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Collagen Powder In Coffee

Collagen Powder In Coffee

Most people can’t make it through the day without their cup of coffee. Most people put cream and sugar in their coffee, but some people look to put in more beneficial supplements, like collagen. Learn about adding collagen powder in coffee.

Collagen Powder In Jar

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a dense protein that is found in your skin, tendons, muscles, and bones.

Collagen is a protein known to help with anti-aging, including reducing wrinkles.

This is because between 70 to 80 percent of your skin’s makeup includes collagen, so it plays many roles in your body.

While there are 28 types of collagen in your body, there are three main types of collagen.

Type One

Most common in the body is type one. Found in your skin, hair, nails, eyes, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, organs, and bones.

This type of collagen helps with your skin quality and can assist with wound healing.

Type Two

If your goal is to promote your immune system, joint health, and digestive system, then you will want collagen type two.

This type can be found in your gut, joints, and cartilage.

Type Three

Type three can be found in your muscles, blood vessels, and organs.

This type can help you with healthy blood clotting, your intestinal health, and can even help you with your muscles.

It was found that people lacking this type of collagen could cause an aneurysm.

Collagen In The Body

So how does collagen get into the body?

Collagen is a natural supplement and your body produces it without assistance.

There are also things you can do to improve your body’s collagen production.

These include things like eating the right foods and getting enough sleep, two things that are a good idea for generalized health benefits.


If you are having a collagen deficiency, it could be the result of having a poor diet.

Eating too much sugar can impact your collagen levels.

Over time, this can make your skin lose its elasticity.

In order to produce collagen, you need the following: (Source)

  • Copper: found in meat from organs, cocoa powder, sesame seeds, cashews, and lentils
  • Glycine: found in pork skin, chicken skin, gelatin, and other protein rich foods
  • Proline: found in egg whites, dairy, cabbage, mushrooms, and asparagus
  • Vitamin C: found in citrus fruit and bell peppers
  • Zinc: found in beef, lamb, pork, shellfish, chickpeas, lentils, beans, milk, cheese, and nuts and seeds

Food rich in collagen

Lifestyle Choices

There are some lifestyle choices that can also affect your collagen levels.

Sun Exposure

One of the lifestyle choices that can affect your collagen levels is how much sun exposure you get.

We all know that too much sun can ultimately damage your skin, but it is a lesser known fact that it can also affect your collagen levels and speed up wrinkles.

However, sun exposure can also be a good source of Vitamin D.

This means you shouldn’t just avoid the sun completely, but you should properly protect yourself with sunscreen when you are outside.

It is also a good idea to avoid tanning in tanning beds.


One of the biggest effects of reducing the collagen levels is age.

As you get older, your body naturally produces less collagen.

Besides supplementing with collagen, there is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening.

How Do I Know If I am Collagen Deficient?

If you are worried about your collagen levels, there are some ways to tell if you are collagen deficient.

These include:

Wrinkles And Other Skin Sags

As previously mentioned, one of the most common indicators of collagen deficiency is wrinkles and sagging skin.

This is because reduced collagen levels can reduce your skin elasticity.

The effect on your skin is the first indicator of a collagen deficiency, because your body will prioritize other areas, such as your vital organs, before your skin elasticity.

Joint Pain And Other Aches

Everyone knows that aging comes with joint pain, but not everyone knows why.

The main reason for this is reduced collagen, which can affect your cartilage.

Cartilage is connective tissue which helps protect your joints and bones.

Without the proper level of collagen, your cartilage cannot be as efficiently built or repaired and is vulnerable to damage.

Muscle Pain

Collagen can also cause muscle pain, a reduction in muscle mass, and longer healing times after workouts.

Collagen is important when it comes to repairing the tiny tears you make in your muscles when working out, and if you are deficient, the healing time is increased.

Gut Health

Collagen can help you with repairing and preserving your intestinal walls, which can ultimately help you with your gut health.

Injury Recovery

In addition to muscle recovery, collagen is important for injury recovery and a collagen deficiency can make healing wounds slower.

Coffee beans and cup

Adding Collagen Powder In Coffee

If you are deficient in collagen, you can take a collagen supplement.

Found in either pills or powder, there is a collagen supplement for everyone.

Adding collagen powder to your morning cup of coffee has become a popular way to get a collagen boost in the morning.

Some people worry that if you add collagen powder to your coffee it will degrade in the heat.

However, this is not something to worry about, because your coffee would have to be 572 degrees or hotter to begin breaking down the collagen.

There are many benefits to taking a daily collagen supplement, including assisting in your weight loss goals.

Other benefits include: (Source)

  • Helps Liver Remove Toxins
  • Improves Leaky Gut and other Gut Issues
  • Improves Digestion
  • Benefits Skin, Hair, and Nails
  • Assists with Aches and Pains
  • Prevents Bone Loss
  • Boosts Muscle Mass
  • Promotes Heart Health

There are collagen powders that are made to taste good, and can even mean that you need less sugar, cream, or other flavors in your coffee, which can make your morning cup even healthier.

If you are not interested in collagen powders that have flavors, you can also find flavorless collagen powders that will work.

Potential Risks From Collagen

While there are many benefits to collagen, there are also some potential side effects.

These include heartburn, a bad taste in your mouth, and the risks associated with the ingredients.

These risks are similar to those you can find in powdered greens such as consuming heavy metals, microbial contaminants, or being affected by allergens.

Collagen Supplements

Other Ways To Use Collagen

In addition to taking your collagen supplements in your coffee, you can consume collagen in other ways.

Collagen Pills

If collagen powder is not right for you, you can also take a collagen pill supplement.

Some people find this is easier to take because they are quicker, however, some people have digestive issues taking it this way.

Collagen powder does digest faster, both powders and pills have the same benefits.

Collagen Gummies

If you are not interested in taking collagen as a pill or powder, you can also find collagen supplements in gummy form.

Collagen Beauty Supplements

In addition to consuming collagen, you can also find it in serums, moisturizer, and other skin products.

Collagen Powder

While we talked a lot about how collagen powder can be added to coffee, this is not the only way to consume collagen powder.

You can also put it in water, tea, smoothies, and any other beverage you like to drink.

Some people even consume their collagen powder in their greens powder supplement drinks. If this is how you want to consume your collagen powder, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as you make sure you are getting the proper amount of each supplement in your beverage.

How Long Until I Notice A Difference?

Now that you have decided to take a collagen supplement, the next obvious question is: how long until I notice a difference?

This depends on what benefits you are waiting to see, as each of the different collagen benefits will take longer than others.

The average timeframe for each benefit is as follows:

  • Collagen’s bone-strengthening properties: 6+ months
  • Collagen’s skin-supporting properties: 1-3 months
  • Collagen’s hair-boosting properties: unknown
  • Collagen’s anabolic properties: 3+ months
  • Collagen’s pro-joint properties: 1-3 months
  • Collagen’s pro-nails properties: 24 weeks

Like other supplements, each benefit will be different for each person and results may vary.

Collagen powder scoop

Collagen Powder In Coffee: Verdict

It is not only possible to add collagen powder to your coffee, it is preferred by many.

By adding your collagen powder to your coffee you have turned your morning pick me up into a superfood drink.

If you buy a flavored collagen powder, you can even replace your normal creamer and sugar with collagen which makes your coffee even healthier!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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