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Rootana Review

Rootana Review: Benefits, Ingredients, Price, and Verdict!

Rootana is a UK-based meal replacement shake that provides a high-protein, high-fibre shake that is completely free from artificial sweeteners, artificial preservatives, artificial colourings, and GMO products.

This Rootana review will look at the ingredients list, the price, and the benefits of using Rootana.

We will also offer our overall verdict on this recommended meal replacement shake.

Rootana Verdict

The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:

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  • Ingredients / Dosages:4.5
  • Ingredient Safety:4.5
  • Value for the Price:5
  • Brand Transparency:5.0
  • Taste:4.0

Rootana pouch

Why Are Meal Replacement Shakes Important?

Meal replacement shakes used to have a mixed reputation, mostly down to poor quality shakes and unethical business models.

But today, meal replacement shakes are 100x better, and their reputation has been restored.

Hundreds of studies have shown that meal replacement shakes can be incredibly effective for short-term weight loss as well as long-term weight maintenance. (Source)(Source)

Evidence shows that their use can help reverse metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

But it isn’t just weight loss and weight management that meal replacement shakes are good for.

They can also help to improve your nutrition.

Often, shakes contain fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, plant-based protein, and a complete list of vitamins and minerals.

Meal replacement shakes are convenient and have a low cost per serving.

You can make a meal replacement shake in 30 seconds or less, making them ideal for busy people who struggle to eat well during the day.

meal replacement shake in glass

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Rootana Ingredients List

Rootana contains very few ingredients compared to some meal replacement shakes.

Contrary to what you might think, this is a good thing.

They are using high-quality natural ingredients and avoiding the use of artificial lab-created ingredients such as sucralose.

Rootana contains 400 calories per serving, with 16 grams of fat, 44 grams of carbohydrates, 7.1 grams of fiber, and 21 grams of protein.

This is based on the original flavour of Rootana.

Cacao flavor has slightly more fiber and only 14 grams of fat.

Here are the Rootana Cacao supplement facts:

Rootana Cacao Ingredients Label

Oat Flour Powder

Oats are incredibly healthy, and they are a common ingredient in many meal replacement shakes.

At least they are in Good meal replacement shakes!

Rootana uses top-quality oat flour powder as its main source of complex carbohydrates.

Oats are an excellent source of beta-glucan, a soluble fibre that has been linked to reduced cancer risk, lowered blood pressure (in people with hypertension), and improved heart health. (Source)

Oat fibre can also help to improve gut health, which has many other health benefits such as an improved immune system.

Oats can also improve the taste, and the consistency of meal replacement shakes, providing a creamier texture and that oaty flavour that is so popular.

Oats are also a great environmental option due to their sustainability.

An all-around great ingredient.

Pea Protein Isolate

Pea protein is often described as the best plant-based protein source and with good cause.

It is what is known as a complete protein, meaning that it has all of the amino acids required to build muscle and fuel your workouts.

It is absorbed well by the body and can be easily digested, unlike many cheaper protein sources.

Pea protein is not the only source of protein in Rootana (oats and flaxseed also contribute some protein), but it is the main source.

Protein is crucial for building muscle, but it can also help to raise your metabolism, increase your satiety after a meal (which makes dieting easier), and it can help with the repair and recovery of muscle cells after a workout.

Golden Milled Flaxseed

Flaxseed has a number of health benefits. It is a source of plant-based protein.

It contains the building blocks for omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid), and it is an excellent source of dietary fibre.

Flaxseed also contains lignans, which can lower the risk of some cancers, protect your heart, improve your digestion, lower cholesterol, and reduce free-radical damage. (Source)

Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower seed oil is the main fat source in Rootana but by no means the only fat source.

It is an excellent source of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Combined with the omega-3 fatty acids from the flaxseed, you get an incredibly balanced source of healthy fats in Rootana.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar comes from the sap of the coconut palm tree.

The sap is dried out naturally (often using natural sunlight), and this dried sap is turned into sugar.

Coconut sugar has a lower GI rating than regular sugar, and unlike sucralose or stevia, it is completely natural.

Coconut sugar is mostly used for sweetness, but it can also combine well with the slow-releasing carbohydrates in oats as coconut sugar is fast-releasing.

This means that Rootana will give you both instant energy (coconut sugar) and slowly released energy (oats), a perfect combination.

Sunflower Lecithin

This is a natural way to bind the shake together, improving stability and mixability.

