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Daughter and mom drinking greens

What Happens When You Start Taking Greens?

Greens powder is made from leafy greens, green vegetables, and several vitamins and minerals that have various health benefits. You may be asking yourself: “what exactly happens to my body when I start taking greens powders?”.

But first, if you haven't read any other articles on my site, you're probably wondering what are greens powders?

Greens powders are made from superfoods and are basically super condensed nutrient-rich powders that give you a maximum boost of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins. This powder is easily absorbed by the body when mixed with water, coconut water, or a smoothie and provides you with all the nutrients you need when consumed with a healthy diet.

What Benefits Will I Get from Regularly Taking Greens Powders?

Well, the exact results may vary, but you are likely to feel healthier, happier, and more energized.

Using greens and superfood powders every day can help you maintain a healthy diet by introducing nutrient-dense foods in a powdered form that you would not usually include in your diet.

This has many benefits, which we will look at in more detail below.

You'll Likely Feel More Energetic

Unlike caffeine which gives you a sudden spike in energy, greens powder gives you increased, sustained energy levels without the sudden drop in energy that many of us experience with caffeine or energy drinks.

Some green powders may contain green tea extract or ginseng, which does contain traces of caffeine. However, many greens powders provide energy through the inclusion of macronutrients which are absorbed by the body and slowly release energy.

You May Experience a Healthier Immune System

Greens powder helps with immune health because of the variety of vitamins and minerals that are included in the powder. Greens powder contains vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A that improve your immune system's efficiency.

Apart from the vitamins, greens powders also contain special ingredients that specifically boost the immune system. Ingredients like barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, moringa, and wheatgrass significantly improve immune health – and although greens powders vary, most include some of these ingredients.

Immune Cells

You May Experience Constipation Relief

Greens powders contain micronutrients and macronutrients as well as fiber which supports the digestive system. The whole foods included in greens powders support digestive enzymes and healthy bacteria in your digestive system, which can reduce constipation and help make you more regular.

The healthy ingredients sourced from leafy greens also decrease inflammation in your gut and can help flush out toxins, resulting in improved digestion, gut health, and better bowel movements.

You might Notice a Drop in your Blood Pressure

Most fruits and vegetables can help lower blood pressure, especially those containing potassium, vitamin C, and carotenoids. These compounds have a significant impact on blood pressure and can be found in spinach, chard, avocado, sea vegetables, and dates.

If your greens powder contains these fruits, vegetables, or derived compounds, you are likely to experience a drop in your blood pressure, which can prevent chronic disease and heart issues in the long run.

Heart health goes hand-in-hand with lower blood pressure, and greens powders help improve cardiovascular health. Kale, spinach, wheatgrass, barley, and broccoli are ingredients that target the heart and help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy food alongside blood pressure gauge

You May Experience Reduced Oxidative Damage

Green powders contain ingredients rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to bind free radicals in the body. When cells are affected by free radicals, cells undergo radical damage, which can result in a variety of diseases, including cancer.

Super greens powder, which contains moringa, kale, spinach, spirulina, and chlorella, is rich in antioxidants and can reduce the risk of oxidative damage in your cells.

Related: Best polyphenol supplements

You May Notice Increased Endurance When Exercising

Along with having more energy, you will experience the ability to go for longer when exercising. This increased endurance is due to the natural slow-release carbohydrates found in a green powder, which allows your body to sustain a higher level of energy for longer periods.

This is especially true for greens powders and other nutritional supplements that contain spirulina, a superfood that provides energy, reduces inflammation and can regulate hormones.

Healthy and running again

It Can Help Balance Your Hormone Levels

Greens powders can help balance the level of various hormones in the body, but many women notice the most profound difference in their estrogen levels.

Postmenopausal women, in particular, are likely to benefit from this. To enjoy this benefit, it's best to look for a powder that contains cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, and collard greens.

You Could Find that your Skin Appears to be Healthier

Green powders work from the inside out. Not only will your body be healthier on the inside, but it will be reflected on the outside.

By providing your body with all the essential nutrients it requires, along with proper hydration, your skin, nails, and hair will be healthier than before. You may find that your skin clears up, your nails are stronger, and your hair is glossier.

Older Woman with great skin

You Might Notice a Decrease in Inflammation

As mentioned already, greens powders help with inflammation in the gut. Fortunately, it has the same benefits throughout your body, and super greens powders can reduce inflammation in muscles after exercise or injury as well.

Vitamin A is a natural anti-inflammatory that also enhances your immune system and is found in most greens powders.

You Might be Able to Cope with Stress More Efficiently

Super greens powder is one of those dietary supplements which provides you with mental clarity and helps you cope better in stressful situations.

Ashwagandha and Ginkgo Biloba are two ingredients commonly found in greens powders that help with cognitive function and stress relief, so if that is what you are looking for from your greens powders, make sure to check for these ingredients.

Green powders which contain adaptogens or mushroom blends can also help with anxiety, as well as fight insomnia, and help you to sleep.


How long does it take to see results from greens?

You will feel the impact and benefits of greens powders from the first time you take them, but sustained use will have a more significant impact.

You may immediately feel improved energy and mental clarity, while other benefits like lower blood pressure, endurance, healthy skin, and constipation relief may take a few days to weeks to kick in.

Best Greens powder for losing weight

Does drinking greens help you lose weight?

Greens powders are not meal-replacement shakes and should be taken along with a healthy diet and plenty of water.

That being said, if you regularly consume greens powders along with a healthy diet rich in vegetables, you may experience some weight loss, since the greens powders kickstart the metabolism.

Also, if you feel more energized, you may be able to work out for longer and at a higher intensity which can, of course, contribute to weight loss.

Do greens reduce bloating?

Yes, because of the gut health support, more regular bowel movements, and promotion of healthy gut bacteria, you will likely enjoy reduced bloating, especially after eating.

Should I take greens powder every day?

Most green powders manufacturers recommend that you take the supplement once a day. There are times that you may want to take the green powder more often, like when you are traveling, experiencing a stressful situation, training hard, or starting to feel sick.

You should also take greens powder more frequently if you find your diet lacking in a variety of food. For example, if you only had chicken and rice for dinner, you should take an extra scoop of greens powder to boost your nutrient density for the day.

Supergreen tonik front and back label

The Bottom Line

There are a lot of different greens powders on the market today, each with its own unique formula and list of health benefits. However, no matter the type or brand you consume, you are guaranteed to enjoy a whole range of benefits, both internally and externally.

Powdered greens will help balance your body's pH, which will improve your overall wellbeing. By regularly consuming greens powder, your liver function can improve, you may have better cardiac health, your immune system could be able to fight off diseases better, and you'll likely have more sustained energy and endurance.

Incorporating it into your diet is as easy as mixing the powder into a glass of cold water or your morning smoothie.

These powders are not a miracle cure to lose weight, but they are a great way to incorporate your daily greens into your diet and get all the nutrients and vitamins you require to live a healthy life.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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