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Organifi Green Juice vs Red Juice

Organifi Green Juice vs Red Juice

If you’ve ever searched the internet for a super greens or super reds formula, you’ll have most likely ended up on the Organifi website.

With a cult-like following and a really committed founder, the brand has only gone from strength to strength since it was founded in 2014. The brand’s best-selling products are the Green Juice and the Red Juice – but which one is the best?

If you’re trying to compare these formulas, you’ll most likely have a really difficult time, especially because they both come from the same brand and, therefore, will have many similarities.

So, let’s get straight to it! Take a look at my Organifi Green Juice vs Organifi Red Juice comparison below and see which one comes out on top.

Organifi Green juice vs Red Juice
Photo by Lifehacker Guy

What Is Organifi Green Juice?

Organifi was founded after the CEO, Drew Canole, gained so much traction on his youtube videos about super greens powders. Drew Canole gained such a cult-like following on Youtube and social media that in 2014 he decided to launch Organifi.

Due to Canole’s fame and positive reputation in the supplement world, the brand has gone from strength to strength. But does the brand actually produce the best super greens formula out there? We’ll find out!

Organifi Green Juice is a super greens formula made up of 10 superfood ingredients that the brand claims will detox the body, boost the immune system, and help you burn fat.

This formula is the single best seller produced by Organifi and is loved by an array of celebrities, influencers, and real customers.

Before we dive deep into the different categories such as ingredients and taste, let’s look at this formula's overall pros and cons.

Trying Organifi Green Juice
Photo by Lifehacker Guy


  • Contains potent ingredients
  • USDA certified organic, vegan, keto-friendly, gluten-free, and soy-free
  • Popular with athletes, celebrities, and influencers


  • Made using proprietary blends (no fully disclosed list of ingredients)
  • Expensive for what it is

Shop Organifi Greens

What Is Organifi Red Juice?

As mentioned above, Organifi was founded after Drew Canole gained so much traction on his youtube videos about super greens powders and how to create the best healthy shakes. In 2014, after gaining unprecedented traction and popularity online, he founded Organifi.

The brand gained a lot of customers when it came to the Green Juice formula and is still the most popular product it sells. However, always wanting to expand, Organifi didn’t stop there.

Organifi Red Juice is a red superfood formula containing 11 potent ingredients. The brand claims that the formula will combat signs of aging, increase energy levels, boost metabolism, and burn fat.

There are way more super greens formulas on the market than super reds formulas, so I’m excited to compare these two formulas.

Just as we did with the Green Juice formula, let’s look at the pros and cons of the entire Red Juice formula before diving deeper into specific categories.

Trying Organifi Red Juice
Photo by Lifehacker Guy


  • Contains 11 potent ingredients
  • Pleasant taste


  • Made using proprietary blends (no fully disclosed list of ingredients)
  • Not a lot of nutritional value

Shop Organifi Reds

Organifi Green Juice Vs Organifi Red Juice Benefits

Organifi Green Juice

There’s so much information on the Organifi website, on every page, that it can get a little bit overwhelming when looking for specific information. However, the mass amount of information is greatly received when finding out about the formula’s benefits!

The brand states that the Green Juice formula will detox the body, boost immunity, and help to burn fat overall.

However, as well as this information, Organifi has shown every ingredient within the formula and provided information about the health benefits of each one.

This means that the customers can get a comprehensive idea of the health benefits of each ingredient. However, because all of the ingredients are in proprietary blends, these benefits may not be derived from the formula, but more on that later!

Nonetheless, it’s a really nice touch that the brand has gone to the effort to share the benefits of every ingredient.

Organifi Red Juice

As expected, the brand has presented the information the same for the Red Juice formula as it has done for the Green Juice formula. Once again, there’s a lot of information on the Red Juice product page, including information about the health benefits of the formula.

Overall, the Red Juice formula is supposed to combat signs of aging, increase energy levels, and boost metabolism so the consumer burns fat and therefore loses weight.

Just like Organifi did with the Green Juice formula, it gives health benefits information and every single ingredient within the Red Juice formula.

This is great because the consumer understands the variety of health benefits they may experience when consuming this formula. However, this formula, again just like the Green Juice formula, contains proprietary blends and therefore it’s unclear whether these benefits will actually occur.

Organifi Green Juice Vs Organifi Red Juice Ingredients

Organifi Green Juice

Organifi Green Juice is made up of 10 ingredients, 95% or more of which are organic, meaning the entire formula is USDA-certified organic. As mentioned above when looking at the formula as a whole, it’s also vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and keto-friendly.

That’s all great, but the problem is that all ingredients sit in proprietary blends. Proprietary blends are an absolute nightmare as it’s absolutely impossible for anyone but the brand to know how much of each ingredient resides within the formula.

Because we don’t have this information, it’s impossible to figure out if the formula will actually provide the benefits that the brand claims it will – if there’s not a sufficient amount of an ingredient, it just won’t provide benefits.

