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Do Protein Shakes Make You Poop

Do Protein Shakes Make You Poop?

The benefits of increasing the protein in your diet are endless, and that is why more and more people are turning to protein powder.

However, a lot of people are finding one large drawback, which is that their protein shakes have them running to the bathroom more often than they were before.

So the question is: do protein shakes make you poop, and why?

Big scoop of protein

Benefits Of Protein Powder

Protein is very important when it comes to natural bodily functions. Protein can help with building muscle, repairing tissues, making enzymes and hormones.

There are many reasons to increase your protein intake including the following benefits: (Source)

Weight Management

One of the most sought after benefits of protein powder is weight management.

This is because protein can help you feel fuller longer and fills you up with smaller portions. This leads to less snacking and smaller meals which helps with weight management.

Muscle Growth

Protein is extremely essential for muscle growth and those who want to build muscle often consume protein shakes after their workouts.

Research shows that protein combined with a weight lifting regimen can increase muscle growth faster than those who lift without taking additional protein. (Source)

Exercise Recovery

In addition to muscle growth benefits, protein is also very valuable when it comes to recovering after exercise.

This means that after taking protein powder, you will recover faster and be ready for the next workout.

Nutritional Value

Protein is an important nutrient that is needed for the body.

Some people can find it difficult to get the daily recommended dose of protein in their normal diet, and that’s where protein powder can come in handy.

Types Of Protein Powder

types of protein powder

There is more than just one type of protein powder to choose from, and that can make it difficult to make a selection that is right for you.

These types include:


Whey protein is the most common type of protein that is available on the market.

Whey is a water-soluble milk protein that contains all of the amino acids that the body requires.

Whey protein is absorbed by the body quickly and easily.


Rich in glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps speed up muscle recovery, Casein is a protein that also comes from dairy.

This means that it is not suitable for those who have milk allergies or are vegan.

In addition, Casein is absorbed more slowly by the body so is best taken at night.


For those who do not consume dairy, soy is a great alternative.

Soy protein also contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body.


Many protein powders that are plant-based contain pea protein.

Pea protein is a high quality alternative to both soy and dairy based proteins.

It is also a good source of the amino acid arginine.


Perfect for those with dairy or soy allergies, hemp protein contains essential fatty acids and is a complete protein.

Why Do Protein Powders Make You Poop?

women holding toilet paper

If your body is not used to protein powder, you might notice some differences in your bowel movements.

The reason for this is because there are ingredients contained in protein powders that can be challenging to digest.

These ingredients include:

Food Additives

Most protein powders contain food additives such as stabilizers, sweeteners, thickeners, emulsifiers, and flavors.

Because these types of ingredients are not real and natural food, they can be hard to digest.

This can cause an increase in the liquid in your stool which is a known cause of diarrhea.


Dairy can also be difficult to digest, which makes protein powders such as whey and casein hard to digest.

This can be even more challenging for those who are lactose intolerant.

Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols are also resistant to digestion, which can cause a laxative effect and make you poop.

These sugar alcohols include erythritol, sorbitol, and xylitol.

Insoluble Fiber

Some of the vegan options can also make you poop.

This is because they naturally contain high amounts of insoluble fiber.

This can add bulk to your stool, and if enough is eaten, it can make you poop.

Protein Options

various superfood powders

There are many options that you can choose from when you are looking for protein options.

Even though protein powders can make you poop, they are a great addition to your diet if taken properly.

If you are experiencing increased discomfort with your chosen protein powder you can change the type you are taking or consult with your doctor for the best options.

These days everyone is talking about superfoods and the benefits that they provide. Two of these superfoods are Ashwagandha vs Maca.

Both Ashwagandha and Maca are derived from plants and have been used in ancient natural medicine for millennia.

Recently they have become popular in the western world for those seeking help with issues like energy loss, stress, and even diminished sex drives.

