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Is Collagen Good For Men

Is Collagen Good For Men?

Even though collagen is often associated as a supplement used mostly by women, collagen is not just a product that benefits women; but is collagen good for men?

Some studies show encouraging signs for men seeking help maintaining joint health, building muscle, and faster recovery from workouts. The science is far from conclusive.

This article will delve into just how good collagen is for me.

collagen powder jar

Collagen Misconceptions

A major misconception about collagen is that it is mainly a skincare supplement.

Most people see it as more of a “hair, skin, and nails” supplement than it is.

This is not aided by the fact that collagen is used in dermal fillers, a cosmetic procedure that helps reduce wrinkles, improve skin contours, fill out skin depressions, and improve the look of scars.

This is not all that collagen does for you and your body, however, and there are many other benefits that men would be interested in as well as women.

Though, it wouldn’t hurt men to take care of their hair, skin, and nails either.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein in your body that is the main component that makes up your connective tissues, and is responsible for about one-third of all the protein in our bodies. These tissues include tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin. (Source)

Among many other things, collagen is found in our:

  • Connective tissue
  • Joints and intervertebral discs
  • Skin
  • Blood Vessels
  • Kidneys
  • Inner Ear
  • Eye Lens

There are generally two types of collagen: endogenous and exogenous.

Endogenous describes the collagen your body makes naturally, while exogenous collagen comes from outside the body in supplements or food.

One type of exogenous collagen is marine collagen which comes from fish skins.

Because collagen affects so much of the body, collagen supplements have become increasingly popular for the wide array of health benefits these supplements offer.

It is also true that collagen production decreases as we age, which can affect many areas of the body, such as our skin, joints, hair, heart, veins, bones, etc.

Here are some collagen supplements I have reviewed:

Collagen Benefits For Men

men exercising

There are many benefits of collagen that would appeal to men as well as women.

These benefits include:

Joint Health

Joint health is a big benefit that comes from taking collagen supplements.

Because collagen helps your body’s cartilage, this can help prevent your joints from rubbing together, therefore preventing joint pain.

This can be even more important as you age when your cartilage begins to wear down, and your collagen levels begin to decline.

How Does This Help Men?

In addition to being more comfortable moving about your daily life, this can also help men who like to be more active.

With less joint pain comes the ability to exercise and complete labor-intensive tasks that would be harder with joining pain or stiffness.

It can also help reduce the risk or the symptoms of osteoarthritis, a common form of arthritis resulting from the breakdown of cartilage most common in your hands, hips, and knees.

Muscle Health

Collagen also helps with muscle health and muscle building.

This is because collagen contains glycine, which is important for creating muscle tissue.

Not only can it help you by stimulating muscle building when working out, but it can also prevent any muscle loss from aging or other causes.

How Does This Help Men?

Many men like to build muscle when they work out; collagen can help with this.

Collagen can not only help build muscle after a workout but can also assist with muscle repair, creating shorter recovery periods between workouts.

Additionally, increasing muscle mass can assist with a higher metabolism and increased calorie burn, which can assist in weight loss.

Heart Health

There are many ways in which collagen helps you with your heart health.

These ways include:

  • Clearing up accumulated fat in arteries
  • Repairing arteries
  • Assisting with a healthy blood pressure
  • Keeping arteries flexible and elastic
  • Preventing the narrowing of arteries

These benefits can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke.

How Does This Help Men?

This is pretty basic. No one, not men or women, wants to do anything that would heighten the risk of a heart condition, and taking a daily collagen supplement is an easy way to prevent these symptoms from occurring.

heart health

Digestive Health

Collagen can also help with improving your digestive health.

This can assist with symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a condition that can affect the digestive system by targeting the lining of the intestines, creating small gaps that allow bacteria and toxins into the bloodstream.

How Does This Help Men?

A higher concentration of collagen can assist with relieving the intestinal lining and healing damaged cell walls but building the needed tissues.

This is accomplished through the creation of glycine and proline.

In addition, collagen assisting with gut health can also make bowel movements more regular by improving the overall functionality of the digestive system.

Increased Energy Levels

Energy levels can continue to dip the older you get.

Collagen can be linked to energy levels by affecting energy production and cellular repair.

How Does This Help Men?

By increasing energy without using energy drinks or coffee, men can experience a healthier source of energy that will help carry them through their day.

This can help with a better workout or just perform their daily tasks more enthusiastically.

Prevents Hair Loss

While women take collagen and other supplements for healthier hair, this is not something men often think about.

Typically, men use a 2-in-1 shampoo and think nothing else about hair care, which is a mistake.

Collagen actually prevents hair from being brittle and can promote healthier, stronger hair.

It can also improve hair growth.

How Does This Help Men?

Not only does collagen help with hair growth, which women often take advantage of to get long locks, but it can also help manage and slow down receding hairlines.

As hair loss is most common in men, this is a benefit that men can highly benefit from.

Not only does it help reduce hair loss and receding hairlines, but it can make your hair healthier in the process.

Skin Care

Healthy skin is not just a benefit for women, men can also benefit from taking care of their skin.

Collagen is an important protein in the skin and can help with the skin’s elasticity and hydration.

How Does This Help Men?

Even though men do not often have a skin care regimen in the same way that women do, they can also benefit from showing their skin some love and care.

Collagen can help reduce wrinkles, which is a benefit even men can enjoy.

Not only that, but a collagen supplement is often much easier than a multi-step regimen with all the products that it usually contain.

collagen for men skin care

Weight Loss

Although some people think that collagen can make you gain weight, when in fact collagen can also assist in your weight loss goals. (Source)

This is accomplished in a variety of ways, including:

  • Reducing hunger reduces the number of calories that are consumed.
  • Increasing muscle mass which increases the number of calories burned during rest.
  • Reducing the development of fat cells.
  • Reducing joint pain will make working out less painful and challenging.

How Does This Help Men?

Both men and women like to stay fit, so the weight loss benefits of collagen are good for everyone, including men.

Medical Benefits

There are also medical benefits associated with collagen. (Source)

These include dressing wounds, guiding tissue regeneration, and other skin benefits.

How Does This Help Men?

The benefits of collagen in healing wounds can be highly beneficial for men who need this.

Benefits can include, but are not limited to:

  • Helping control bleeding
  • Reducing any inflammation
  • Boosting the strength of scar tissue

Additionally, with guided tissue regeneration, the benefits can include:

  • Bone Regeneration
  • Healing Wounds
  • Assisting with the management of sockets after dental surgery
  • Promoting healthy blood clotting

Collagen And Other Supplements

collagen supplement

If you are a man who is not interested in taking collagen because you are already taking other supplements, you don’t have to worry.

Collagen can be consumed with other supplements and vitamins. It can also be mixed with greens powder.

If you choose to do so, make sure to find a high quality greens powder and or know the difference between collagen pills vs powder to ensure you get the right ingredients and dosages.

Be sure to use each powder’s designated serving sizes, as they may differ.

So Is Collagen Good For Men?

Yes, collagen is good for men as well as women.

It can be highly beneficial for all adults to take a daily collagen supplement for its multiple benefits.

While this can be beneficial to anyone, it can be even more beneficial the more you age, as you naturally begin to produce less collagen.

Additionally, there are virtually no side effects or risks to taking collagen if you get it from a reputable company that was made according to the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs). (Source)

If you are unsure if collagen is right for you, talk to your primary care physician about your options and potential concerns about a collagen supplement.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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