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Health Benefits Of Nitric Oxide Supplements (Why You Should Try Them)

You know that I am always looking for ways to improve my health, and I am always interested to hear about new breakthroughs, particularly when it comes to dietary supplements. Well, let me tell you about how nitric oxide boosters work.

Nitric oxide, which is produced naturally in the body, helps to relax your blood vessels and consequently improves circulation and blood flow. Taking nitric oxide supplements boosts your body's natural abilities and can provide several benefits for the whole body.

The most popular forms of nitric oxide supplements are the two amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline. It is important to note that while these compounds do not contain nitric oxide themselves, they help to boost nitric oxide production in the body and therefore deliver great benefits for those who take the supplements.

Keep reading to see how introducing nitric oxide supplements into your lifestyle could help you, as well as details of popular products that are on the market.

Health Benefits Of Nitric Oxide

Helps decrease muscle soreness

Now, we have all suffered the day or two after an intense workout, and I know even more of you have thought ‘this exercise is not even worth it!' But, if you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that the pain you may experience after exercise is definitely worth it!

That being said, it is not a pleasant feeling, therefore I know you will welcome the news of the major benefit of taking a nitric oxide supplement!

What if I said if you simply take oral supplementation before your workout and you'll avoid major muscle ache? Now I bet you're listening!

Muscle soreness occurs very commonly about 24 to 72 hours after a particularly strenuous workout. L-citrulline helps relieve muscle soreness, as it can improve blood flow and also help to deliver important nutrients.

It has also been suggested that nitric oxide boosters can aid the removal of waste products that are related to muscle soreness, such as lactate.

Improves exercise performance and recovery

Nitric oxide is not only used as a pre-workout supplement to boost exercise performance but it can help you feel better after a workout too.

Research suggests that taking nitric oxide supplements can also promote better recovery after strenuous exercise too. This is because it can help deliver more oxygen to the muscles, so you feel less achy after your workout.

Not only does this mean you recover quicker from exercise, but it can actually help you have a more productive workout too. The increased blood flow can help you feel more energized to workout for a longer period, and may even make your muscles look more pronounced and bigger.

Now, who doesn't want that?

Post Exercise Fatigue

Related: What is post exercise fatigue?

Reduces erectile dysfunction

Nitric oxide can also be used to treat more serious conditions that can really affect your overall health and lifestyle.

Nitric oxide-related supplements have been reported to treat erectile dysfunction among those who have mild to moderate symptoms.

L-citrulline can boost nitric oxide levels, therefore increasing blood flow to the penis. Overall, this can help with sexual performance and greatly improve your sex life.

One article reports that there have been studies that show taking these supplements can potentially reduce erectile dysfunction among those who have mild to moderate symptoms.

Improves heart health

This super-compound has been reported to help treat even more serious conditions.

Many articles suggest that nitric oxide supplementation can provide many benefits for the heart. In the body, the amino acid l arginine changes into nitric oxide which enables the blood vessels to relax and therefore improve circulation.

Evidence suggests that l arginine can enhance blood flow in the arteries of the heart. This means that taking a nitric oxide booster can help relieve symptoms such as angina and chest pain, clogged arteries, and even coronary artery disease (heart disease). It can also work to prevent a heart attack.

Research suggests that a mix of l-citrulline and l-arginine increases plasma l-arginine concentration, which can have a positive impact on the heart.

Heart and cardiac ECG

Reduces high blood pressure in pregnancy

Many pregnant women suffer from pre-eclampsia, or high blood pressure, throughout their pregnancy. Increasing the nitric oxide levels in the body through l-arginine supplements can help lower blood pressure among those who are pregnant.

Of course, if you want to start taking any supplements throughout your pregnancy, you should always consult your healthcare professional first, as there are different risks for different people.

It may help manage type 2 diabetes

Individuals that have diabetes are less able to produce nitric oxide naturally. This means that they are more likely to have poor vessel health, which can go on to cause other conditions in the body such as kidney disease.

Therefore, supplements that increase nitric oxide production can be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Potentially, the increase of nitric oxide in the body can also help those with diabetes regulate their blood sugar.

One study observed that when individuals with type 2 diabetes consumed l-arginine, their nitric oxide levels did increase.

Nitric oxide boosts the immune system

Now, we could all benefit from improved gut health and an immune system that works better. Your immune system is such a crucial part of the body. Even with plenty of exercise, if you do not have a high-functioning immune system, you are bound to fall ill at some point.

This is where nitric oxide comes in! This compound helps to fight bacteria and therefore can help prevent you from getting infections and viruses. The substance helps all of the cells in the immune system communicate better and therefore put up a stronger defense against anything bad.

Man blowing nose and germs flying

When is the Best Time to Take Nitric Oxide Supplements?

The time you decide to take nitric oxide supplements will depend on the reason you are taking them. If it is to improve blood pressure and blood flow, then it might be a good idea to take your nitric oxide booster before nighttime. This is because nitric oxide levels in the body are lowest at nighttime.

If you are looking to increase nitric oxide in your body for athletic performance, then it is a good idea to take a pre-workout supplement about an hour or 30 minutes before you begin your workout.

Ultimately, the best time to take nitric oxide supplements is what works for you, and what enables you to reap the most amount of benefits!

How Long Does It Take for Nitric Oxide Supplements to Work?

In general, nitric oxide supplements take about 90 minutes to kick in and for you to start to feel the benefits. Different products will say different things, so it is important to check the label before you take the supplement.

It is common for those who have taken nitric oxide-releasing materials to peak at around two or three hours after ingesting it, which is worth noting for those who are looking for a boost in workout performance.


Is it safe to take nitric oxide every day?

While there are no official guidelines on dosages of nitric oxide supplements, the substance is safe to take every day in sensible amounts.

For precautionary reasons, always consult your doctor before taking any kind of new substance. In addition, it is always best to check the label before you use any kind of supplement for the official recommended dosages.

Is nitric oxide good for your liver?

Although this is an area that has not been researched in detail, some reports suggest that nitric oxide supplements can be good for those who suffer from liver disease. Research also appears to show that nitric oxide can promote liver growth and regeneration.

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Does nitric oxide supplement really work?

Of course, everybody is different, which means there will be variations in how each person reacts to the increased nitric oxide levels in their body. For most people, however, there will be a noticeable difference once starting nitric oxide supplements, whether it's for increased human performance, sexual dysfunction, or other health conditions.

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What are the side effects of nitric oxide supplements?

Although research suggests that taking l-arginine and l-citrulline supplements is safe, some side effects can occur among those who ingest them. Potential side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, and gout.

It is always important to consult your doctor before starting anything new, specifically if you have an existing medical condition.

Beetroot vegetable and juice

The Bottom Line

On a final note, nitric oxide supplements work to help with several medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver disease, as there is increased blood flow in the body which provides many benefits.

The supplements can also boost exercise performance and promote recovery in the muscles, making it even easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will also find that nitric oxide can help those who struggle with sexual activity-related problems.

So why not give Nitric Oxide Supplements a go and see how your health will improve?

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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