Even though they are both superfoods, Ashwagandha and Maca have different nutritional value and benefits.

What Is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha Extract Vs. KSM 66

Found in Asia and Africa, Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that is commonly used for stress and other benefits. (Source)

Ashwagandha is traditionally used as an adaptogen which is why it is most commonly used to reduce physical and mental stress.

Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha

The benefits associated with Ashwagandha include:

Reduces Stress And Anxiety

Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce cortisol levels which can help with stress and anxiety related issues.

A study showed that over eight weeks, those who took Ashwagandha root extract had a significant reduction in stress and anxiety. (Source)

Because of the stress reduction properties, Ashwagandha can also reduce stress related issues such as stress eating, weight gain, and sleep issues.


In addition to relieving stress and anxiety, Ashwagandha can also help improve sleep and reduce insomnia.

Not only can it help with sleep improvement, but it can also make you feel more alert when you wake up.

Improves Fertility and Sex Drive

There is also some evidence that shows that Ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac and can improve sex drive for both sexes.

It can also improve testosterone levels and reduce chances of infertility in men.

Increase In Muscle Mass And Workout Efficiency

Ashwagandha can also increase muscle mass and reduce post-workout wear and tear on your muscles.

This is because Ashwagandha assists with bettering your oxygen use during workouts. This means that workout recovery is faster and easier.

Ashwagandha also helps with your heart health and endurance during physical activity.

Reduce Blood Sugar

In addition to helping heart health, Ashwagandha can help with people who have high blood sugar.

Certain compounds in Ashwagandha, such as Withaferin A, have a powerful antidiabetic activity that assists with stimulating cells that bring glucose in from the bloodstream. (Source)

Inflammation Reduction

Ashwagandha can also reduce inflammation which can improve issues such as arthritis or autoimmune disorders.

Improved Cognitive Function

Cognitive functions can also be improved when taking Ashwagandha.

Benefits such as better attention spans, reaction time, memory, and cognitive performance can all be linked to taking Ashwagandha supplements.

What Is Maca?

Maca root

Maca, a plant that can be found growing in the Andes Mountains, has been grown and cultivated for thousands of years.

Maca has been used for both food and medication, and like Ashwagandha, gives health benefits and has traditionally been used to treat respiratory conditions and rheumatic disease.

Maca also contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Health Benefits Of Maca

The health benefits of Maca include:

Reduces Stress And Anxiety

Maca also can reduce stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels that are known to improve mood and reduce both anxiety and depression.

Improves Fertility And Sex Drive

Similar to Ashwagandha, there is some evidence that Maca assists with both male and female sex drives.

In addition to this, Maca has been known to help with semen concentration and mobility which can improve fertility.

Can Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause can be a very uncomfortable time in a woman’s life.

Symptoms such as hot flashes, irritability, poor sleep, and other hormonal changes often come with menopause.

The benefits of Maca during menopause include alleviating symptoms such as hot flashes and assisting with interrupted sleep.

Improves Energy Levels

Maca can improve fatigue in both an individual’s daily life as well as while they are exercising.

A study conducted showed that Maca can also improve the energy levels in those who live in either high or low altitudes. (Source)

Improved Cognitive Function

Colorful brain watercolor

Cognitive function can also be improved when taking Maca.

Improved cognitive function includes better mood, memory, focus, and sleep.

Inflammation Reduction

Again, like Ashwagandha, Maca can also assist with reducing inflammation which can have many benefits, as previously listed.

Improved Digestion

Another benefit of Maca includes improved digestion.

Improvements to digestion come with the following benefits: (Source)

  • Better nutrient absorption
  • Better bowel movements
  • Eliminating toxins
  • Weight loss
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better stamina
  • Healthier immune system

Ashwagandha vs Maca: Similarities And Differences

If you couldn’t tell based on the descriptions above, Ashwagandha and Maca have some very similar benefits and are both adaptogens that are considered antioxidants.

