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Ideas for Mixing Powdered Greens

What To Mix Greens Powder With – Top 5 Tastiest Ideas!

Powdered greens formulas are packed with some of the most nutritious and potent ingredients in the world, and scientifically they provide health benefits for you (as long as you’re choosing one of the best greens powders), but one thing that greens supplements are sometimes guilty of, is sometimes not tasting great!

It’s hardly surprising that super greens formulas aren’t the best-tasting thing ever – they contain powerful green vegetables that have been dried/freeze-dried and turned into powder, and then you’re supposed to add water.

They’re hardly going to be delicious!

Although some people (including myself, can get past that grassy, incredibly natural taste after consuming powdered greens for a while and can even learn to enjoy it, most people struggle to tolerate it.

In fact, I have been asked for a while now to make an article explaining how to make bad-tasting super greens powder taste better. So, I have listened and here you are now, reading the article!

Buy A Greens Powder That Tastes Good

If you’re really opposed to the natural and grassy tastes that you associate with super greens powders, why not give a flavored or naturally sweetened greens formula a go?

In recent years, super greens brands have been taking taste into account much more, and you can actually find some really great tasting super greens formulas out there on the market.

In fact, you can pretty much find a powdered greens formula in every kind of flavor, from lemon and lime to wildberry! So, if you want your entire formula to taste like something you enjoy, try a flavored formula.

If you can’t stand the bitterness of natural super greens formulas, you might want to try a naturally sweetened formula. Most brands use stevia extract in their superfood formulas to provide a refreshing and sweet taste.

If you’re unsure of where to even start looking when it comes to good tasting greens, check out my review of the best tasting super greens formulas currently on the market.

Just mix a good tasting greens supplement with cool water and then you're good to go!

Adam drinking SuperGreen TONIK

Mix It Into A Smoothie

One of the best ways to get rid of the natural taste of whole greens ingredients is by disguising them in a smoothie. By adding a serving of a super greens formula into a smoothie, you also give yourself the opportunity to add whole food goodness in there too.

For example, why not add a serving of your super greens powder into your morning berry smoothie?

Then, you’ll not only be getting your veg in for the day but your fruit too.

You don’t just have to add super greens to your morning smoothie, but you can actually treat yourself to an afternoon snack!

If you’re feeling that afternoon slump (typically between 1-3 pm), pop a serving of your super greens into a yummy smoothie for a quick pick me up.

You could add anything alongside super greens in a smoothie, with some of the best ingredients being berries, bananas, coconut milk, cacao, peanut butter, and yogurt.

Mix with different healthy juices

Mix It With Juice

If you don’t have the time in the morning to make a smoothie, another great way to make your greens powder taste more palatable is by adding it into your morning juice.

Super greens formulas taste wonderful in a variety of juices but are most commonly added to orange juice, cranberry juice, and apple juice. These juices are strong enough to cover the taste of the super greens and therefore it makes your daily greens dose easy to consume.

Just make sure that your juice is cold, or add ice, for the most enjoyable juice/super greens combination.

Add Into An Energy Ball

Energy balls are a wonderful snack made from nutritious ingredients that perfectly give you a boost of energy in the most natural way possible!

Energy balls are typically made with dates, nuts, a healthy syrup of some kind, and any other toppings you might like, such as chia seeds or even dark chocolate chips.

If you want to turn your idea of a super greens powder from something you dislike into something you’re in love with, then add a dose into an energy balls mix!

By adding a super greens formula into the mix of energy ball ingredients, you’re not only upping the nutrient content and overall goodness, but you’re also making it easy for you to consume super greens wherever you are.

For example, energy balls are great to take as a morning snack in the office or to give the kids in the car after school.

Mix with energy balls

Cook With It

A lot of people assume that you can only take a greens blend as a drink, but that’s completely untrue, and adding a super greens formula into what you’re cooking or baking is a fantastic way to disguise the taste and add extra nutrition to meals.

If you’re not the most proficient chef in the world, you can simply add a few servings of a greens powder into hummus or guacamole, giving your dips an extra nutritious edge.

Or, if you prefer getting more hands-on in the kitchen, you can try putting it in creating pesto, soup, and roulades! To be honest, you can pretty much use super greens formulas in any dish, both savory and sweet.

Adding a greens powder to your food also makes it easy for you to get your kids to eat greens, just make sure you have chosen a greens formula that’s suitable for children.

Go Ahead and Experiment!

There are so many amazing ways to make sure you are consuming powdered greens daily, so now that you’re equipped with ideas and inspiration, it’s time to get creative.

You don’t have to play by the rule book when it comes to getting the benefits of super greens to your diet daily, so try a few of the ideas mentioned here, think up some of your own recipes and see which one works best for you!

Are you interested to have some super tasty green powder recipes?
Comment below and if there is enough interest I will set about making some interesting options for you to try.
Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!


  1. Great content. Enjoyed the review on green drinks. I wonder if cooking with the green powder may ruin or break down some of the vitamin properties?

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