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Green powder side effects

What Are The Greens Powder Side Effects?

Greens powders are a popular way to inject your diet with a whole host of health benefits, including extra vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. But, there is a side to these powders that aren't discussed as much – what are the greens powder side effects?

In most cases, no serious side effects are associated with taking greens powder supplements, but let's look at some potential side effects to watch out for.

These Are the Side Effects You Might Experience

Before we delve into the potential downside of consuming green powders, it's important to remember that not everyone will get these side effects. In fact, many people consume these powders with absolutely no issue whatsoever.

Allergic Reactions

You may be allergic to some of the products contained in green superfood powder, which is why it is important to thoroughly check out the label before you try it to avoid an allergic reaction.

It's rare, though, but it happens.

Render Blood Medication Inactive

As most greens powders contain a large number of Vitamin K, they can interact with blood thinners, making them less effective.

You must consult your physician before commencing a supplement, such as super greens powder supplements, if you are taking any form of medication.

Doctor prescribing pills


Diarrhea affects many people with a change in diet, and green food powder is no exception. Green powders are full of leafy greens, which, while providing numerous health benefits, also can lead to a sore stomach when you first start taking them in large amounts.

You might also experience an upset stomach as your body fights to alleviate itself of the toxins in your system while adjusting to new healthy foods.

Contamination Risk

There is a small risk, but a risk nonetheless, of consuming contaminates that have been known to be found in certain greens powders. These include lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Always ensure you choose green powders that have undergone rigorous testing.

Stomach Irritation

Artificial sweeteners aren't for everyone, given how the ingredients like mannitol can irritate the stomach, resulting in acid reflux, bloating, headaches, and even migraines.

If your body doesn't respond well to sweeteners, ensure you choose between the green powders that don't contain any.

Guy with stomach cramps

Other health hazards or negative effects include:

Some other points to be aware of before beginning your super greens powder journey include:

Combining too many supplements is not always good for you – make sure you know what you are taking and how they will react with each other.

Never consider swapping prescription medications for food supplements without first consulting a doctor. It shouldn't need to be said but this can be extremely dangerous!

Adding green superfood powder to milk and smoothies can increase your calorie intake, leading to obesity.

Some super greens powders might contain unlisted ingredients that could be harmful or unsafe or not provide adequate benefits for optimal health. This is why it is always sensible to only take greens supplements from a trusted retailer and from a brand that outlines all the ingredients on the label.

Related: 5 Super greens powder side effects.

How Can You Avoid the Negative Effects of Greens Powders?

Experiencing allergic reactions

If you have any reaction to a supplement, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor immediately. But, the best way to avoid reacting in the first place is to thoroughly read the label for any potential allergens.

Suffering from diarrhea

If you get an upset stomach, stop taking the powder for at least 24 hours, ensuring you stay hydrated throughout the duration. If diarrhea ceases, you can continue taking the powder, but ensure you appropriately adjust the amount you consume.

If you continue to feel unwell, stop taking the powder completely and consult your doctor for medical advice.

Blood medication interference

If you are taking medication alongside supplements and start to become unwell, it is important to seek medical help. But, in the first instance, before you purchase any form of supplement powder, you should consult your doctor to check whether it will be safe for you to take, particularly alongside certain blood medicines.

Irritable stomach

If you get an irritable stomach from consuming any powder, first try to switch to a brand that uses natural sugar substitutes such as stevia or monk fruit. If you're allergic to natural sweeteners, then it's best to avoid them.

Stevia leaf extract sweetener in greens powder


How many times a day should I consume green powder?

Green powder should be taken every day in order to fully reap the benefits of these superfood marvels. If you know that you are going to have a full and busy day ahead of you i.e., traveling, you can take two servings – if you can tolerate it.

Similarly, if you haven't been getting the nutrients that your body requires, it's usually ok to top up with an additional portion of the powder.

Should you drink greens on an empty stomach?

For many people, it is absolutely fine to take green superfood powders on an empty stomach. Knowing when it's the best time to take greens powders depends a little on your lifestyle, but there are some recommended practices.

For example, many people use these dietary supplements as an alternative to a traditional breakfast or their regular breakfast.

Can green powders can nausea?

In some people, green powders can, unfortunately, cause nausea, particularly when first starting out using them, which is usually due to the trace heavy metals in some greens powders. If this happens, reduce the portion of powder you are using and slowly increase it again as your body begins to tolerate it better.

What are the risks of overconsumption?

Overconsumption of any superfood powder has its risks. If you regularly take too much of any green powder, you run the chance of your body getting vitamin or mineral toxicity. This is because, sometimes, some of these minerals can build up in the body, reaching levels that are unhealthy.

Can you consume out of date greens powders?

You should check the best before date of your greens powder, usually printed on the tub, if out of date then you should not consume it. Greens powders are usually good for at least two years from the manufacturer's date.

This is because the best-case scenario is that the nutrients have become less potent and so not be effective, but at worse could have gone bad and could cause an irritable stomach or make you sick.

The same recommendation goes for whether it's safe to take expired vitamins too.

Always check the container that you're consuming supplements within the recommended timeframe.

Supergreen tonik front and back label

The Bottom Line

Remember, these side effects do not happen to everyone, and there are a great number of proven health benefits of these nutrient-dense powders, such as:

  • Helping the immune system fight infection
  • Building a healthy immune system all-round
  • Creating a nutritional balance with no over-processed foods
  • Increasing vegetable intake, especially green vegetables
  • Helping prevent the risk of developing chronic diseases
  • Supplying the body with anti-inflammatory properties and digestive enzymes
  • Providing ample vitamins and minerals
  • Increasing mineral absorption
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle away from unhealthy food with a focus on a plant-based diet
  • Even aiding weight loss in many cases

The bottom line is that you should listen to what your body is telling you. If you are unsure, speak to a medical professional before proceeding.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!


  1. Hello, I have been drinking “force factor smarter greens” and I feel like it helped me but did I make a good choice?

    1. Hi Graciele,
      I haven’t reviewed this product yet from this company but I have looked at Force Factor Total Beets previously.
      Taking a quick look at their “Smarter Greens” supplement we don’t get to see the breakdown of each ingredient in the formula. For me this puts me off because I want to know the ingredients in the formula are in sufficient quantities to have any effect.
      That said, are you experiencing any benefits since taking it? Ultimately, if you’re feeling better than that’s a great sign.

    1. Hi Annett,
      Thanks for your comment. I took a quick look at relive greens by ROOT but unfortunately because it contains a proprietary formula, there is no ingredient dosage information. This is important to know if sufficient dosages are in the formula to have much, or any, impact.
      The per serving dose is small for a greens formula, just 5 grams. The main ingredient in the proprietary formula will be Inulin and green banana flour. As such, the formula doesn’t instill me with much confidence with these being the primary ingredients 🙁
      For the cost of $75 there are MANY more choices I would consider.

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