However, just because there are similarities doesn’t mean they are the same.

Even though they both help with things such as sex drive, hormone regulations, anxiety and depression relief, they do it in different ways.

Ashwagandha vs Maca: Which Is Right For You?

So the question becomes, which one should I take?

You should take Ashwagandha if you are looking for the following:

  • Better sleep
  • More muscle mass
  • Better athletic performance
  • Reduce inflammation in your body
  • Improved memory and attention span

You should take Maca if you are looking for the following:

  • Boosted energy levels
  • Improved stamina
  • Better semen volume and motility
  • Reduce depression
  • Reduce menopause symptoms

Ashwagandha vs Maca: Can I Take Them Together?

If you still can’t decide which is better to take, there is no harm in taking both together.

Because of the different benefits included in each supplement, you will get multiple benefits by taking both together.

Combined, you will not only get additional energy from Maca, but you will then get improved muscle strength, workout recovery, and stress relief from Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha vs Maca: Potential Side Effects

side effects on transparent screen

If taken in small, recommended doses, you should not experience any side effects with taking Ashwagandha or Maca.

However, if you begin to exceed the recommended dose, you can get side effects and affect your overall health.

Be careful if you are going to take these supplements in addition to a greens powder or other supplements, as they might contain Ashwagandha or Maca and can cause you to exceed the daily recommended dosage.

Ashwagandha: Potential Side Effects

The recommended dose of Ashwagandha depends on the individual but can be between 250 mg and 1,000 mg.

The side effects of taking Ashwagandha may include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Low blood pressure

You should also not take Ashwagandha if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic, suffering from a stomach ulcer, suffering from an autoimmune disorder, preparing to have surgery, or taking medications such as sedatives, immunosuppressants, or antihypertensive drugs. (Source)

Maca: Potential Side Effects

There are also potential side effects when it comes to taking Maca.

These include:

  • Moodiness
  • Cramping
  • Stomach issues
  • Insomnia
  • Disruption to menstrual cycles

You should avoid taking Maca if you have a hormone sensitive cancer such as ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine, or you are pregnant or breastfeeding. (Source)

Ashwagandha vs Maca: Supplement Options

There are many options for taking oral Ashwagandha or Maca supplements which can be found over the counter at any pharmacy or grocery store.

You can also find both in other supplement types.

In addition to taking both of these supplements together, you can also take Ashwagandha in other supplement combinations.

For some information on other supplement combos feel free to read my other articles:

How Long Until I See Results?

The timeline to see the effects of either supplement can take between 2 weeks and 45 days.

How long it will take for you to see results can depend on a few things including:

  • Weight
  • Exercise regimen
  • Sleep habits
  • Diet
  • Whether you are taking other supplements or medications
  • The dose you are taking

The main key to seeing results is consistency.

Typically supplements only remain in the body between 2 to 3 days which means any benefits you experience can diminish once you stop taking the supplements.

Best Time To Take Supplements

Best time to take supplements

Now that you have decided to take supplements, you might be wondering: when should I take them?

There are different benefits or effects when it comes to taking supplements in the morning or night.

Benefits Of Taking Ashwagandha Or Maca In The Morning

Some benefits of taking Ashwagandha or Maca in the morning include that it is easier to remember supplements in the morning.

You can take either supplement on an empty stomach safely, but if it bothers your stomach you might want to eat first.

Benefits Of Taking Ashwagandha Or Maca In The Evening

There are also benefits to taking Ashwagandha or Maca in the evening including improving your sleep and helping you relax after a long day.

In addition, if you find that supplements hurt your stomach, it can be easier on you in the evening after meals.


In conclusion, while both Ashwagandha and Maca can be taken separately, you can take them together to get the best benefits.

They both have a large array of benefits that can help your overall health as long as you make sure you only take the recommended dose.

AG1, or previously known as Athletic Greens, is a very well recognized brand in the green powder market.

