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Rhodiola in the morning or evening

When Is The Best Time To Take Rhodiola?

Rhodiola is usually taken as Rhodiola Rosea extract and is also known as Arctic Root or Golden Root. It comes in tablet, capsule form, dried or liquid extract, and even tea. It is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach.

This herb has an adaptogenic nature meaning it will adapt to your body's needs. There have been many studies looking into the benefits to our health and how it can be used to boost your immune system, help with moderate depression, and even weight loss.

So let's take a look at the potential benefits of this herb. For more inspiration regarding boosting your mental and physical health, see here.

Why You Should Take Rhodiola In The Morning?

Rhodiola Rosea can be taken in the morning if you need a boost of energy. Its adaptive nature means that if you feel fatigued, its stimulating effect will help perk you up.

It helps reduce fatigue

Rhodiola extract can help reduce physical and mental fatigue.

We all experience fatigue in some form or another, I certainly do since getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If you are trying to diet by calorie counting and cutting out food groups, this can easily cause physical fatigue.

If you find it hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can find yourself suffering the mental fatigue that comes with feelings of failure. Our lives are filled with stress which can cause stress-related fatigue, with symptoms of tiredness, depression, and exhaustion.

All of these factors will quickly deplete our energy levels and affect the body's ability to cope. Rhodiola may help to eliminate fatigue and improve our physical and mental performance. Its adaptogenic nature means it has been proven to improve feelings of fatigue.

One hundred people in one study were given 400mg every day, and within a week, they all reported significant improvements in their chronic fatigue symptoms. It could help the body adapt and avoid stress-related burnout.

Adam practising golf
Photo by Lifehacker guy

Improves mental function

Using supplements can help to boost our cognitive function alongside a good night's sleep and proper nutrition. Rhodiola Rosea has been tested and shown to have the potential to improve your memory function.

More in-depth research is needed; however, the initial signs are there. If you suffer from any mental health conditions such as major depressive disorder, always seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Lowers stress

There are many adverse effects caused by an excess amount of the stress hormone cortisol. It affects your Central Nervous System and your Respiratory and Cardiovascular System. Your body's resistance to stress reduces the more stressed you get.

Over time this cycle can cause real health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and even some cancers. Reducing stress is vital to staying healthy, and Rhodiola Rosea may help.

It contains naturally occurring proportions of Rosavin in high quantities. This has been proven in clinical trials to help reduce the negative effect of stress levels on the body. If you suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder or take traditional medicine for stress, seek advice from your healthcare professional first.

Why You Should Take Rhodiola At Night?

If you feel run down and tired, Rhodiola Rosea can help calm you down. Its adaptive nature will relax you and help you get a good night's sleep.

Herbs for deep sleep

Improves sleep quality

Taking dietary supplements can have health benefits, including improving sleep quality. A good night's sleep is vital for our mental and physical wellbeing. Rhodiola Rosea's adaptogenic nature gives it a calming quality that can help you unwind before bed. Participants in one study reported much better sleep after taking this supplement for 20 days.

Improves muscular endurance and recovery

The Journal of International Society and Sports Nutrition published the results of a study that looked at the effect on exercise performance of herbal supplements. It found that Rhodiola caused a significant improvement in physical performance and athletic endurance.

When Should You Not Take Rhodiola?

Do not take this dietary supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. It should be taken on an empty stomach and not within two hours of any other stimulant, including coffee or fizzy drinks. Always seek the advice of health professionals if you are unsure.

How Much Rhodiola Rosea Extract Do You Need To Take?

The correct dosage depends on what you are using Rhodiola Rosea for. There are many health benefits of Rhodiola. Look for a standardized extract containing 2 to 3% Rosavin compound.

If you are looking to take it to reduce stress and help alleviate symptoms of depression, then a daily dosage of 400mg to 600mg may be appropriate.

If, however, you are using it to help boost your physical endurance and athletic performance, a dosage of 200mg to 300mg is more suitable.

How Quickly Does Rhodiola Work?

It depends on your body as to how quickly Rhodiola Rosea works. It can have some therapeutic effects within a few days; for others, it may take a few weeks.

Rhodiola rosea


Does Rhodiola make you sleepy?

Rhodiola has an adaptogenic nature meaning it can help regulate brain chemicals like melatonin, making you relaxed and sleepy.

Can you take Rhodiola every day?

Rhodiola Rosea should be taken every day to feel the full benefits.

How Long Does It Take Rhodiola Rosea To Work?

Rhodiola Rosea is a fast-acting adaptogen that can help improve your overall well-being in as little as 30-minutes and will continue to work for hours after being taken, providing that you do it correctly.

Are there any risks associated with taking Rhodiola?

Rhodiola may cause side effects as with any supplement. The most common side effects reported are drowsiness, headache, and dizziness.

Taking anything with caffeine or stimulants can worsen the side effects, including nausea and insomnia.

Can you take Rhodiola with coffee?

Rhodiola is not safe to be taken with coffee that contains caffeine. Any stimulant should be avoided.

There are other adaptogens that are better taken with caffeine, such as mushroom coffee.

Best Tasting Greens Powder comparison

The Bottom Line

Rhodiola could be a valuable supplement to help with many ailments that affect our lives. It is possible to help reduce feelings of fatigue, aid memory function, help with weight loss, improve energy, and reduce stress.

Although more in-depth studies are needed into its efficacy, the benefits of including this supplement in your daily routine are beginning to become apparent.

If you're keen to take advantage of the benefits of more energy, mood, immunity, and overall health, then you could look at greens and superfoods supplements as they contain multiple adaptogens and powdered greens.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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