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Is AG1 Gluten Free

Is AG1 Gluten Free?

As the world of supplements becomes increasingly popular, we have begun to see an explosion of options in the greens powder market.

One of the most popular greens powders out there is Athletic Greens, or AG1, and if you have looked into greens powders at all you are likely familiar with it.

Some people looking for the nutritional benefits of greens powders have other dietary needs, such as gluten-free, so the question is: Is AG1 gluten free?

Athletic Greens AG1 Starter Pack

What Is AG1 by Athletic Greens?

Packed with essential fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals, Athletic Greens is a great supplement for the busy adult on the go.

AG1 is known for an extensive list of ingredients that assists your overall health such as a wide range of fruits, vegetables, algae, grasses, herbs, and other plant-based nutrients.

The benefits of taking AG1 include enhancing your digestive support, increasing your energy levels, strengthening your immune system, enhancing your brain function, and assisting in the support of your blood sugar levels, hormone function, and liver health.

For a more comprehensive look at AG1, check this out.

Why Follow A Gluten Free Diet?

gluten free diet

Gluten free diets are used by both those who have medical conditions that require it; but are also followed by people with no medical condition who use it to increase health and weight loss. (Source)

Health conditions that require a Gluten Free Diet include:

  • Celiac Disease
  • Gluten Sensitivity
  • Gluten Ataxia
  • Wheat Allergy

Each of these listed have different requirements when it comes to how much gluten you can and should consume.

If you are not sure how much you should consume, you should check with your doctor.

What Does It Take To Be Gluten Free?

According to the FDA “that any foods that carry the label “gluten-free,” “no gluten,” “free of gluten,” or “without gluten” must contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten.” (Source)

Is Athletic Greens Gluten Free?

According to the nutrition information, AG1 lists “no gluten”, which we know that at least means that their supplement contains “less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten”.

However, this doesn’t have to mean that there is absolutely zero gluten contained.

Some ingredients inside AG1 are not completely gluten-free such as wheatgrass and barley leaf.

For more information, you can find a full breakdown of AG1 ingredients here.

This means that while Athletic Greens will be sufficient for most gluten-free purposes, such as health and weight loss, or those who have a slight intolerance, it will not be good for people with a full-fledged gluten or wheat allergy.

Athletic Greens Alternatives

Supergreen Tonik AG1 Alternative

If you are looking for a truly gluten-free greens powder option, a great one is Organifi Green Juice.

For a comprehensive comparison, you can read my deep dive here.

While Athletic Greens is a great option for greens powders and is in fact one that I suggest often, it might not be the best choice for those seeking a gluten-free option.

If you aren’t sure whether or not Athletic Greens is right for you, you can always look at these alternatives.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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