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Plate of greens powder

Drinking Greens Supplement Break Your Fast?

Intermittent fasting is quickly becoming a popular diet method in the world of healthy eating. But with a range of fasting methods, you may be asking yourself what's the best way to break your fast?

One extremely popular way is to consume a powdered greens smoothie as it offers a range of beneficial nutrients – and tastes great to boot!

But before you dive headfirst and add greens to your blender, take a look below to find out everything you need about drinking a greens supplement to break your fast!

Most Common Types of Fasting

The 16:8 Method

If you're looking for a daily fasting plan then the 16:8 method may be worth trying. For 16 hours of the day you shouldn't be eating any calories, this includes greens powder supplements or any food that contains calories.

The remaining 8 hours of the day are used as an eating period where you can eat the food you require to feel full. This is perhaps one of the easier fasting methods commonly used in the dieting world and is worth trying if you're curious to see if fasting works for you.

The 16:8 method lends itself well to drinking lean greens as super green drinks provide most of the nutrients you need in a quick drink. This means you don't need to worry about cooking multiple large meals in your 8-hour window.

Related: When should you drink green powder?

The 5:2 Method

One of the most popular intermittent fasting routines is the 5:2 method. This method works by limiting your fast to a 2-day routine. For 5 days of the week, you will eat as usual, whereas for the remaining 2 days you will eat fewer calories than the previous 5 days.

The limit on calories eaten on your 2 days of fasting will depend on personal choice, but a popular option is a single 500-600 calorie meal. When trying the 5:2 method, consider checking out a few fasting supplements to ease your fasting period!

This method is an excellent choice for anyone who is just wanting to trial fasting to see if it is the right call for you. As the fasting period is fairly limited (only 2 days a week), it's not as challenging as some of the more extreme methods out there.

Intermittent Fasting three plates

The Alternate-Day Method

As its name might suggest, the alternate-day method is where you eat as normal for one day, then fast for the next. This is an effective way to trial fasting, especially if you're fairly confident that you can endure such a significant restriction.

A great idea when trying the alternate day method is to lower the calorie reduction during the morning or in the evening so you can still eat some calories on your fasting day. This will allow you to consume a nutritious snack, such as athletic or lean greens that will cover you for the day.

When you do break a fast, try sticking to smaller meals or snacks. A lean greens smoothies are best consumed on an empty stomach to ensure all the nutrients are absorbed, making them a perfect breakfast choice!

One Meal a Day (OMAD)

This fasting protocol is one of the hardest to follow as you eat just once per day, typically within a feeding window of one hour. I have OMAD for one week before and it can be challenging, especially if you haven't tried intermittent fasting before.

Will Consuming Super Greens Break Your Fast?

Generally, when fasting you shouldn't be drinking or eating anything that adds to your calorific intake. As super greens drinks contain calories then consuming a super green juice drink will break your fast.

However, there are a few intermittent fasting routines that will allow you to consume a specific amount of calories without breaking your fast. This means that, depending on your chosen fasting routine, you may be able to get away with drinking super or lean greens.

When intermittent fasting, aim to drink greens during your eating window. This will ensure that you maintain a healthy diet without breaking your fast. If you don't have a blender or smoothie maker, consider trying out greens powder supplements!

Adam drinking SuperGreen TONIK


Are green supplements good to take when breaking a fast?

As athletic greens break your fast, they are best reserved for fasting routines that offer you short windows to consume food. The 16:8 method is a great option for a leafy greens drink as you can quickly whip up a smoothie that offers incredible health benefits.

Green supplements are also excellent options for other fasting methods such as the 5:2 and alternative day routine. If you're looking for an effective way to break a fast, consider trying an AG1 athletic greens or my own powdered greens supplement, here!

Supergreen TONIK and glass

How many calories will break a fast?

The number of calories that will break a fast will depend entirely on your chosen intermittent fasting routine. Some routines allow a specific amount of calories during your fasting period, whereas some will place a blanket ban on any calories outside your eating period.

For most fasting routines, you shouldn't be eating any calories at all so keep this in mind when deciding if fasting is the right call for you!

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a way to ensure you are eating fewer calories whilst still maintaining your health. When undertaking an intermittent fast, you will only eat at certain times during the day, usually a meal in the morning and a meal in the evening.

There is a range of intermittent fasting routines out there, so finding one that suits your diet isn't too much of a challenge.

When following a particular protocol ensure you avoid these easy intermittent fasting mistakes.

What is fasting used for?

One of the main reasons people will fast is to lose weight and lower unwanted weight gain by reducing their daily calorie intake. However, it's important that you don't starve yourself just to lose weight and always speak to your doctor before you start a fasting routine.

The Bottom Line

There are many reasons you may be looking to implement a fasting method into your daily routine such as weight loss or lowering your blood sugar.

When you're next trying to decide what meal you will use to kick start your day, consider trying out athletic greens or greens powder smoothies. You will be surprised at how fast you will notice the health benefits!

In summary, green supplements are an excellent way to break your fast by getting a good dose of nutrients in one hit, just ensure you take a brand that packs a greens punch!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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