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Synthetic vs natural vitamins

Organic Vs Synthetic Vitamins: Which Is Best?

Multivitamins, or other single synthetic vitamin supplements, make it easy to add more vitamins to the diet without having to think too much about preparation and consumption.

But, can synthetic vitamins really provide you with the same benefits as organic vitamins? And, is it worth taking synthetic vitamins?

Well, in this article that is exactly what we’re going to get to the bottom of! We’re going to be answering the question, “organic vs synthetic vitamins, which is best?”.

Why vitamins are such a talking point?

Research shows that 92% of the US population alone have at least one vitamin deficiency (source).

Depending on which vitamin or vitamins people are deficient in, the overall level of health and wellbeing is affected in a number of ways.

Although each vitamin supports your overall health in a variety of ways, common symptoms of vitamin deficiency include: becoming easily fatigued, being more likely to suffer from mental conditions, feeling weak, experiencing muscle soreness, struggling with skin, nail, and hair imperfections, and experiencing insomnia and other sleep-related conditions.

The consumption of vitamins, as well as other micronutrients, is incredibly important.

Luckily, more people are becoming aware of this importance and therefore looking to add more vitamins to their diets.

What Is The Difference Between Organic and Synthetic Minerals?

Organic minerals are minerals that you naturally obtain through consuming whole foods.

They’re not made in a lab – these vitamins are naturally packed into the foods that you’re consuming and therefore when you consume these foods, you benefit from the natural vitamins within them.

On the other hand, synthetic vitamins are made in a laboratory or industrial setting. These types of vitamins are not derived from whole foods – they’re 100% processed.

If you want to know whether or not a supplement is providing you with organic or synthetic vitamins, you can simply check the ingredients label.

Supplements that contain organic vitamins will have labeled food sources that show where the vitamins came from.

Supplements that contain synthetic vitamins will list either chemicals or the specific name of vitamins.

Although you may think that synthetic vitamins are always packaged in pill or capsule form, like the multivitamins capsules you see everywhere sold in pharmacies, synthetic vitamins can be used in powdered and liquid supplements too, so don’t always assume that by going for these types of supplements, you’re consuming organic vitamins.

Capsules or food

Can The Body Absorb Synthetic Vitamins?

There’s mixed research when it comes to whether the body can or cannot absorb synthetic vitamins.

Overall, the body finds it easier to consume natural vitamins since they derive from whole foods and they exist in their natural forms.

Most of the time, the other micronutrients that exist within whole foods also support your body in absorbing the vitamins within that whole food.

For example, whole foods might contain a variety of vitamins, as well as digestive enzymes and other nutrients that support your body to absorb vitamins.

Additionally, there are certain vitamins that are much more easily absorbed by the body when in their natural form than in their synthetic form, such as vitamin E.

However, contrary to that, many people can benefit from synthetic vitamins, and there are even certain vitamins out there that are more easily absorbed by the body when in synthetic form.

certain vitamins out there that are more easily absorbed by the body when in synthetic form

The absorption of certain vitamins into the body also differs from person to person and depends on a variety of factors, including existing conditions and nutrient intake.

Generally, synthetic vitamins seem to be absorbed by the body fairly well. However, whole foods generally make it easier for the body to fully absorb vitamins in their most natural and potent form.

Whether or not synthetic vitamins should be consumed actually really depends on the individual who wants to take them…

Should You Take Synthetic Vitamins?

If you have a clean bill of health and you don’t have a vitamin deficiency, a synthetic multivitamin supplement really shouldn’t be your first choice, unless absolutely that’s all you can get hold of.

Instead, if you’re looking for a supplement that can provide benefits and a wide range of essential nutrients, you should be looking for a natural powdered supplement.

If you’re interested in superfood supplements that contain natural vitamins, take a look at my top superfood powders on the market!

However, there are certain categories of people that synthetic vitamins can make a real difference to.

People on Vegan and Vegetarian Diets

Obviously, if you have a vitamin deficiency, you may want to take synthetic vitamins.

For example, vegans and vegetarians are often lacking in B12 (even those who have very good, healthy, and balanced diets), so doctors often prescribe these patients with synthetic vitamin B12.

This reduces the likelihood of deficiency whilst not moving away from a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Other individuals may suffer from vitamin and nutrient deficiencies naturally due to various health conditions, meaning their doctors will also recommend them to take synthetic vitamins.

Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your doctor will likely recommend you to consume synthetic vitamins alongside a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to ensure you are getting the correct amount of vitamins into your body.

The Elderly

If you are elderly doctors may suggest that you consume vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin B12 to keep you in the best health possible and promote healthy bones.

The Bottom Line

For most people, there’s no need to consume synthetic vitamins and they should instead consume organic vitamins through whole foods.

Organic vitamins are certainly better for you since they’re more easily absorbed by the body and they provide you with a wide range of other essential nutrients.

However, if you are someone that will definitely benefit from synthetic vitamins, you have a vitamin deficiency, your only option is a synthetic vitamin supplement or a medical professional has prescribed or recommended you a synthetic vitamin, you should take them.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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