The Alkalizing Greens Proprietary Blend is 5.1g, meaning that hopefully some of the ingredients within it have been sufficiently weighted, but the Super Food Proprietary blend comes in at only 1.48g, meaning it’s unlikely the amounts of each ingredient in it will be sufficient.

Organifi Green Juice ingredients label

Organifi Red Juice

The Organifi Red Juice formula contains 11 ingredients and it’s also USDA certified organic, meaning 95% or more of the ingredients are organic. Just like the Green Juice formula, it’s also vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and keto-friendly.

The formula does contain some potent ingredients, but the problem is, just like it is with the Green Juice blend, that they all exist in proprietary blends.

Although I had a problem with the proprietary blends in the Green Juice formula, at least one was quite substantially weighted. In this formula, all of the blends range from 1.19g – 2.20g which is simply insufficient.

It’s very very unlikely that there’s a sufficient amount of every ingredient in this formula, and it’s unlikely that there’s a sufficient amount for any of the ingredients.

This is a real let down from the Red Juice formula and it’s clear that in this category, the Green Juice formula takes the win.

Realistically though, both formulas contain proprietary blends, so neither of them is really winning at all. The brand might look impressive at initial glance, but the lack of transparency on these ingredients lists are certainly not impressive.

Organifi red juice supplement label

Related: Organifi Red Juice vs Red Tonik.

Organifi Green Juice Vs Organifi Red Juice Taste

Organifi Green Juice

The Organifi Green Juice actually has a lot of flavorings in the formula, clearly showing how much the brand wants to get rid of that typical grassy super greens taste.

The Organifi Green Juice formula contains organic lemon powder, organic orange flavor, organic spearmint flavor, organic mint flavor, and organic Luo Han Guo ( monk fruit extract).

All of these ingredients definitely help to make the formula more palatable, but there’s still a hint of the natural taste. Rather than using so many different flavoring ingredients, the brand might have been better using one or two and putting a larger amount of them in the formula.

However, overall, this formula doesn’t taste bad, it’s just not the tastiest one out there.

Organifi Red Juice

The Organifi Red Juice formula contains some of the same ingredients to flavor it, but there are fewer flavoring ingredients. This is most likely because the reds formula doesn’t have such a grassy-tasting flavor to it naturally, so it’s easier to flavor.

The formula contains organic lemon powder, natural acai flavor, and organic Luo Han Guo (monk fruit extract).
The taste is fine, but it’s nothing really special. I would have expected a red formula to really pop and taste like berries, especially because the brand has chosen to add more ingredients when it already naturally would taste pretty pleasant.

Overall, the formula is pleasant and easily drinkable mixed with water.

Organifi Green Juice Vs Organifi Red Juice Cost

Organifi Green Juice

One 279g tub of Organifi Green Juice costs $69.95 on the Organifi website. This tub contains 30 servings and therefore the cost per serving works out at $2.33. This is actually a quite expensive cost per serving for a formula that contains proprietary blends, in comparison with other formulas on the market.

However, you can get 26% off the formula if you subscribe to receive it regularly. This means that one tub would cost $59.46, and the cost per serving would work out at $1.98.

This is quite a significant saving, but the cost is still pretty expensive for a formula with proprietary blends and not that many ingredients.

Organifi Red Juice

Organifi Red Juice is pretty much the same apart from the fact that one tub isn’t 279g, but 283.5g.

One 283.5g tub of Organifi Red Juice costs $69.95, with the cost per serving working out at $2.33, just like the Organifi Green Juice.

You can also get 26% off the formula if you subscribe to receive it regularly, meaning that the cost per serving would go down to $1.98.

My comments on the price of this formula are the same as the ones I had for the Organifi Green Juice – it’s expensive for a formula that contains proprietary blends and doesn’t actually have that many ingredients.

Green juice vs Red Juice comparison
Photo by Lifehacker Guy

Organifi Green Juice Vs Organifi Red Juice: Which is Better?

Obviously comparing two formulas from the same brand was always going to be difficult and a close call. In fact, I didn’t expect it to be quite such a close call – the formulas pretty much come out exactly the same in every category, apart from the taste and the ingredients list.

So, let’s do a quick recap of the formula’s differences. The Red Juice formula tastes nicer than the Green Juice formula, which is to be expected because it contains a selection of sweet fruits.

When looking at ingredients, the Red Juice formula contains such low amounts of ingredients that it’s won’t provide the consumer with nutritional value. Even though Green Juice is also made using proprietary blends, it’s more likely to add nutritional value to the consumer’s life.

Personally, I wouldn’t buy either of these formulas because they contain proprietary blends and I like to know exactly what I’m consuming and if the formula will actually work or not. So, if you’re looking at these formulas, I suggest you look elsewhere and stick away from proprietary blends!

However, if I had to choose which formula to prefer, I would have to go with Organifi Green Juice. Although it might not taste as good, you have more chances of getting added nutrition than you do with Organifi Red Juice.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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