It is typical for anyone looking for a greens powder to be trying to get more out of their diet, whether that be more vegetables, fruits, vitamins, or minerals.

One of these potential ingredients that people are looking for is collagen.

So the question is: Does AG1 have collagen?

AG1 order by Adam

What Is AG1 By Athletic Greens?

Packed with crucial fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals, Athletic Greens has been celebrated as being an excellent dietary supplement for active adults leading hectic lives who might otherwise struggle to include enough vegetables in their daily diet.

Full of natural energy, AG1 boasts a diverse array of components, encompassing various fruits, vegetables, algae, grasses, herbs, and other plant-based nutrients, all of which make a substantial contribution to your overall well-being.

Integrating AG1 into your daily routine can yield a multitude of advantages, such as enhanced digestive support, increased vitality, a reinforced immune system, improved cognitive function, and aid in maintaining optimal blood sugar levels, hormone equilibrium, and liver health.

Explore the outcomes I observed during my experience with AG1.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is one of most present protein in your body, accounting for 30% of your total protein.

Collagen’s main role is to provide strength, structure, and support to your body.

The specific roles that collagen play in your body includes: (Source)

  • Helps new skin cells grow
  • Helps replace dead skin cells
  • Provides a protective covering for your organs
  • Gives structure, strength and elasticity to your skin
  • Helps your blood to clot

Both men and women require collagen in their diet to assist with body regulation and functions.

Collagen Powder

Benefits Of Collagen

The basic benefits of collagen include:

  • Preserve skin structure
  • Wound healing
  • Anti-aging support
  • Bone loss prevention
  • Muscle mass improvement
  • Hair and nail health
  • Reduce pain of osteoarthritis
  • (Source)

Each person will see the benefits of collagen in a different time frame depending on dose, body composition, and type of collagen you are taking.

Does Athletic Greens Have Collagen?

According to the ingredients list, there is no collagen present in AG1.

You can see a full list of ingredients here.

Why Doesn’t AG1 Include Collagen?

So why doesn’t AG1 include collagen in their supplement?

While there is no agreed upon amount of collagen you should include in your daily diet, the dosages that would be required for you to see benefits would be too much to fit in the already jam packed AG1 formula.

Collagen Supplement Sources

Food rich in collagen

There are a few options to get more collagen in your daily diet, whether it be by collagen powder or pills.

You can even put collagen powder in your coffee for a great morning pick-me-up!

In addition to oral collagen supplements, there are also a lot of topical collagen products that help with skin health, wrinkles, and even can be used on your hair to repair breakage.

Collagen offers benefits to your health, and your appearance.

Athletic Greens, also known as AG1, is one of the most well known greens powders in the industry.

Most people looking for a greens powder are trying to get something more in their diet.

While this is usually more vegetables and fruits, some people are also looking for vitamins and minerals.

One of these minerals: magnesium.

So that begs the question: does Athletic Greens AG1 have Magnesium?

Athletic Greens (AG1) Pouch

What Is AG1 By Athletic Greens?

Packed with essential fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals, Athletic Greens has been proven to be a fantastic dietary supplement for active adults leading busy lives that would not otherwise get enough vegetables in their daily diet.

AG1 features a wide range of elements, including an assortment of fruits, vegetables, algae, grasses, herbs, and other plant-based nutrients, all contributing significantly to your overall health.

Incorporating AG1 into your daily regimen can bring you a host of benefits, including better support for digestion, increased energy levels, a stronger immune system, improved cognitive function, and assistance in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, hormone balance, and liver function.

Discover the results I noticed from my AG1 experience.

What Is Magnesium?

If you are not familiar, magnesium is a mineral that is extremely important when it comes to your body and its functions. (Source)

The functions that your body completes that benefit from magnesium include: (Source)

  • Protein synthesis
  • Muscle and nerve functions
  • Blood glucose control
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Energy production
  • Oxidative phosphorylation
  • Glycolysis
  • Structural development of bone
  • Synthesis of DNA and RNA
  • Transports calcium and potassium across cell membranes to assist with nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and normal heart rhythms

Benefits Of Magnesium

magnesium benefits

Because magnesium is so important to keep your body functioning, there are many health benefits associated with getting enough magnesium into your system.

