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Ashwagandha pills and powder

How Long Does It Take For Ashwagandha To Work?

While many supplements promise instantaneous results, Ashwagandha takes some time to work its magic.

Generally speaking and depending significantly on the person, Ashwagandha will take anywhere from 2-weeks to 45-days to provide genuine results.

The biggest differences lie in the quality of the Ashwagandha itself and your unique health profile.

Ashwagandha pills and powder

How Many Days Will It Take For Ashwagandha To Start Working?

For healthy individuals who live an active and health-based lifestyle and rely upon a good quality product, results can commonly be seen and felt at the 14-day mark.

How Long Does Ashwagandha's Effect Last?

Ashwagandha powder has both water-soluble and fat-soluble elements. The water-soluble part is digested very quickly and usually will only remain in the body for 2 or 3 days. However, your body will accumulate fat-soluble elements, which can stay in the body for approximately a month.

When Is The Best Time To Take Ashwagandha?

There is some debate surrounding when is the best time to take Ashwagandha in the morning or night. Ultimately, it comes down to personal choice and which benefits of Ashwagandha are the most important to you.

If you take Ashwagandha powder as a part of your regular supplementation, then taking Ashwagandha powder in the morning may be the best.

However, if you are using Ashwagandha powder as an aid to improve sleep quality, then taking it at night will optimize the benefits of Ashwagandha for your use.

Some people do report that Ashwagandha powder can result in a stomach upset. If that is the case, it may be best to take Ashwagandha after eating breakfast or with a glass of warm milk if taken at night.

Which Ashwagandha Dosage Is Right For You?

The amount of Ashwagandha you should take is directly connected to why you want to take Ashwagandha in the first place. As such, to reap the health benefits of an Ashwagandha supplement, you need to dose your intake so as to target the reason you are taking Ashwagandha.

Studies suggest 500 to 600 mg of Ashwagandha root extract daily for at least a month, typically recommended for stress reduction, anxiety, and boosting memory.

Studies suggest taking 125 mg twice a day to lower blood sugar.

For fertility issues and boosting libido, it appears 5 mg a day is optimal over a period of three months.

For muscle strength and growth, 500mg a day for 8-weeks.

For anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits, 250 mg appears to be optimal.

While no clinical trials established the possibility of overdosing on Ashwagandha supplements, if your body finds the levels of your Ashwagandha consumption to be excessive, you are more likely to experience side effects such as nausea and vomiting.

However, if you are simply interested in trying Ashwagandha powder to see if it is right for you, most studies identify that taking Ashwagandha daily in a dose of 250 to 500 mg for a month is sufficient to experience significant improvement and benefits in areas like your cortisol levels, blood pressure, perceived stress, and other potential health benefits.

Please note: There are different types of Ashwagandha extract, the two main types being Sensoril vs KSM-66 Ashwagandha. I look at the differences between them and which one may be right for you.

Is It Safe To Take Ashwagandha Every Day?

Generally speaking, Ashwagandha is considered very safe for daily use by most people. Studies have concluded that Ashwagandha is considered safe to take for a period of three months. Effects for longer-term use are unknown, as no studies have been conducted to examine taking it longer than that.

However, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with a thyroid condition, and those with type 1-diabetes, lupus, or other auto-immune health issues should consult their doctor before taking Ashwagandha in any dose.

Some studies suggest people with allergies to pollen and grasses may not handle Ashwagandha very well. Also, if you take Ashwagandha, you should stop taking it 2-weeks before undergoing any surgeries as it can affect your central nervous system under anesthesia.

Woman taking supplement

I take Ashwagandha in a greens and superfood supplement daily alongside other greens like spirulina, spinach leaf, chlorella, and collards.


Does Ashwagandha really work?

Scientific evidence has been found to support the benefits of Ashwagandha to relieve stress levels and anxiety, lower blood sugars and fats, increase muscle and strength, boost fertility and sexual function in men, improve sexual function in women, sharpen focus and memory, and supports heart health.

How effective is Ashwagandha powder for anxiety?

Ashwagandha's stress-relieving benefits are not only its most well-known benefit but one of its most studied ones. Studies have found that Ashwagandha root powder does have positive effects on stress hormones, specifically cortisol, resulting in a significant reduction of stress levels.

Does Ashwagandha extract increase testosterone?

Studies suggest that Ashwagandha root has increased testosterone levels, improved sperm quality, and higher antioxidant levels. However, this could be a side effect of the fact that Ashwagandha is very good at reducing cortisol levels, which will decrease testosterone levels.

Where can I get Ashwagandha?

Today, Ashwagandha root as an herbal supplement is widely available, both in stores and online. Furthermore, you can buy Ashwagandha root powder, Ashwagandha capsules, Ashwagandha extracts, and even Ashwagandha tea. Anywhere that sells herbal supplements will have it.

Supergreen TONIK and glass

The Bottom Line

The Ashwagandha plant, traditionally called Indian ginseng by India's Ayurvedic medicine community, has been used for centuries, and its benefits are still sought after today.

Whether you need to manage stress, have high blood pressure, constantly deal with muscle tension, experience erectile dysfunction, or simply need something extra for bodyweight management, Ashwagandha has proven to be effective.

Generally safe for most people and widely available to try, it's best to always consult a medical professional before starting a new supplement. It is also recommended to start slow and gradual to experience the full range of benefits this supplement may have for you.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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