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Rhodiola Rosea on a table

How Long Does It Take Rhodiola Rosea To Work?

Rhodiola Rosea is a fast-acting adaptogen that can help improve your overall well-being seemingly in an instant.

Somewhat new to Americans, the therapeutic properties of Rhodiola Rosea have been known in Europe and Asia for centuries. It remains an important traditional herb due to its quick absorption and efficacy in use.

While Rhodiola Rosea offers many benefits, one of the most impressive is that it can begin to work in as little as 30-minutes and will continue to work for hours after being taken, providing that you do it correctly.

What Does Rhodiola Rosea Do?

If herbal supplements that offer rapid response results from their beneficial effects for the totality of your overall well-being are what you prefer, then Rhodiola Rosea is something you will want to explore.

According to multiple studies and centuries of historical use in traditional medicine, Rhodiola Rosea has been shown to improve both mental and physical performance. This is primarily because Rhodiola Rosea works to reduce stress-induced fatigue.

Rhodiola Rosea has been shown to improve both mental and physical performance.

Essentially acting as a natural stimulant, Rhodiola Rosea works to improve overall general physical and mental health. It works to reduce stress, ward off physical fatigue, reduce mental fatigue, and improve cognitive performance, as well as physical performance and strength.

What Form Is Rhodiola Rosea Available In?

As with most herbal supplements, Rhodiola Rosea extract is most commonly taken in capsule or tablet form but is also available as a dried powder or liquid extract (tinctures).

Additionally, many other supplement combinations include Rhodiola Rosea extract as an ingredient.

Rhodiola rosea

What Is The Recommended Dosage When Taking Rhodiola Rosea?

Again, as with most herbal supplements, the dosage is directly contingent on the quality and purity of the Rhodiola Rosea extract being taken, which will differ from brand to brand and among product types.

Generally speaking, though, clinical studies have established that taken alone, the appropriate dose of Rhodiola extract is between 50 mg to 660 mg per capsule with a maximum intake of 1500 mg/day.

Typically, this range has been minimized to a recommended daily intake for adults of 100 mg to 300 mg.

Further studies have found that taking 340 mg once or twice daily significantly reduced symptoms of depression and improved overall mental health after only 6-weeks.

And for physical/athletic performance benefits, studies found 3 mg per kg of body weight a day was enough to establish positive results (source).

Supplements that contain Rhodiola Rosea:

What Are The Health Benefits Of Rhodiola Rosea?

The list of reported health benefits from Rhodiola Rosea supplementation is impressive. It is one of the few herbal supplements most people see both mental and physical benefits.

Specifically, many people have found Rhodiola Rosea effective for a list of issues; including dealing with depressive symptoms, mental fatigue, overall mental health, anxiety, chronic fatigue symptoms, daytime sleepiness, decreased libido, irritability, forgetfulness, sleep disturbances, physical stamina, post-workout recovery, and overall cognitive function.

Improves Memory

As Rhodiola appears to improve brain function, one of the most common benefits reported is improved memory and learning functioning. Essentially, Rhodiola has been found to increase mental performance during periods of strenuous mental or physical activity.

Man thinking sat on chair

It helps with reducing fatigue levels

One of the biggest benefits of Rhodiola may be to reduce both physical and mental fatigue. In fact, people who suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome reported benefits from using Rhodiola supplementation.

As the most common contributors to fatigue are anxiety, stress, and irregularities in sleep, the adaptogenic properties of Rhodiola appear to provide significant improvements to those factors resulting in effectively addressing fatigue.

Why I use Rhodiola: I use Rhodiola Rosea every day to help my with my Chronic Fatigue symptoms.

Assists in slowing the signs of aging

Called by many the Anti-Aging Supplement of the 21st-Century, this is possibly the most significant benefit of the effects of Rhodiola. While still being heavily studied, Rhodiola appears to protect cell integrity from the aging process.

In addition, the herb improves the regeneration of our central nervous system. Rhodiola's benefits seem to effectively turn off a critical switch in the aging process that makes our bodies age from the inside out.

Reduces anxiety

A 2015 study reported improvement of generalized anxiety disorder in participants after 2-weeks of taking 200mg of Rhodiola twice a day.

Another study compared Rhodiola to the anti-depressant drug Zoloft and found a comparable effect in patients with moderate depression and a greater chance of tolerance by patients.

Rhodiola's possible antidepressant properties and anti-anxiety benefits continue to be studied.

Businessman Stressed out

It helps manage stress

One of the oldest use of Rhodiola is to relieve stress and stress-related fatigue. As an adaptogen, Rhodiola appears to effectively address stress symptoms and maybe one of the most promising dietary supplements for stress.