These include:

  • Assisting with the following biochemical reactions:
    • Energy creation
    • Protein formation
    • Gene maintenance
    • Muscle movements
    • Nervous system regulations
  • Boosts exercise performance
  • Combats depression
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Promotes a healthy heart
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Can prevent migraines
  • Can improve PMS Symptoms
  • Promotes bone health
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces anxiety


It is no wonder with all these benefits that people are looking to make sure they have the proper dose of magnesium each day.

Types Of Magnesium

There are two main types of magnesium to choose from when you are looking to incorporate more magnesium into your diet: magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate.

So how do you know which form of magnesium is best for you?

The main differences between these two types of magnesium are how they are absorbed in your body.

Magnesium glycinate is absorbed by amino acids while magnesium citrate acts by filtering water from tissues through osmosis.

Typically the supplement that works best for most people is magnesium glycinate.

This is because it is more easily absorbed and is gentle on your stomach, a trait not shared by other forms.

Does Athletic Greens AG1 Have Magnesium?

According to their ingredients list, AG1 contains 26 mg of magnesium per serving, or approximately 6% of your Daily Value.

You are supposed to take only one serving of Athletic Greens per day, which means that you will only be getting a total of 26 mg of magnesium per day from your Athletic Greens supplement.

Typical Daily Dose Of Magnesium

Athletic Greens lists on their label that the 26 mg of magnesium provided is approximately 6% of your Daily Value, however the amount you should be taking does vary based on age and gender.

Recommended doses of Magnesium are as follows: (Source)

Magnesium Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Age:RDA:% of Daily Value from AG1 based on Recommended Dose
14-18410 mg / day6.34%
19-30400 mg / day6.5%
31+420 mg / day6.19%
14-18360 mg / day7.22%
19-30310 mg / day8.39%
31+320 mg / day8.13%
*These doses vary if you are pregnant or breastfeeding*

Based on the above data, you will get a small percentage of what you need from Athletic Greens and you will need to look for additional sources of magnesium ito hit the daily recommended dosages.

Other Sources Of Magnesium

magnesium sources

There are a few other sources you can turn to when you need to add magnesium in your diet. These include foods and other vitamins and supplements.

Foods that contain magnesium are typically greens, seeds, nuts, dry beans, wheat germ, whole grains, and oat or wheat bran.

A more extensive list can be found here: Cleveland Clinic. (Source)

If you have heard anything about greens powders you are probably familiar with Athletic Greens, also known as AG1.

People who are looking for greens powders often do so because they realize they need more in their diet.

One thing people often search for is probiotics.

So the real question is: does Athletic Greens have probiotics?

my AG1 bundle order

What Is AG1 by Athletic Greens?

Filled with crucial fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals, Athletic Greens proves to be an excellent dietary supplement for the active adult with a hectic lifestyle.

AG1 boasts a diverse array of components, including various fruits, vegetables, algae, grasses, herbs, and other plant-derived nutrients, contributing significantly to your overall well-being.

By incorporating AG1 into your routine, you can expect several advantages, such as improved digestive support, heightened energy levels, reinforced immune system, enhanced cognitive function, and assistance in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, hormone balance, and liver function.

Check out what happened to me after 30 days taking AG1.

Benefits Of Probiotics

There are many benefits that come from taking probiotics. (Source)

These include:

  • Balancing the bacteria in your digestive system
  • Prevention or treatment of diarrhea
  • Improvement of some mental health conditions
  • Keeps your heart healthy
  • Can reduce the severity of eczema
  • Can reduce the severity of certain allergies
  • Can reduce symptoms that come with certain digestive disorders
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Can help you lose weight and belly fat

Like most things, the benefits will depend on a variety of factors including diet, exercise, lifestyle, and other factors.

