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Ben Greenfield Supplements

Ben Greenfield Supplements

Ben Greenfield is one of the fitness industry’s most fascinating, polarizing, and prolific figures. Love him or hate him, it’s hard to deny that Greenfield has made his mark on the supplement world. Let’s take a look at Ben Greenfield Supplements recommendations.

But what does Ben take personally?

What are some of his favorite supplements?

In this article, I’ll be taking a closer look at the supplements used in his daily routine.

Ben Greenfield Supplements profile

Ben Greenfield: Athletic Iconoclast?

Ben Greenfield has been interested in health and wellness virtually his whole life.

He graduated high school at age 16 and had a Master’s degree in exercise physiology and biomechanics by age 22.

In the past 20 years (believe it or not, Greenfield is over 40!), Ben completed over 100 triathlons, won bowhunting competitions, appeared on TV, and authored more than 12 books.

So, How Does Ben Greenfield Eat?

True to his last name, Greenfield consumes dozens of servings of fruits and veggies each day.

He prioritizes stuff he can grow himself in his backyard and consumes most of his greens in the form of giant smoothies and salads.

Ben reports that some of his meals take one hour to consume — he apparently chews his food a lot.

Ben Greenfield also practices intermittent fasting.

He fasts for 12-16 hours daily, every day of the year.

During this daily fasting window, he consumes no calories, opting instead for plain tea or black coffee.

Ben has explained in the past:

I don’t follow or advocate anything. I think that’s silly.

Instead of following strict rules, he asks himself two questions about any food he’s considering:

  • Is it nutrient-dense?
  • Is it digestible?

Ben Greenfield Supplements Overview

Without further ado, let’s get on to the crux of this article: what supplements Ben Greenfield takes!

Ben has repeatedly stated that he views supplements as the proverbial icing on top of the cake.

They won’t make a bad diet net positive, nor will they make a good diet net negative.

Greenfield is among the many health icons who try to get everything he can from food before resorting to extra supplementation.

Context aside, here are the highlights:

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Despite eating a diet high in animal foods, Ben goes above and beyond by supplementing with branch-chained amino acids.

Ben says these BCAAs assist with his recovery times, muscle growth, and sleep hygiene.


Collagen is rich in vital amino acids that are normally tough to get from food.

Ben has been known to supplement with high-quality collagen powder when he can't make his own glycine-rich bone broth.

Collagen Powder in glass with water

Kion Lean

Ben is also a big fan of various adaptogenic herbs and bitters.

He gets a combo of wild bitter melon and rock lotus through Kion Lean, a supplement that he personally manufactures.

Oregano Oil

Oregano essential oil is one of the most versatile amino acids out there.

Ben takes it to improve his innate immunity and reduce long-term rates of certain cancers.

Oregano oil is also an excellent natural anti-inflammatory agent.


Creatine is one of the safest, most effective, and most researched muscle builders.

It has plenty of other benefits, too, including improved cognitive function.

Greenfield takes creatine every day.


Colostrum is an interesting compound that comes from a cow’s first milk.

Designed to help a baby cow get as big and healthy as possible, it turns out that colostrum can provide similar benefits to people.

It may increase testosterone levels, improve immunity, and seal up the gut lining.

Omega 3 Fish Oil

Like many other health and wellness experts, Greenfield is a big fan of eating fish and consuming fish oil.

He attempts to maximize his body’s omega 3:6 ratio by supplementing and minimizing processed seed oil consumption.

A more favorable omega 3:6 ratio correlates to better body composition, improved mood, and reduced age-related diseases.

Ben Greenfield Supplements: An In-Depth Guide

Ben Greenfield’s supplement routine has grown increasingly dialed-in over the years.

He’s always incorporating new things and phasing out old ones.

The end result?

A time-tested, experienced-backed, science-based supplement routine.

