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Glass and powder Spirulina

When To Take Spirulina Morning Or Night

If you have not yet heard about the wonderful benefits of introducing spirulina into your diet, you are about to get a treat! After knowing the benefits, the next question is when to take Spirulina morning or night?

Spirulina is a blue-green algae, or seaweed, that grows naturally in lakes located in tropical and sub-tropical environments. This substance is rich in protein and beta carotene and has many health benefits.

The question is when to take spirulina, morning or night? To maximize the incredible long-term benefits, keep on reading to find out how to improve your health and learn when is best to take spirulina supplements.

The Benefits Of Taking Spirulina In The Morning

If you are a morning person, it can be a great idea to take your vitamins earlier in the day so that you don't forget. Taking your spirulina tablets in the morning can provide additional benefits, too.

Reduces the feeling of tiredness and sluggishness

It is a horrible feeling waking up and still feeling fatigued, especially if you have had trouble sleeping the night before. Taking spirulina in the early hours boosts energy levels, helping you to start your day right and with purpose.

Improves the immune system

Spirulina is great support for the immune system as it contains a rich source of nutrients that help combat harmful bacteria. A significant amount of research has been conducted that shows that this super nutrient can fight viruses such as flu and HIV.

It slows down signs of aging

Containing vitamin E, spirulina can help combat signs of aging, as it helps to slow down the growth of skin cells. Not only this, but spirulina contains chlorophyll, which helps the skin retain moisture and therefore maintain a youthful glow.

Prevent flu and cold

Spirulina has been found to increase our capacity to fight against RNA viral infections, such as the common cold, making us feel better sooner! The tiny alga also boosts the production of white blood cells and antibodies, which fight both viruses and bacteria in the body.

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It helps with your daily diet

Spirulina is a good source of B vitamins and other valuable nutrients that enable you to gain several health benefits that you may be lacking in your normal daily diet.

Boosts hair growth

If all of the benefits listed above are not enough to prompt you to try spirulina, then what about the fact that it promotes hair growth? Yes, that's right! The proteins and other valuable nutrients found in spirulina help your hair grow and have anti-oxidants to help those experiencing hair loss.

The Benefits Of Taking Spirulina At Night

If you have read through the advantages of taking spirulina in the morning and don't think this will work for you, no fear. Taking spirulina tablets at night still enables you to reap many health benefits.

Reduces stress

It is common for people to feel calmer after taking spirulina at night. This is because the essential amino acids found in spirulina can lower levels of stress hormones. Overall helps individuals to feel more at ease and is likely to help those who struggle to sleep at night.

Guy sleeping in bed

Improves your sleep

If you are somebody that struggles with insomnia, then consuming spirulina powder or tablet form at night can help you get to sleep. This is because there is melatonin in spirulina, which is crucial in getting a restful night's sleep.

Helps with recovery

If you’re into working out, it is a great idea to add spirulina to your food or smoothie as it contains a low amount of calories but plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. This makes spirulina perfect for a post-workout drink or snack.

Can prevent overeating

Spirulina has a remarkably low-calorie count and a high amount of super nutrients, but it also acts as an appetite suppressant. This means that if you are trying to be healthy, adding spirulina to your diet is a great idea as it will stop you from reaching for those snacks!

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How To Use Spirulina

The question is, is it better to take spirulina in the morning or night?

Depending on how you choose to use spirulina, you will see different benefits. Taking spirulina in the morning will provide you with a burst of energy, and its anti-inflammatory properties will also help combat upper respiratory infections.

However, getting your dose of spirulina at night will assist you in getting a great night's sleep and reduce stress.

Spirulina Algae powder

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What Is The Recommended Dosage For Spirulina?

But what dosage of spirulina should you take? There is no official recommended minimum amount of spirulina one should consume, but studies suggest that taking between 1 gram and 8 grams a day will provide health benefits.

Taking spirulina consistently and in reasonable amounts will have a great effect on your health.

How Long Does It Take Spirulina To Work?

The time it will take for spirulina to have an impact on how you feel will depend on a number of things, for instance, how healthy your current lifestyle is and what your daily intake of spirulina is too.

To gain any potential health benefits such as weight loss and having more energy, the most important thing will be to make sure that you are consistent.

What's The Best Way To Take Spirulina?

As there are multiple methods of consuming spirulina, you will need to find the right technique. Many people choose to add one teaspoon or two of spirulina powder to their smoothies or meals.

However, spirulina has a unique taste that not everyone might like, so it may be good to use a spirulina dietary supplement and take it as a tablet with a glass of water.

If choosing to take spirulina in capsule or tablet form just ensure you are taking the recommended dosage. I prefer to take my spirulina in powder form within a powdered greens and superfood supplement.

However you choose to take spirulina, whether you eat spirulina or mix it into your smoothies, you will benefit from the protein and other nutrients found in the substance, so it's a win-win!

Spirulina powder

Is Spirulina Right For You?

If you are looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, and receive an energy boost, a stronger immune system, and less stress, then absolutely, spirulina is perfect for you!

As there are no official risks, if you are pregnant or suffer from any health issues, you must consult your doctor before starting to take spirulina.


What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a form of blue-green algae that grows in ponds and lakes, and its chemical composition includes protein, carbohydrates, and amino acids.

Is spirulina good for you? Absolutely!

The nutrient offers several benefits, including reducing oxidative damage, combatting signs of aging, and lowering cholesterol.

Is spirulina safe to take every day?

Yes, it is safe to take spirulina every day. While it is crucial to be consistent, it is also important not to take too much spirulina on any one day. Individuals have reported several side effects of high nutrient doses, including stomach-related issues and insomnia.

Does spirulina cause weight gain?

Spirulina can aid weight loss, as it has a high vitamin count but few calories. Of course, eating pure and natural food and exercising regularly is still important. The fact that spirulina boosts energy levels means you can be even more physically active.

How much spirulina should I take a day?

While there is no official dosage, most packets and jars will state how much spirulina to take daily. It's about finding the balance between taking enough of the nutrient to reap the benefits but not too much to avoid any potential side effects.

What happens to your body when you start taking spirulina?

Spirulina can affect each person differently, depending on lifestyle and the dosage that the individual decides to take. However, after consistent use, one is likely to feel more energized, less stressed, and report lower blood pressure.

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The Bottom Line

Spirulina has a high vitamin count and several other excellent benefits for the body, so it is no wonder that many people have already incorporated the substance into their daily routines.

To answer when to take spirulina, morning or night, you'll need to figure out what desirable effects you are looking for and then take it at the specified time.

With regular consumption, you will be feeling more energized and calm in no time!

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!

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