Suitable for brain function and concentration

Rhodiola may be one of the best herbal supplements for brain function and learning. It has been shown to benefit mental capacity and mental clarity.

Increase endurance during exercise

Studies had established that it was common to see improved exercise performance in men and women when Rhodiola was taken before training. These studies suggest that Rhodiola may improve breathing, increase ATP production for energy, and reduce blood lactate levels.

Assists in recovery from physical exertion

Recovery is the most crucial element of any training routine. Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is typical of overdoing it in the gym or on the field or simply switching to a new exercise routine.

Rhodiola appears to speed up muscle recovery, help alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and improve overall healing so that your muscles are fully recovered and ready prior to your daily workout.

What Are The Side Effects Of Rhodiola Rosea?

While Rhodiola provides many positive benefits, there are some side effects, though typically uncommon and mild, that need to be monitored. As with any drug or supplement, do not take it if you are allergic to Rhodiola.

Additionally, some studies found irritability, insomnia, increased blood pressure, and chest pain as potential side effects. The most common side effects appear to be stomach agitation, insomnia, anxiety, dry mouth, and occasional headache.

Finally, you should consult your doctor before trying Rhodiola if you take an antibiotic, antianxiety, or antidepressant medication. As well as birth control pills or medications for diabetes or thyroid conditions.

What are adaptogenic herbs


What is an adaptogen?

An adaptogen is any variety of non-toxic natural substances that improves your body's ability to address and respond to all forms of stress (physical, chemical, or biological) by normalizing physiological processes in times of increased stress.

Basically, adaptogens act upon the adrenal glands the same way exercise acts upon muscles.

Related: What are adaptogenic herbs

When taking Rhodiola Rosea, what can I mix it with?

Research has found that Rhodiola Rosea is most effective if taken on an empty stomach. But, there are some foods that it works with rather well and can produce additional health benefits.

Yogurt and smoothies are an excellent food to mix Rhodiola powder and tinctures with. All the health benefits of each align exceptionally well and create a better overall health drink.

Chia pudding, like yogurt and smoothies, has health benefits that seem to combine well with Rhodiola.

It can be taken with coffee, but as Rhodiola is a stimulant, it may be best to avoid it for some people. However, matcha and Rhodiola together have shown to be a very effective and beneficial combination.

A caffeine-free adaptogenic elixir is especially good to mix Rhodiola with as a morning routine.

Water is best when taking Rhodiola in capsule or tablet form. And tea made from Rhodiola has been found to be one of the best ways to consume the herb.

Pro Tip: I take the recommended Rhodiola Rosea dosage by drinking my greens powder (Supergreen Tonik) each day. Each serving provides other adaptogens like ashwagandha and bacopa together.

Supergreen tonik front and back label

What is Rhodiola Rosea?

Rhodiola Rosea is a flowering herb grown in the mountains of Europe and Asia and very commonly in Siberia. Also known as Golden Root, Arctic Root, Rose Root, and Rose Root Extract, it has been a long-held staple in traditional medicine.

How many hours does Rhodiola Rosea last?

This will depend upon numerous factors, such as the individual, the quality and purity of the herbal extract, etc. Still, in general, the effects of Rhodiola Rosea can be expected to last at least 4 to 6 hours after taking.

What does rhodiola do to the brain?

Modern research has shown that Rhodiola can improve cognitive function and memory, and may even protect the brain from age-related damage. The mechanisms by which Rhodiola exerts its effects on the brain are not yet fully understood, but scientists believe that the plant's powerful antioxidants may be responsible for its beneficial effects.

Promising research on the ability of Rhodiola Rosea to help Dementia has come to light in the last few years through the upregulation of dopamine and acetylcholine in the limbic system and may contribute to emotional calming.

Brain nootropics and better mental clarity

Which is better Ashwagandha or rhodiola?

Which is the best adaptogen to take Ashwagandha or Rhodiola will depend on what you're mostly looking to experience. Ashwagandha is typically the more relaxing adaptogen whereas Rhodiola is the more stimulating one.

They can be both taken together to provide you with a calm, focused, and stabilized energy throughout the day.

Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are two of the most popular adaptogen herbs that many people supplement with for a multitude of health benefits.

Related: Ashwagandha is often also taken with bacopa, see below.

The Bottom Line

Rhodiola Rosea is a powerful adaptogen, and like other powerful adaptogens, it can be very effective for overall physical and mental health and performance.

It's a natural substance that can be taken as a dietary supplement for mild to moderate depression, emotional instability, regulating your body's stress response, addressing mood symptoms, increasing energy, and much more.

Rhodiola has centuries of established use that provides evidence of its beneficial effects. It's certainly worth considering as part of your nutritional arsenal.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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