Ben’s Top Amino Acid Choice

Kion Aminos

After struggling to find a suitable amino acid supplement, Ben made his own: Kion Aminos.

Kion’s Aminos is a uniquely specialized amino acid blend.

It contains all nine essential amino acids in precise raptors that Ben has found work best over the years.

He uses amino acids to protect his muscle cells from breakdown during grueling triathlons and training sessions.

Ben’s Top Recovery Tools

Kion Flex

Greenfield’s workout routine is grueling.

He’s been known to go hiking in the morning, bike in the afternoon, and lift weights in the evening.

How does he manage it all?

By placing a huge premium on athletic recovery.

One of his top go-to recovery boosters is something called Kion Flex.

Ben explains, without having to gulp down:

I wanted to create a veritable ‘shotgun’ of nutrients I could mainline into my body, three to ten different bottles.

Flex’s top ingredients include:

  • Turmacin®: Turmacin is a water-soluble turmeric extract that’s unusually rich in recovery-boosting turmerosaccharides.
  • AyuFlex®: AyuFlex® is an all-organic extract from haritaki, a highly prized fruit within ayurvedic medicine.
  • Serrapeptase, Serrazimes®, and ProHydrolase®: These proteolytic enzymes, meaning speed up chemical reactions within your body, leading to faster recovery from workouts and wear and tear alike.

Ben takes three Kion Flex capsules daily, typically on an empty stomach and in the evening.

Ben’s Top Metabolic Enhancers

Kion Lean

Ben has been a major proponent of the keto diet in the past, but these days he incorporates larger amounts of carbs into his diet.

He admits:

I dig Italian food, dark chocolate, and red wine.

With these would-be conundrums in mind, Ben created Kion Lean.

This metabolism-boosting supplement combines the power of bitters, blood sugar regulators, and adaptogens, including:

  • Glycostat®: This wild bitter melon (Momordica charantia) fruit extract may boost your basal metabolic rate.
  • Panax Ginseng root extract (as InnoSlim®) may increase energy levels without harsh side effects.
  • Astragalus Membranaceous root may increase overall stress tolerance.

In addition to using Kion Lean for general health, Ben pulses it around high-carb meals to stabilize his blood sugar.

He credits Kion Lean with helping him stay ketogenic, too.

Ben’s Top Supplements for Gut Health

Kion Colostrum

Ben’s favorite gut health supplement is probably something called colostrum.

This dairy derivative is clinically shown to protect the gut lining against environmental toxins, food additives, and — most significantly for Ben — overtraining.

Ben takes his colostrum in the form of yet another Kion supplement, Kion Colostrum.

He explains that this goat milk-derived colostrum:

contains a huge variety of macro- and micronutrients, including growth factors, growth-promoting hormones, lactoferrin, and immune-modulating molecules such as cytokines and immunoglobulins.

He typically adds a scoop of colostrum into a high-protein smoothie containing frozen blueberries, goat milk yogurt, cacao nibs, and stevia.

Talk about a tasty way to start off your day!

Ben’s Top Omega-3 Supplements

Kion Omega

Ben is a huge fan of fish oil, so much so that he insists that taking ‘bad’ fish oil is better than no fish oil at all.

The omega 3’s and other essential fatty acids contained in fish oil are known to protect joints, enhance brain function, and improve vision.

Fish oil is yet another supplement made by Greenfield’s Kion brand.

His premium fish oil contains:

  • 1000mg of essential fatty acids
  • 530mg of EPA
  • 435mg of DHA

Enter Kion Omega, a premium fish oil supplement that offers 1,000mg of EPA and DHA (530mg of EPA and 435mg of DHA).

The fatty acids are also in triglyceride form rather than ethyl ester, which boosts absorption even more.

Kion Omega is made from wild-harvested anchovies, which are known to contain far fewer heavy metals than salmon and other larger fish.

Omega also contains rosemary leaf extract, which may synergize with the fish’s omega-3 content.

