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Using Beet As A Pre Workout: Benefits for Muscle & Stamina

For many of us, pre-workout is essential for our workout regime. It often makes us feel un-beet-able and so up-beet. If you didn't catch my drift, I'm talking about beetroot.

Studies have shown there are health benefits for beets when used as a pre-workout and is highly effective, so here's all you need to know about beet.

Is Beet a Good Pre-Workout?

Yes, it certainly is!

Beetroot juice can improve endurance, increase stamina, and improve athletic performance. Beetroot juice is full of nitrates, which can positively affect your muscles and blood circulation. Our body turns the nitrates into nitrite and then into nitric oxide.

This will increase your blood flow capacity and allows your body to efficiently use oxygen during exercise. Due to the increased oxygen and blood flow, your body can have a more effective workout with more endurance and increased performance.

It is an excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates, protein, minerals, and vitamins – hence, why it is one of the healthiest vegetables to consume.

Beetroot vegetable and juice

How to Use Beet As a Pre-Workout

You can take beet in several ways, all of which are very effective and will give you the desired results. One way is to eat one cup of freshly cut beets or drink a cup of beetroot juice about 30 minutes to an hour before your workout. You can take it as a juice, in powdered form, or as whole food.

You could simply add beetroot powder to your smoothies, or you can even sprinkle it into a bowl of oatmeal in the mornings. Find a way that suits your eating habits and is more convenient for you before your gym session!

This little root vegetable can be used in many ways and can even be used in chips or desserts. There are also loads of online recipes to help you make a delicious pre-workout energy drink.

Personally, I love it in my smoothies; it's nutritious and delicious. You can mix some celery, beet, apple, and almond milk altogether, making for an excellent pre-workout drink. You could also add some other healthy fruits and superfoods to add some flavor and added nutrients.

Exercising in the gym

When is the Best Time to Use Beet Before a Workout?

Studies suggest that you should consume beetroot powder at least 1 to 3 hours before your workout for the best results. It is also much better to consume it in the morning as it increases the flow of oxygen and opens your blood vessels which already makes you feel much more active and energetic.

Drinking it at least an hour before a workout is a way to go. You can drink it every day as it is excellent for your potassium levels.

It is recommended that you take it 1 to 3 hours before because this is the time it takes to reach the peak plasma nitrate. So it gives your body enough time to “prime the pumps.” This way, you can expect the best results from your workout.

The great thing is that taking beet as your pre-workout benefits your endurance and performance and benefits your health in numerous ways. So you may as well take beet extract or drink beet juice daily just to give your body what it needs to be strong and healthy. 

The Benefits of Using Beet As a Pre-Workout

Drinking beet juice can improve your muscle power. It sends signals to tiny muscles that are around your arteries. It helps them relax, and this is excellent for post-workout.

It improves your stamina. Nitrates naturally occur in beetroot, which can improve performance during endurance training and intense exercise.

Eating beets or using them for pre-workout can also help you maintain a good and healthy weight. This is because they are low in calories and have high water. Beets also have a good amount of fiber and protein, and these have significant health benefits when it comes to weight.

control and maintain your weight

It can reduce your risk of cancer due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nature and content of beets. Numerous studies have shown that inflammation can cause cancer, so we should try and reduce inflammation.

It can regulate and reduce cholesterol levels, so it can also help one avoid heart disease.

Beetroot and beet juice are great for your liver as they can reduce or prevent fatty deposits.

It reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease as it can lower blood pressure.

Beet is an excellent source of minerals, potassium, magnesium, and iron, sodium, manganese, selenium, to name a few. And it is a great source of folate, which is needed for tissue growth and cell function. Without essential minerals, our body would not function properly.

Beet relaxes your blood vessels so it can lower blood pressure. This is also due to increased blood flow.

Beetroot juice, beetroot extract, or any form of beetroot is also great for digestive health due to its fiber.

Studies have also shown that it can benefit brain health as it increases the blood flow to our brains and promotes the dilation of our blood vessels.

And to top it off, they are also delicious. Beetroot is easy to incorporate into a diet; it can be roasted, pickled, steamed, or eaten raw. But, avoid boiling them as this will minimize their nitrate content.

Doctor carrying a healthy liver

Should I Use Beet As a Pre-Workout?

Yes, you should! It's healthy, delicious, and loaded with endless nutrients and great benefits. It doesn't matter how you consume beet; if it's in a powder, blended in a smoothie, a beet supplement, or chopped up and in a salad, you will still benefit from the huge amount of nitrate in it.

We've discussed what nitrate does in your body already, resulting in great endurance and a performance boost, through the production of nitric oxide. Your muscles use chemical energy a lot more efficiently after consuming beet, meaning that you also need a lot less oxygen when working out, so you can work out for longer and harder.

Another great benefit of beet is that your muscles can appear to be more defined and larger due to increased blood flow in your body. It's also an excellent substitute for caffeine, as it does a great job at keeping your energy levels high. Using beet as a pre-workout is excellent for almost all forms of exercise. It will benefit you when running, cycling, doing weights, and any form of high-intensity fitness.

You'll also be fueling your body with a good amount of vitamin C, carbohydrates, and folate.

Studies say that about 200 grams of beet is an excellent amount to keep you going. Some people even take 500 grams, but remember, too much of anything can be harmful, so don't take more than necessary. Incorporating beets into your daily routine is the best thing you could ever do!


Is beetroot good for muscle building?

Yes, it can be. Beet juice raises your body's nitric oxide levels, and when these levels increase, studies have shown that there is also an increase in muscle growth.

Does beet juice help with stamina?

Yes, it does. The nitrate in beet juice tends to reduce our oxygen intake, which in turn makes exercising less tiring. Studies have shown that drinking beetroot juice before working out can make one exercise for up to 16% longer.

Should you drink beet juice on an empty stomach?

Yes, you should. It is almost recommended to rather drink on an empty stomach. This is because beetroot juice is very rich in various nutrients, and when you drink it on an empty stomach, your body absorbs the nutrients a lot better.

There are various vitamins, antioxidants, and iron in beet juice.

Can you mix protein powders and beet juice together?

Yes, you can. You can blend it up with some other fruit as well if you'd like some more flavor. But you can certainly mix protein powders and beetroot juice.

I tend to mix my greens powder with protein to get a nutrient-protein-packed drink!

Beetroot powder in a bowl

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The Bottom Line

Beetroot has significant health benefits for your heart, your digestive system, and your brain.

Using it as a pre-workout is an excellent idea as it will get you pumped, improve physical performance, and give you a lot more stamina. It is also a significant part of a healthy diet, as it is full of nutrition, dietary nitrates, and the minerals and vitamins that your body needs!

The benefits are endless, and your body and gym routine will thank you for it! It makes for an effective and healthy substitute for other pre-workouts – I'm not sure why anyone would opt for anything else!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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