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Gnarly Performance Greens Review

Gnarly Performance Greens Review

Have you been looking at Gnarly Performance Greens to see if this greens supplement is for you? Check out my thoughts on this and whether it’s worth giving it a try.

Green powders are supplements created from vegetables, greens, probiotics, seaweed, digestive enzymes, and more.

And one of them is Gnarly Performance Greens.

Many products out there have debatable ingredients, less effective doses, and aren't worth purchasing.

That's why we have written this Gnarly Performance Greens review for you to figure out if it is worth buying.

This review will cover everything you should know about this greens superfood.

We'll buckle down this powder's claims, ingredients, pricing, benefits, and more so you can understand if it's beneficial.

Gnarly Performance Greens Verdict

The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:

Coupons: None available



  • Ingredients / Dosages:3.0
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Value for the Price:4.0
  • Brand Transparency:4.0
  • Taste:3.0

Gnarly Performance Greens Pouch

What Is Gnarly Performance Greens?

Gnarly Performance Greens is promoted as one of the best vegan greens powders and whole-food nutrition for athletes and active people (although this brand didn’t make my best of list).

Greens serve all the crucial micronutrients for energy, optimal performance, and recovery benefits.

With Gnarly Performance Greens, you can be completely transparent about their ingredients and how much of each exists in Gnarly Performance Greens.

You may see other brands brag about including a massive amount of ingredients, but surprisingly, they don't mention the quantity of each ingredient in the product.

Gnarly Performance Greens have the right amounts of whole food ingredients that athletes need.

Who Is Gnarly Nutrition?

Team Gnarly comprises nutrition experts who care about messy victories, grit, and getting back up after failing.

The company aims to boost athletes, gymnasts, and other professionals from the inside out by using natural, science-based, and clear nutritional ingredients.

Gnarly Nutrition offers a wide range of products for athletes and bodybuilders, including Performance Greens.

The company is passionate about sustainability, with programs in place for low to no plastic use.

You will see steel cans instead of plastic tubs, which have a greater and improved recyclability score and exaggerate a life-long cycle. (Source)

Who Can Use Gnarly Performance Greens?

Generally speaking, Gnarly Performance Greens is consumed to improve nutrient intake and work similarly to multivitamins.

Still, rather than the isolated compounds, you receive a spectrum of whole-food ingredients that work magically in the long term.

It's very challenging to get all the essential nutrients in a week.

We don't get the time to chew all important fruits, vegetables, and others.

Smoothies, protein shakes, and juicing can help, and supergreens can, too.

Bodybuilders and athletes can get the help they need to get the vitamins and minerals they need to meet their RDI.

While there will be many options in the market, such as pre-workout and certain products, protein shakes, we suggest you save a place for Gnarly Performance greens.

The best thing about supergreens is that you can buy specific products that best suit your needs.

You can get a broad-spectrum supplement or one that has boosters for testosterone, stamina, and vitality.

Or you can experience improved gut health or an immune support system.

All ingredients and their details are added to the label for you to find out what you will get in the ingredients list.

You hardly find people who don't want to feel healthy, and if you prioritize your health, then you better consider greens such as Gnarly Performance Greens.

Every individual can leverage the benefits it carries, especially those who need an outstanding health and immunity boost.

green powder in bowl

Health Benefits of Gnarly Performance Greens

Besides supporting your entire health, Gnarly Performance Greens is mainly made to increase energy levels, enhance performance and promote better recovery while decreasing cholesterol, blood pressure, and more.

Better Energy And Performance

Gnarly Performance Greens consists of a bunch of ingredients added to get you going and improve your performance and energy, such as ginseng, Reishi, and cordyceps.

Improved Recovery

All the plant-based ingredients in this supplement powder help reduce inflammation and boost recovery.

But particular ingredients such as flax seed and turmeric are supposed to increase these benefits more.

Health And Wellness

Several superfoods in Gnarly Performance Greens may improve blood flow, boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

All of these are compelling reasons to purchase this healthy greens supplement. (Source)

Ingredients in Gnarly Performance Greens

Performance Greens has a long list of ingredients, including extracts, probiotics, plant-based components, and vitamins.

What we admire in Gnarly Performance Greens is how they have included everything in the long list of supplement facts and even added their daily value as well.

In the vitamin and minerals category, you see calcium, iron, biotin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, niacin, folate, manganese, chromium, selenium, zinc, copper, and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, B6, C, D, E, and K.

The pack also contains protein (albeit at 2g) and 3 grams of dietary fiber. The calorie count per serving is 50 cal.