The icing on the cake is Kion Omega’s GOED (Global Organization of EPA and DHA Omega-3s) certification.

Ben takes at least two Kion Omega capsules daily, usually with food if he can.

On days he doesn’t consume any fish, he might take up to 4-6 capsules.

Ben’s Top Protein Supplements

Kion Clean Protein

Ben consumes a huge amount of protein daily.

In addition to consuming protein-rich eggs, pastured meat, raw dairy, nuts, and seeds, he supplements with a grass-fed protein supplement called Kion Clean Protein.

According to Ben, extra protein is needed for several potential reasons:

  • When you need faster recovery from workouts
  • When you’re getting older and want to stay fit
  • When you’re recovering from illness/disease
  • When you need to build muscle fast

Ben created Kion Clean Protein to meet all these needs and more.

It contains 20 grams of complete, pure, grass-fed protein per serving.

That’s enough to improve muscle size and strength tangibly!

Just as important is what’s not in Ben’s protein.

It’s completely free from residual pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins, and it’s completely sugar-free.

The only ingredients you’ll find here are organic protein, organic natural flavors, Himalayan sea salt, and stevia.

Ben’s Favorite Creatine Supplements

Ben often pairs his protein with creatine, a naturally-occurring compound with known muscle-building, fat-burning qualities.

Creatine could be perfect for you if you need to build muscle fast.

Even if you’re eating natural creatine sources like milk or eggs, you still may not be getting enough creatine.

Why’s that?

Because your body’s creatine stores get depleted from intense exercise and age.

Ben personally reports that he’s taken 5 grams of creatine per day ever since he took up bodybuilding in college.

Related: Drinking egg whites safe?.

Ben’s Top Sleep Supplements

Kion Sleep

The stats don’t lie: roughly 70% of US adults experience poor sleep every month.

And roughly 33% experience too little sleep every night!

Not good.

Sleep is actually one of the very most important health and wellness practices out there, so it’s no surprise that Ben puts a huge emphasis on doing whatever it takes to sleep better.

For this, he turns to yet another Kion supplement: Kion Sleep.

This natural sleep aid boosts GABA and serotonin by providing a specific blend of three amino acids:

  • Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (as PharmaGABA): GABA is known to reduce stress, foster relaxation, and increase sleep duration.
  • L-Theanine: Originally from green tea, L-theanine may alleviate crucial neurotransmitters like GABA and dopamine. Studies show that L-theanine may tangibly improve sleep, too. (Source)
  • L-Tryptophan: This amino acid is converted to 5-HTP upon ingestion, resulting in noticeable feelings of rest and relaxation.

Ben is known to take three capsules of Kion Sleep each evening.

He pairs this supplement with a sleep-centric evening routine that includes:

  • Minimizing stress
  • Maximizing red light exposure
  • Minimizing artificial/blue light exposure
  • Promoting a healthy level of tiredness through intense workouts
  • Ben’s Top Endocannabinoid Regulators

    In case you’re unaware, your body’s endocannabinoid system regulates virtually everything you do.

    It helps balance out the creating, sending, and receiving of cellular messages, leading to what researchers call full-body homeostasis. (Source)

    As great as the ECS may be, even it can get a little run-down sometime.

    That’s where a plant cannabinoid called CBD comes in. Ben Greenfield is a huge fan of CBD thanks to its ability to gently, holistically restore your body’s own endocannabinoid production.

    He says:

    Holy hell, this stuff is potent.

    Ben tends to rely on CBD when he’s traveling or otherwise unable to follow his normal optimized routine.

    Ben Greenfield's Top Supplements: Summary?

    Well, there you have it!

    While the supplements I’ve gone over above are some of Ben Greenfield’s favorites, they’re really just the start. Perhaps it’s best to take an experiential approach, just like he does, and try out other new products to determine if they’re right for you.

    Adam Author

    About the LifeHacker Guy

    Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

    I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

    Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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