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Rhodiola Rosea plants

Does Rhodiola Rosea Help with Weight Loss?

It’s no secret that trying to lose weight, or stay at your goal weight is one of the most challenging physical accomplishments the average person chooses to take on.

Eating right and exercising might seem simple, but we all know that when it comes to actually do it for long enough to see results, it can sometimes feel impossible.

That is why most people turn to vitamins and supplements to assist with their weight loss journey.

There are many “snake-oil” salesmen out there claiming that their product and their product alone is the secret key to weight loss. With all the overwhelming information it can be hard to know what is real and what isn’t.

One of these things is Rhodiola, a supplement that is being attributed to easier weight loss in addition to assisting with other health issues. In essence, Rhodiola is amazing!

What is Rhodiola Rosea?

It is highly likely that you have never heard of Rhodiola Rosea, but that’s ok!

In essence, Rhodiola Rosea is the root of an herb that can be found growing in Asia, Europe, or Alaska. This root grows in the mountains and is not found in other environments.

Some other names for Rhodiola Rosea are:

  • Arctic Root
  • Golden Root
  • Roseroot

This particular root has been used by the practitioners of traditional medicine for a long time. This is both due to its medicinal value as well as its pleasant and sweet floral fragrance.

Rhodiola rosea

Historically this root has been used to treat fatigue, depression, and even some nervous system disorders.

Even today it has been used for skin and hair treatments, mainly in Norway, as well as being prescribed in Mongolia for tuberculosis or in Siberia for fertility.

Rhodiola is a versatile root!

Benefits of Rhodiola for Weight Loss?

You are probably thinking, “that’s all well and good, but you promised me to help with weight loss!”

Well, Rhodiola Rosea has been used to help that too.

How does Rhodiola Rosea help with weight loss?

Energy Boosting

The biggest way that Rhodiola Rosea helps you with weight loss is by providing you with more energy.

It might seem obvious, but when you have more energy you tend to have an easier time losing weight. This is because you generally eat better and sit around less, which can help tremendously for weight loss.

Being tired gets even more common when you are dieting. Decreasing your food intake can make your energy levels drop.

This can impact you by making it harder to get up and work out, or even cause mental fatigue.

Mental fatigue can be just as catastrophic to your weight loss goals as physical fatigue.

When you are tired mentally, you can have decreased motivation and self-worth which can cause you to feel hopeless about your weight loss efforts, making it even harder to make the daily choices necessary to continue with healthy behaviors.


Exercising can be very hard to do on a regular basis, especially if you do not have an established routine. It can be even harder to do if you are not mentally interested in completing exercise activities.

Rhodiola Rosea can help!

Because Rhodiola Rosea has been linked to a decrease in depression and an increase in a person’s sense of well-being, it can not only help you motivate yourself to exercise, but it can also help you enjoy it.

Not only that, but it can help increase the amount of serotonin and dopamine you produce while working out. This will help you feel good during and after work out which can help you keep coming back.

By making exercising not feel like a chore, you will be able to work out more often and for longer periods of time, ultimately assisting in your weight loss goals (Healthline).

Belly Fat Burn

Now that you have the energy and the drive to work out, you will start to notice natural weight loss, but that’s not all Rhodiola Rosea helps with.

Rhodiola Rosea also helps burn visceral fat, like stubborn belly fat. Studies show that Rhodiola Rosea assists in lipase production which is the substance that breaks down this fat. Groups who took Rhodiola Rosea lost more weight with the same diet and exercise regimen than groups who didn’t.

Endurance and Performance

When taking Rhodiola, you can exercise for longer, which can help you burn even more fat each session.

How does it do this?

By increasing oxygen uptake and boosting red blood cell production, you can use your energy more efficiently creating a higher level of endurance and performance in your workouts.

Couple exercising on matts in gym

Lowers Stress Hormone

Stress can affect your body in SO MANY different ways. One way that stress inhibits weight loss progress is by an increase in cortisol which can make your body hold on to fat, especially visceral fat.

Stress can also reduce your ability to fight the toxins that can cause aging.

So how does Rhodiola help?

Because Rhodiola contains a high level of Rosavin, a compound that helps reduce stress levels and even helps the body better adapt to stress, it can help reduce all the negative side effects you can get from stress.

Lowers Depression

If you have ever struggled with depression you know that it can be hard to do ANYTHING let alone work out and try to be healthy.

Losing weight is hard enough but it is near impossible if you are trying to fight to lose weight while also struggling with depression.

Because Rhodiola is a proven anti-depressant, it can help reduce your depression levels in addition to helping with all the other weight loss benefits.

Best Greens powder for losing weight

How Do You Use Rhodiola for Weight Loss?

So the question is, how do you use Rhodiola for weight loss?

There are a few methods in which you can consume Rhodiola. These methods include:

  • Tea
  • Liquid Extract
  • Pills or Capsules

Pills are probably the most convenient way to take Rhodiola, but it is not the only way.

Traditionally people made tea out of the Rhodiola bark. If you choose to go this route, you will want to use hot water and soak the bark for two to four hours before you strain it.

Another easier way is to take a liquid form and add it to a beverage you are already drinking.

Rhodiola Dosage for Weight Loss

The most recommended dose of Rhodiola for weight loss is between 250 and 500 mg daily.

Most professionals recommend that you begin with a lower dosage when you are just getting started, such as 150 to 200 mg. Then, if you are not getting the desired effects, you can slowly increase your dose.

As always, be alert when taking a new supplement and look out for unwanted side effects. While Rhodiola hasn’t been reported to have severe side effects, it is not side-effect free.

Some things you might experience include:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Slight Dizziness

It has also not been linked to side effects you might experience with other weight loss aids or anti-depressants such as shaking, high blood pressure, mood swings, jitters, or crashing.

Even though there are not really any reported side effects, you should still consult with your doctor if you are taking it with other supplements or are experiencing side effects.

When to Take Rhodiola

It is highly recommended to take Rhodiola two times per day, usually about 15 minutes before you eat.

For the best results, you will want to use a Rhodiola supplement that has a 3:1 ratio of rosavin to salidroside. This information will be found on the supplement packaging.

When you purchase Rhodiola, it is important to make sure you are buying it from a trusted source. Make sure you are buying pure, organic Rhodiola Rosea root and that the packaging includes the word “Rosea” and not just “Rhodiola”.

Rhodiola in the morning or evening

How Long Does it Take Rhodiola Rosea to Work?

Some say they feel the effects of Rhodiola Rosea in an instant and that the effects can last between 4-6 hours.

However, this is obviously not when you would see weight loss results. This would depend on your specific diet and exercise regimen in conjunction with your Rhodiola Rosea supplement.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that while weight loss can be very challenging, there are supplements and nutrients out there that can help!

One of these supplements is Rhodiola Rosea. Rhodiola has a variety of benefits including energy-boosting, exercise benefits, endurance-boosting, and stress and depression relief.

The best part? There are no severe side effects that have been reported!

Because of this, you can use Rhodiola Rosea to increase and supplement a healthy diet and exercise regimen to achieve your weight loss goals faster and more efficiently while improving other aspects of your health at the same exact time!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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