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Collagen Pills vs Powder

Collagen Pills vs Powder

Collagen is a helpful supplement with many benefits for men and women, that comes in multiple forms. So what is better: collagen pills or collagen powder?

There are differences between taking Collagen in either pill or powder form. From differences in dosages, taste, and how easily they can be taken each day.

Let’s first outline the pros and cons of taking Collagen in Pill form.

collagen pills and powder

Collagen Pills

One way to take collagen supplements is in pill form.

Collagen pills are just collagen powder in a pill capsule, meaning there are no additional benefits to taking the pills in place of the powder.

One benefit of taking collagen pills is that you do not have to worry about mixing the powder into anything.

This also means that you do not have the collagen powder taste, which some people do not like.

They are also simple. Just take the required dose and wash it with whatever beverage you have.

collagen pills

One potential drawback to collagen pills is that they might be harder to digest for some people than the powder.

Another issue to keep in consideration is the dose.

Because pills are smaller, you will have to take more pills to get the same amount you would from a powder supplement serving.

Collagen Powder

Collagen powder is the most important type of collagen supplement.

Often mixed with smoothies, juice, or water, this collagen supplement form is an easy-to-take method. Powder supplements can dissolve in both cold and hot liquids.

These powders are often not flavored, but you can find a flavored version if that is better than you.

If you struggle with the collagen flavor, you can find some yummy recipes to put the powder in so you don’t even know you are taking it.

If those don’t work, taking a pill is always an option available to you.

collagen powder

You can also mix collagen powder with greens powder or other vitamins and supplements.

This is great for people who want to get all the benefits of multiple vitamins and minerals they are low on.

Collagen powder supplements I have reviewed you may be interested in:

Collagen Pills vs Powder

Collagen pills and powders both have the same benefits and active ingredients.

Determining which one to take depends only on your preference.

Because collagen pills are just encapsulated collagen powder, they work the same.

Some people might prefer the pills because they are quicker to take and flavorless, but ultimately it is up to the individual.

Regarding how fast the collagen is digested into the body, collagen powder does digest faster.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein in your body that is the main component that makes up your connective tissues.

These tissues include tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin. Collagen is responsible for about one-third of the protein in our bodies. (Source)

Collagen can be found in the connective tissues, joints and intervertebral discs, skin, blood vessels, kidneys, inner ear, and eye lens.

Collagen can be found in two forms:

  • endogenous, which is the collagen that your body makes naturally
  • exogenous, which is collagen that comes from outside the body in supplements or food

Collagen production decreases as we age, affecting many body areas, such as our skin, joints, hair, heart, veins, bones, etc.

Because collagen affects so much of the body and the levels can decrease, collagen supplements have become increasingly popular and are offered in both pills and powder.

Health Benefits Associated With Collagen

Many benefits come from taking collagen.

These benefits include:

Improving Skin Health

Because collagen is a major component in your skin that boosts your skin’s strength, elasticity, and hydration, taking collagen supplements has been known to help your skin.

Relieving Joint Pain

Collagen also helps your cartilage which can protect you from overall joint pain, reduce joint stiffness, and improve symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Preventing Bone Loss

Bone mass can help you with potential bone deterioration and increase your skeletal strength.

This is especially effective when combined with calcium.

Boost Muscle Mass

Not only does collagen help with your bone health, but it can also help you with boosting muscle mass or preventing muscle loss.

If you work out, it can help with recovery and muscle growth.

Promoting Heart Health

Collagen also helps you keep your arteries flexible and elastic, which can be great for your heart health.

Weight Loss

Collagen also can assist with weight loss.

It does this for a variety of reasons.

These reasons include:

  • Reducing hunger causes you to eat fewer calories throughout the day.
  • Increasing muscle mass assists with weight loss because more muscle means more calorie burning.
  • Reduce the development of fat cells.
  • Reduces joint pain to assist with making exercise more comfortable.
  • Increasing metabolism.

collagen weight loss

Other Benefits

Other benefits of collagen include:

  • Increasing hair and nail strength and growth.
  • Assisting with bettering gut health.
  • Improving mood and anxiety.
  • Medical benefits such as wound dressing and assistance.
  • Cosmetic benefits such as collagen fillers.

Potential Risks Associated With Collagen

Even though they are rare, some side effects can occur.

These include heartburn or having a bad taste in your mouth after consumption.

Some additional risks of collagen supplements (similar to with powdered greens) include ingredients to be wary of including:

  • Heavy metals
  • Allergens
  • Microbial Contaminants

When taking collagen, you want to know what dose you are taking.

Look for a USP Verified Mark on the label, meaning the product has been made according to the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing practices (CGMPs). (Source)

Verdict: Collagen Pills vs Powder

Collagen is a highly beneficial supplement that you can take to assist with many health functions in the body.

There are two ways to take collagen supplements: pill form and powder form.

Despite being different, they have the same active ingredients and work the same way.

What supplement you take depends on your personal preference.

Even though minimal risks are associated with taking collagen, you still want to be careful and ensure you know exactly what you are getting.

Finding a reputable supplement can be very important whether you are taking them as pills or in a powder.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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