There are some health benefits that are associated with sunflower lecithin, improved cognition and mood for example.

Here are the Rootana Original supplement facts:

Rootana Original Ingredients Label

Rootana Top Benefits

There are many benefits to using Rootana.

Some are nutrition-based, some of them are lifestyle-based, and some of them are practical benefits.

Here are six of the top benefits associated with Rootana use:

1. High In Irotein

Rootana contains 20-21 grams of healthy, plant-based protein in every serving.

Protein can help with weight management, it can improve your metabolism, it can preserve muscles during a diet, and it can also help with rest and recovery if you lead an active lifestyle.

The use of pea protein makes Rootana suitable for vegans and vegetarians, but even meat-eaters will see huge benefits from the increased variety in their protein intake.

2. High In Fibre

Depending on which flavour you choose, you can get between 7.1 grams and 9.4 grams (cacao) of fibre per 400-calorie serving.

Fibre is incredibly important for gut health, cholesterol levels, heart health, and effective weight management.

It gets its fibre from the oat flour as well as the flaxseed. Both of these are excellent sources of healthy fibre.

3. Free From Artificial Sweeteners

If you don’t enjoy the taste of artificial sweeteners, or you have an allergy, then it can be quite difficult to avoid them on a meal replacement shake.

Luckily, Rootana is completely free from artificial sweeteners, using natural coconut sugars instead.

4.High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

People who follow vegan or vegetarian diets can often struggle to get enough omega-3 fatty acids.

This is because the main sources in the diet come from oily fish.

Rootana uses golden milled flaxseed, which contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a precursor to omega-3 (often described as a building block).

Making it a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids while remaining vegan-friendly.

5. Excellent Value For Money

Rootana has an exceptionally low price per serving, making it a great (healthy) fast-food option.

Compare the cost of a 400-calorie shake to that of a beef burger or curry.

Not only are you choosing a healthy option, but you are saving a fortune with every meal.

6. Easy To Prepare

One of the biggest issues with most diets is the amount of time spent preparing and cooking meals.

You can still do this while taking Rootana, but you don’t have to do it for three meals per day.

Replacing all that hard work each lunchtime with a shake that takes 30 seconds to prepare leaves you more free time to cook a healthy evening meal.

Rootana real ingredients

How To Use Rootana

Grab a Rootana shaker (either their standard one or their top-quality metal shaker) and add 500 ml of cold water and five heaped tablespoons of powder.

Secure the lid tightly, and then shake that shaker vigorously for 10-20 seconds.

You can then either drink it straight out of the shaker or pour it into a glass.

You can change up the recipe slightly if you prefer, blending the powder instead of shaking it.

You can add water, milk, or a non-dairy alternative such as oat milk.

Fruit, green vegetables such as spinach, and seeds are another great addition.

As is nut butter.

If your blender can handle it, some people like to add ice cubes, as this creates a colder and more interesting shake.

Just remember that everything you add to Rootana (except for the ice cubes) will add calories to the total.

A standard Rootana shake is 400 calories, while a Rootana shake containing banana, nut butter, oat milk, and strawberries could be closer to 600 calories.

Rootana Pricing

Rootana is sold in packets of 14 meals.

These cost:

  • £24.99 ($28) at a cost of £1.79 per meal ($2).
  • There is free shipping on orders above £45 ($52).

This is similar to Huel, but whereas Huel requires you to purchase two bags as a minimum, Rootana allows you to pick just one.

Rootana Pros and Cons


  • Free from artificial sweeteners and colorings
  • Plant-based
  • High in protein & Fiber
  • Excellent value for money


  • Only 2 flavors are available
  • Only available from the Rootana website

Where To Buy Rootana

Rootana is only available to purchase from the Rootana website.

This is both a strength and a weakness.

The benefit is that using their own website helps keep their costs down, translating into a low price per serving.

The downside is that they can’t be found on websites like Amazon.

Rootana My Verdict

Rootana is the most natural meal replacement shake on the market, packed full of healthy real-food ingredients that provide you with all the macro and micronutrients you need to lead a healthy and active life.

The shakes taste great, are good for you, and can be prepared in less than a minute! Even washing up afterward is simple.

No pots, no pans, no cooking utensils.

Just a shaker that can be cleaned instantly.

Dieting can be hard, and many sacrifices must be made, but Rootana can make things much easier for you. It is well worth trying.


Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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