Does AG1 Have Probiotics?

With all the benefits that come with taking probiotics, it is a good idea to seek out supplements that contain probiotics.

While AG1 does have probiotics listed in their formula, the quantities included are not enough to be effective.

The probiotics included in the Athletic Greens formula include Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium Bifidum.

Combined, there are only 38 mg of these probiotics included in the formula.

In addition to being underdosed, probiotics can be temperamental when included with other ingredients.

That means that without the necessary additional ingredients, you will not be able to digest these in a way that gives you the benefits you are looking for.

For a better breakdown of AG1 of ingredients, look here.

If you happen to like Athletic Greens but are still looking for the benefits of probiotics, you can take them in another supplement.

Here are some of the best probiotic supplements that I could find.

Athletic Greens Alternatives

taking Supergreen Tonik

If you want to look into alternatives to AG1, there are many options.

In addition, I have done the research on the best greens powders that contain probiotics.

These options include:

Any one of the above options would be a great source of both greens powders and probiotics for those who want the best of both worlds.

As the world of supplements becomes increasingly popular, we have begun to see an explosion of options in the greens powder market.

One of the most popular greens powders out there is Athletic Greens, or AG1, and if you have looked into greens powders at all you are likely familiar with it.

Some people looking for the nutritional benefits of greens powders have other dietary needs, such as gluten-free, so the question is: Is AG1 gluten free?

Athletic Greens AG1 Starter Pack

What Is AG1 by Athletic Greens?

Packed with essential fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals, Athletic Greens is a great supplement for the busy adult on the go.

AG1 is known for an extensive list of ingredients that assists your overall health such as a wide range of fruits, vegetables, algae, grasses, herbs, and other plant-based nutrients.

The benefits of taking AG1 include enhancing your digestive support, increasing your energy levels, strengthening your immune system, enhancing your brain function, and assisting in the support of your blood sugar levels, hormone function, and liver health.

For a more comprehensive look at AG1, check this out.

Why Follow A Gluten Free Diet?

gluten free diet

Gluten free diets are used by both those who have medical conditions that require it; but are also followed by people with no medical condition who use it to increase health and weight loss. (Source)

Health conditions that require a Gluten Free Diet include:

  • Celiac Disease
  • Gluten Sensitivity
  • Gluten Ataxia
  • Wheat Allergy

Each of these listed have different requirements when it comes to how much gluten you can and should consume.

If you are not sure how much you should consume, you should check with your doctor.

What Does It Take To Be Gluten Free?

According to the FDA “that any foods that carry the label “gluten-free,” “no gluten,” “free of gluten,” or “without gluten” must contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten.” (Source)

Is Athletic Greens Gluten Free?

According to the nutrition information, AG1 lists “no gluten”, which we know that at least means that their supplement contains “less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten”.

However, this doesn’t have to mean that there is absolutely zero gluten contained.

Some ingredients inside AG1 are not completely gluten-free such as wheatgrass and barley leaf.

For more information, you can find a full breakdown of AG1 ingredients here.

This means that while Athletic Greens will be sufficient for most gluten-free purposes, such as health and weight loss, or those who have a slight intolerance, it will not be good for people with a full-fledged gluten or wheat allergy.

Athletic Greens Alternatives

Supergreen Tonik AG1 Alternative

If you are looking for a truly gluten-free greens powder option, a great one is Organifi Green Juice.

For a comprehensive comparison, you can read my deep dive here.

While Athletic Greens is a great option for greens powders and is in fact one that I suggest often, it might not be the best choice for those seeking a gluten-free option.

If you aren’t sure whether or not Athletic Greens is right for you, you can always look at these alternatives.

Eggs have been a staple in human diets for thousands of years and I eat them most days for their taste and protein content. But should you eat them everyday? If so, how many eggs can you eat per day?

