’re consuming it daily?

In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly why chlorella deserves its popularity, by showing you the 8 most powerful benefits that are associated with this alga that seems to be taking over the supplement market.

It’s Nutrient Rich

Chlorella gets it’s super green status because it’s so packed full of nutrients. Although I’ll be touching on some of these nutrients in more detail further down in this list, it’s good to have an overall idea of how nutrient-rich chlorella is.

Chlorella provides a large amount of protein, with 50-60% of the alga being protein.

It’s also packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, B12, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, and folic acid. It also contains omega-3 and it’s rich in antioxidants.


Removes Toxins and Metals From The Body

Although only a small number of people will have exposure to heavy metals all the time, most of us are affected by long-term metal buildup in the body.

Chlorella binds to heavy metals and pushes them from the body.

As well as reducing the presence of heavy metals in the body, chlorella also pushes other toxins from the body, including hormones added to food.

Protects Cells From Radical Damage

Due to the fact that chlorella is packed with antioxidants, it protects cells from radical damage because it reduces levels of oxidative stress.

Radical damage to cells is associated with illnesses and speeding up the process of aging. So, chlorella helps reduce the likelihood of illnesses and premature aging.

Strengthens The Immune System

Chlorella strengthens the immune system by increasing the number of cells of the immune system and supplying the body with essential vitamins and minerals needed for the immune system to operate properly.

If you have a strong immune system, your likelihood of becoming ill will reduce, and if you do get ill, your body will be better prepared to deal with it.

One way to consume chlorella each day is within a greens powder to boost your immune system.

Provides Vitamin B12

Chlorella contains vitamin B12, an essential nutrient needed to keep the blood cells healthy, to support the nervous system, and to prevent anemia.

Most vegans and vegetarians suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency because B12 typically comes from animal-derived products. So, chlorella is a great plant-based friendly way for people on these diets to receive B12.

Improves Eyesight

Chlorella contains carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin that protect the health of the eyes. These carotenoids also reduce the risk of macular degeneration, which is an eye disease that causes loss of vision.

Supports The Digestive System

Chlorella supports the digestive system, due to the antioxidants, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, and the fiber that it provides. It’s proven to reduce bloating and stomach cramps, and inflammation within the gut.

Having a healthy gut is essential for overall health – it contains important bacteria and cells that aid the immune system, it is the waste disposal system and it can cause illness in the entire body if it’s not healthy.

Improves Heart Health

Chlorella improves heart health and reduces the risk of illnesses of the heart. The antioxidants that chlorella provides prevent high cholesterol. The potassium, calcium, and omega-3 in chlorella reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis. Vitamin B12 promotes good heart health and supports a healthy blood count.

What Is Chlorella?

Chlorella is a type of freshwater algae, rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients.

Most chlorella is commonly grown in Asia, specifically in Japan, Taiwan, and Indonesia. However, it can be grown elsewhere in the world, one of the most popular non-Asian countries being Australia.

How Much Chlorella Should You Take?

The recommended daily dose of chlorella ranges between 1g – 10g, so how much you take per day depends on the reason for consuming the chlorella. Unless taking a large dose for a short period of time to target a specific illness, the typical amount of chlorella in supplements is between 1-5g.

People that haven’t taken chlorella before should start by taking 500mg – 1g, to ease their bodies into receiving it.

PRO TIP: An easy way to take the recommended daily dosage of Chlorella is to take my greens supplement – SuperGreen TONIK, check out my review of this brand here.

What’s The Easiest Way To Consume Chlorella?

Chlorella is dried and turned into powder because it can’t be consumed by humans in its normal form. This is then either made into tablets, put into capsules, or sold simply as a powdered formula.

You can choose to consume a chlorella capsule or powder daily, or you can choose to get an even bigger dose of nutrition daily by choosing a super greens powder that contains a sufficient amount of chlorella.

Healthy Supergreen TONIK powder and glass

Are You Ready To Add Chlorella Into Your Diet?

Now that you’re aware of the many benefits that chlorella provides, are you ready to add chlorella into your diet? I’m sure you are – there’s no wonder why it’s currently one of the most popular super greens in the world.

If you’re thinking of adding chlorella to your diet by consuming a super greens powder (a great way to consume it and receive other benefits too!) take a look at my best super greens powders review, and make sure you buy a powder that’s actually going to work!

Chlorella really does live up to the hype that surrounds it, so give it a go and experience the wide range of benefits associated with it, as well as see your overall health and wellbeing improve.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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