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Does Sea Moss Make You Poop

Does Sea Moss Make You Poop?

Sea moss is a very beneficial superfood that can help both men and women with many bodily functions that improve health, energy, and can prevent illness.

People who start taking sea moss supplements notice that they poop more often and wonder if the sea moss is the cause.

The short answer to this question is: yes, sea moss can make you poop.

sea moss on plate

What Is Sea Moss?

Sea moss is a superfood supplement containing 92 of the 102 essential minerals your body needs to function.

First discovered in Ireland during the Irish Potato Famine, people became desperate and began eating the sea moss.

They soon noticed that those who were eating sea moss started to experience a wide variety of health benefits and increased energy levels.

Since then, sea moss has been used as a superfood and has become popular recently in the health and beauty world.

Harvested from multiple oceanic coasts, this natural moss can be found almost everywhere, including North America, Europe, the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Asia, and Africa.

Sea moss comes in multiple colors, such as green, yellow, red, purple, brown, or black.

sea moss on plate

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Why Does Sea Moss Make You Poop?

There is a very simple explanation for why sea moss makes you poop more often than before.

This is because it contains magnesium and fiber, two known ingredients that have been known to assist with digestion.

This effect is heightened if you eat a large diet.

These ingredients that are present in sea moss can help encourage bowel movements and help you to relieve constipation.

However, if taken excessively, you might also experience symptoms of diarrhea.

Improvement In Gut Health

When taken properly, sea moss does not cause unhealthy bowel movements but instead helps improve your gut health.

It does this by impacting your stool and giving it weight and body, increasing its path through your digestive system.

This is overall a health benefit and can have a positive impact on your gut health.

If you notice it becomes unhealthy or often, you might consider no longer taking sea moss until speaking with a doctor.

sea moss health benefits

Health Benefits Of Sea Moss

Sea moss is related to seaweed and algae and is all identified as superfoods.

Some benefits of sea moss include:

Nutrition Benefits

The nutritional benefits that are associated with sea moss make it a superfood. (Source)

Some of the vitamins included in sea moss are:

  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B12
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

The nutrients per serving of sea moss include (in 2 tablespoons):

  • Calories: 5
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Carbs: 1 g
  • Sodium: 7 mg
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Sugar: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g

Health Benefits

In addition to the nutritional value of sea moss, many health benefits are associated.

These include:

Heart Health

Sea moss assists with heart health by lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and other health risks.

This is because sea moss is rich in magnesium, potassium, and other minerals that promote heart health and are anti-inflammatory.

Weight Loss

Sea moss can help with weight loss because it is an appetite suppressant and prevents fat cells from being absorbed in the body.

Sea moss weight loss

Thyroid Health

Because it is a good source of iodine, sea moss can be highly beneficial for your thyroid health.

This is as long as you take the proper doses.

If you take too much, you can actually harm your thyroid.

If you already have an issue with your thyroid, check with a doctor before taking sea moss.

Immunity Boosting

Containing Vitamins A, C, and E, sea moss has been known to help boost immunity.

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties also help reduce your risk of infection.

Skin Health

Similar to boosting your immunity, the mentioned vitamins, as well as the anti-inflammatory properties, can also promote healthy and hydrated skin.

Other Benefits

Other benefits of sea moss include:

  • Cold and Flu Relief
  • Increased Energy
  • Detoxify the Body
  • Antibacterial Benefits

Sea moss skin health

Beauty Benefits

One of the most well-known beauty benefits of sea moss includes the benefits of adding it to your skin care regimen. (Source)

These benefits can be realized with a topical application.

In addition to special moisturizing properties, sea moss contains polysaccharides, forming a protective film over the skin.

It can help your skin by:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties can help manage dry skin conditions and help protect from UVB exposure.
  • Forms a protective seal over your skin that can help boost and protect protein in the skin.
  • Balances oil production can help with moisture and acne.
  • Helps maintain a healthy complexion.

Sea moss can also be applied to your hair care as it coats your stands and helps create moisture.

Risks Of Sea Moss

Even though it is mostly safe, there are also risks associated with taking sea moss.

Some of these risks include:

  • Burning or Reddening of the Skin
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Some people who need to speak to their health care provider include those with a thyroid disorder, those on blood thinners, those with high blood pressure, or other blood disorders.

Sea moss can exacerbate or worsen these conditions if you are not careful.

Harvesting Sea Moss

sea moss harvested

There are two main ways sea moss is harvested for use.

These include wildcrafting and sustainable farming.

Wildcrafting is the collection of herbal remedies from natural sites rather than the cultivation and harvesting of the same plants on farms. (Source)

The other way to harvest sea moss is by farming it.

There are two main ways that farmers grow and collect sea moss.

One way is to grow it in a controlled space in the ocean. Another way they farm is in a pool where the farmer tries to replicate an ocean environment.

Depending on how it is grown and harvested, sea moss can contain different levels of vitamins and nutrients.

Forms Of Sea Moss Supplements

After being harvested, sea moss is processed in various ways and then made into products that can be taken internally or topically.

These products can include:

  • Powder
  • Capsules
  • Extracts
  • Gels

The easiest way to consume sea moss is through supplements in capsule form.

This is because you do not have to worry about the taste or mixing it into food or drinks.

When picking out a sea moss supplement be sure you research to pick the best that is out there.

Things to consider when picking out a sea moss supplement include:

  • Make sure the ingredient list is informative and detailed.
  • Make sure the sea moss supplement was subject to regulation and third party testing.
  • Check how the sea moss in the supplement was harvested.
  • Be aware of the proper dose before taking the sea moss supplement.


Sea moss has a large variety of benefits, including improving gut health.

This means that sea moss will make you poop, but this is not bad as long as you do not start to experience diarrhea symptoms.

Sea moss has been known to have health and beauty benefits that can help many people.

When deciding to take a sea moss supplement, you will want to find the one that is right for you. If you are not sure if there are risks to you taking a sea moss supplement, then be sure to speak to your primary healthcare provider before you begin to add this to your daily diet.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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