Their versatility in culinary applications, from breakfast scrambles to delicate pastries, is a testament to their universal appeal. However, for as long as they've graced our plates, eggs have also been at the center of an ongoing health debate.

Are they nutritional powerhouses, providing essential proteins and vitamins, or are they cholesterol-laden threats to our cardiovascular health? As science has evolved, so too has our understanding of this humble food, leading many to question: Just how many eggs can you eat in a day?

Four eggs sat upright

Nutritional Breakdown of an Egg

While the exact nutritional composition of an egg can vary based on its size and preparation method, the table below provides a general overview of the nutritional content for a typical large raw egg (approximately 50 grams):

  • Calories: 70kcal
  • Protein Content: 6 grams
  • Vitamin A: 260 IU
  • Vitamin D: 41 IU
  • Vitamin B12: 0.6 mcg
  • Folate: 25 mcg
  • Iron: 0.9 mg
  • Selenium: 15.5 mcg
  • Cholesterol: 186 mg
  • Total Fat: 5 grams

Source: Healthline

Benefits of Moderate Egg Consumption

Eggs, when consumed in moderation, can offer a plethora of health benefits. They are not only versatile in the kitchen but also pack a nutritious punch in various aspects of health.

Here are some of the notable benefits of moderate egg consumption.

Satiety and Weight Management

Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein, which can help to promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake. Studies have shown that individuals who consume eggs for breakfast feel more satiated and tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day, supporting weight management goals. This is especially significant for those trying to maintain or lose weight, as a protein-rich diet can help in curbing hunger pangs and reducing unnecessary snacking.

Eye Health (Lutein and Zeaxanthin)

The yolk of the egg contains essential antioxidants known as lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds are known to accumulate in the retina of the eye, helping to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Regular consumption of eggs can enhance the levels of these antioxidants in the blood, promoting better eye health.

Brain Health (Choline)

Choline is a vital nutrient that many people don't get enough of. Eggs are an excellent source of choline, which is essential for various processes in the body, including the production of neurotransmitters. Choline plays a pivotal role in brain health, supporting cognitive functions, memory, and even fetal brain development during pregnancy.

Muscle Maintenance and Repair (High-Quality Protein)

The proteins found in eggs are complete proteins, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids that our bodies can't produce on their own. These amino acids are crucial for muscle repair, growth, and maintenance. For those involved in regular physical activity, consuming eggs can aid in faster muscle recovery and support muscle development.

Factors to Consider in Egg Consumption

Egg consumption doesn't operate in a vacuum. Several variables might influence how eggs affect our health. Before making a decision on how many eggs to incorporate into your diet, it's essential to take into account the following factors:

  • Individual Cholesterol Response: Every individual metabolizes dietary cholesterol differently. For most people, dietary cholesterol has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels. However, for a subset known as “hyper-responders,” dietary cholesterol can indeed influence blood cholesterol to a greater extent. Being aware of how your body reacts can guide your decisions regarding egg consumption.
  • Presence of Other Health Conditions: Individuals with certain health conditions might need to be more cautious with their egg intake. For instance, while the general population might not experience increased heart disease risk with moderate egg consumption, some studies indicate that diabetics might see an elevated risk with high egg consumption. Always consult with a healthcare provider to understand the nuances of your specific health context.
  • Overall Diet and Lifestyle: It's crucial to remember that your overall diet and lifestyle play a significant role in health outcomes. If your diet is rich in saturated fats, trans fats, and lacks dietary fiber, the effects of regular egg consumption might be different than if you followed a balanced, nutritious diet filled with vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption, also play pivotal roles in overall health and can influence how dietary choices like egg consumption impact you.
  • Sources of Eggs: Not all eggs are created equal. The nutritional profile and potential contaminants can vary based on how hens are raised and what they're fed. Free-range eggs, for example, often come from hens that have some access to the outdoors and can exhibit a different nutrient profile compared to conventionally raised eggs. Organic eggs come from hens fed organic feed and without the use of antibiotics or synthetic hormones. When choosing eggs, it's also essential to consider factors like freshness and potential exposure to harmful bacteria or contaminants. Researching and understanding the practices of the farm or source of your eggs can provide insights into the quality and potential health benefits or risks associated with those eggs.