For the plant-based components, you get organic kelp, tomato, broccoli sprout, carrot, barley grass juice, parsley, alfalfa sprout, spinach, kale, oat grass, freeze-dried coconut water, chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass.

Finishing up, the rest are ginger root, black pepper extract, organic cayenne, chia seed, reishi mushrooms, Asian ginseng, turmeric, tart cherry, cordyceps, beetroot, and pomegranate. There is also a large amount of lactospore CFU for probiotics.

Bodybuilders and athletes will like the fact that Performance Greens has vitality and strength and performance-enhancing ingredients in the form of cordyceps, reishi, ginseng, pomegranate, tart cherry, beetroots, and omega 3s.

As long as you are concerned about using the Gnarly Performance Greens, you can consume it in the morning just before your workout to experience maximum benefits.

Moreover, you can take the Gnarly Greens multiple times daily and with other specific bodybuilding items such as protein shakes.

Here are the Gnarly Performance Greens facts:

Gnarly Performance Greens Label

Health Benefits Of Gnarly Performance Greens Ingredients

If you have a question about whether green powders can replace vegetables, this section will answer it.

The serving size is similar to Organifi Greens but less than other brands like Supergreen Tonik and AG1 Greens.

Gnarly Performance Greens ingredients serve these health benefits in each serving (1 level scoop):

Kelp, Spirulina and Chlorella

Let’s begin this analysis by looking at these three ingredients from the sea; kelp, spirulina, and chlorella.

All of them are different algae forms and some of the most nutrient-rich sea vegetables.

These algae are enriched with B vitamins, chlorophyll, antioxidants, calcium, iron, and iodine. They are even loaded with fatty acids and essential amino acids.

Many studies have shown that these algae can lower cholesterol, help the immune system, lower blood pressure, fight viruses, give you more energy, and fight cancer.

Related: Check out my round-up of the best chlorella supplements and recommended spirulina supplements.

Alfalfa Sprout, Barley Grass, Oat Grass, And Wheatgrass

Then the nutritious green powder is loaded with three cereal grasses (barley, oat, and wheat) and alfalfa sprout, which is included here because of its nutritional composition as these three cereal grasses.

These foods are enriched with nutrients like calcium, magnesium, enzymes, sulphur, chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, K, and E, amino acids, and other minerals.

Cereal grasses' most well-known health benefits are that they help control blood pressure, improve sleep, protect the liver, boost the immune system, lower cholesterol, fight cancer, improve digestion, and lower blood sugar.

Freeze-Dried Coconut Water

Coconut water has vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants in it.

These things can do wonders for your health and athletic performance.

The freeze-drying procedure is best as it preserves more nutrients and can make the nutritional value almost similar to fresh coconut water.

Related: Coconut water powder

Plant Ingredients: Kale, Spinach, Carrot, Parsley, And Tomato

The concentrated plant-based nutrition group contains these vegetables; all contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other phytochemicals, and their exact makeup relies upon the food.

These vegetables improve heart health, help lose weight, and reduce cancer risk and other diseases.

Tart Cherry, Pomegranate, And Beet

Beets serve as blood flow enhancers.

These three fruits are polyphenols-dense and belong to a strong class of antioxidants.

Adding beet, tart cherry, and pomegranate supplements to your daily meal can help you reduce oxidative stress and inflammation while reducing muscle damage and increasing blood flow.

As a whole, these three appear useful for physically active people because of their effects on strength, endurance, and recovery.

Related: Best red powders

Is It Worth It To Buy Gnarly Performance Greens?

Gnarly Performance Greens appears to be a healthy greens or superfood supplement that works well, as do other best greens powders.

This healthy substance is made from a mix of different cereals, fruits, herbs, grasses, and vegetables.

It helps with performance, endurance, immunity, recovery, energy, and overall health and wellness.

You can take it several times daily, but remember that too much of anything is bad.

With a reasonable price of $43.45, you can get a 30-day serving bag.

The Gnarly greens have the rich flavor of lemon mint and blueberry Acai.

The powder doesn't taste bitter and doesn't give a grimy flavor.

The powder is advertised as having a blueberry flavor, and the lemon flavor has a lemon flavor with a hint of mint.

Woman drinking green juice

Gnarly Performance Greens Review: Closing Thoughts

Gnarly Greens does a great job of providing a greens blend in a transparent label with reasonable ingredient dosage.

This greens supplement could be a good choice for those who want a boost in their overall health and immunity yet also want to increase their recovery, performance, energy, and endurance.

As a result, it's an excellent greens and superfood supplement for athletes and other professionals who are subjected to high levels of physical stress.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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