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Heavy metals in greens powders?

Do Greens Powders Have Heavy Metals?

Greens powders have a long list of health benefits associated with them – they can boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, support immunity, improve cardiovascular health, increase the quality and quantity of sleep, and reduce inflammation.

With such an extensive list of benefits, it’s clear to see why so many people are gravitating towards greens powders!

However, various third-party testing associations have spread the word that they’re concerned with supplements containing concerning levels of heavy metals, people have started asking more and more, “do greens powders have heavy metals within them?”.

In this article, we’re going to get to the bottom of whether or not greens powders contain heavy metals so you can consume supplements without worrying about potential harmful effects from heavy metals.

What Are Heavy Metals?

Before we dive in and take a look at exactly whether or not greens powders contain heavy metals, it’s important to understand what heavy metals are.

Certain metals are essential micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, and copper.

It’s important that you consume an adequate amount of the minerals to ensure you stay in optimal health! However, other metals that we class as “heavy metals” shouldn’t be consumed in certain quantities or at all.

A few countries have established stringent quality control laws; however, many countries worldwide can have rather lax rules and regulations.

These heavy metals include but are not limited to lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. These are the most commonly known heavy metals that have the ability to contaminate supplements.

These heavy metals are specifically known as toxic heavy metals since they can be incredibly detrimental to health and well-being even when consumed in small amounts.

Toxic heavy metals can raise blood pressure, promote cardiovascular conditions and diseases, cause tumors, cause birth defects, and reduce cognitive function while increasing the likelihood of brain-related illnesses and conditions.

Although no one should be exposed to toxic heavy metals, children are specifically more susceptible to the risks associated with heavy metals, which is one of the reasons why supplements are rarely suitable for children and shouldn’t be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

Where Do Heavy Metals Come From?

So, now you know exactly what heavy metals are, you’re probably wondering how they find their way into supplements, specifically greens powders.

Heavy metals exist within soil, rocks, and minerals.

Most commonly, in the cases of greens powders and other supplements that contain plant materials, heavy metals are absorbed by plants from the soil, and then, when these plants are used in a supplement, the heavy metals still remain.

This is how heavy metals can exist in supplements. This is the same way heavy metals exist in other foods, cosmetic products, and household products.

Although in the cases of essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and copper, this can be beneficial, obviously, when toxic heavy metals exist within supplements, this becomes a problem.

Related: Heavy metals in greens powders.

So, How Can You Protect Yourself From Heavy Metals in Greens Powders?

Although certain greens powders may contain heavy metals, it’s not all bad news – there are ways that you can protect yourself from consuming heavy metals through greens powders!

The best thing you can do to ensure that you’re not consuming a greens powder with heavy metals is to make sure you are purchasing a high-quality greens powder that has a fully disclosed ingredients label, has been third-party tested, and confirms that it doesn’t contain heavy metals at unsafe levels.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these steps you can take to reduce your exposure to heavy metals in supplements.

Fully Disclosed Ingredients Label

A fully disclosed ingredients label is always important when you buy a supplement so that you know exactly what you’re consuming, but it’s even more important when you’re trying to avoid exposure heavy metals.

This way, you can see exactly which ingredients exist within the formula and how much of each ingredient you consume.

Supplement proprietary formulas

Third-Party Testing

Most high-quality greens powders, and supplements in general, are third-party tested. Third-party testing means that an outside organization, not funded by the company that creates the product, will test the supplement to check that it is safe and of good quality.

The company that produces the supplement has to pay the third party to undertake the testing of their products, which in the first place is a big positive – it proves that the company is dedicated to providing their consumers with the best and safest supplements.

When a supplement is third-party tested, they can test for an array of things, including confirming that the ingredients within the formula exist as the brand claims they do, there’s no mold or bacteria in the formula, and that the formula doesn’t contain heavy metals.

However, it is important to note that what is looked into in a third-party test is down to the decision of the supplement company – therefore, even a supplement that says it has been third-party tested may not have been tested for heavy metals.

Confirmation of No Unsafe Levels of Heavy Metals

So, if you are looking for a supplement that doesn’t contain unsafe levels of heavy metals, you will need to look into the type of third-party testing that occurred on the supplement you want to purchase and consume.

Most of the time, supplement companies paying for third-party testing for heavy metals will actively show that their supplements have been tested for them.

If not, you can always choose to purchase an NSF-certified product. The NSF is an American testing facility that has the most recognition. They test for contaminants, including toxic heavy metals.

Can You Push Heavy Metals From The Body?

Although the consumption of heavy metals, at a certain level, may not be so easily avoidable, in addition to consuming greens powders that are free from heavy metals, there are also several things you can do to push toxins from the body actively

Some specific foods and ingredients can push toxins, including heavy metals, from the body – a lot of which can actually be found in good-quality greens powders.

Let’s take a quick look at some of them!

Best Spirulina Powders & supplements


Chlorella is a potent alga that can push toxins, including heavy metals, from the body. Chlorella actually binds to heavy metals and therefore eliminates them from the body in a way that not many other ingredients can.


Spirulina is another form of algae that pushes harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body. Specifically, spirulina can help to remove toxic heavy metals from the central nervous system and liver.

Barley Grass

Barley Grass is a powerful ingredient to consume alongside spirulina – it helps to push toxins from the areas where spirulina cannot. For example, the thyroid, intestines, and pancreas.


Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, therefore meaning they can effectively push toxins from the body, whilst also helping to repair the body if any oxidation has taken place. Specifically, blueberries can promote the healing of oxidative stress in the brain.

Supergreen tonik front and back label

The Bottom Line

Greens powders are a great supplement for consuming essential vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients daily.

They help keep you in optimal health and well-being whilst also providing a wide range of other health benefits.

However, that being said, you need to ensure that when you are shopping around for a greens powder, or you’re about to consume one, you are certain that the formula doesn’t contain toxic heavy metals.

As long as you know the dangers of toxic heavy metals and look for high-quality greens powders with fully disclosed ingredient labels that have been third-party tested, you can enjoy adding a greens powder into your diet daily.

So, enjoy adding a greens supplement into your diet and reaping the benefits, but make sure you’re always careful about which greens powder you buy!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

1 comment

  1. what green powder would you rec for me? I’m a very active person in my late 20’s. Want something that tastes decent and has 3rd party testing for heavy metals. Have you heard good things about Kiala? Or would you recommend another brand? Thanks!

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