While eggs can be a nutritious addition to many diets, the key lies in individualization. By taking into account personal health conditions, lifestyle, and the quality of the eggs, you can make an informed decision that best suits your health and wellbeing.

Lots of eggs for breakfast

Potential Risks of Excessive Egg Consumption

While eggs are undoubtedly packed with numerous health benefits, excessive consumption, like with any food, can pose potential health risks. Some people you think of consuming lots of eggs there could be issues of excess cholesterol or embarrassment from suffering with eggy gas.

Understanding these concerns helps in making informed decisions about our daily dietary choices.

  • Relationship with Certain Conditions: One of the major concerns that have arisen from various studies is the potential link between excessive egg consumption and heart disease, particularly among diabetics. Some research suggests that diabetics who consume eggs regularly might have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who consume fewer eggs. However, it's worth noting that these findings are still a subject of debate and not conclusively proven.
  • Cholesterol Concerns: Although recent research has shown that dietary cholesterol (the cholesterol you eat) doesn’t directly raise blood cholesterol for most people, there are exceptions. A small subset of the population, known as “hyper-responders,” might experience an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol with a high intake of dietary cholesterol. If you fall into this category, excessive egg consumption could have implications for your heart health.
  • Allergies and Intolerances: Eggs are among the most common food allergens, especially in children. Symptoms of an egg allergy can range from mild hives or a stuffy nose to severe anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Furthermore, some people may have intolerances that lead to digestive distress after consuming eggs.
  • Toxins and Contaminants: Eggs, particularly those from factory-farmed sources, can sometimes be contaminated with harmful bacteria like Salmonella. Overconsumption increases the risk of exposure. Moreover, in some parts of the world, concerns about dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in eggs have been raised, though this largely depends on the environment and practices of where and how the hens are raised.

Adam's favorite avocado egg toast lunch
My favorite Avocado, poached egg on toast (Photo by Lifehacker Guy)

Is it okay to eat eggs every day?

One of the long-standing health food myths concerning the “bad cholesterol” in eggs have been shown to be inaccurate.

I still can't bring myself to drink egg whites though.

I will continue to enjoy my poached eggs (especially with avocado) most days as the health benefits are just too good to ignore!

If you are familiar with the greens powder market, then you have likely heard of Athletic Greens, a very popular greens supplement used by many adults.

Because it is often taken first thing in the morning, a lot of people wonder if Athletic Greens AG1 have caffeine.

If you are one of those people wondering if you can replace your morning cup of coffee with Athletic Greens and still get a caffeine boost to your day, we have all the information you need!

AG1 bundle

What Is AG1 by Athletic Greens?

AG1 by Athletic Greens is a well known daily greens powder that contains essential vitamins, minerals, and superfoods to give you what you need in your daily nutrition.

Athletic Greens first arrived on the market in 2010 and since then has only been gaining in popularity and brand awareness.

Benefits to Athletic Greens includes:

  • Digestion Support
  • Improved Energy Levels
  • Immune System Support
  • Increased Brain Function
  • Supports Blood Sugar Levels, Hormone Function, and Liver Function

To learn all about Athletic Greens, you should read my AG1 review.

Some of the ingredients contained in Athletic Greens includes:

Does Athletic Greens AG1 Have Caffeine?

Coffee beans and cup

However, despite the many listed ingredients in AG1, one ingredient that is not present is caffeine.

This is because AG1 does not include any chemical stimulants or ingredients in their supplements and caffeine fits into this category.

However, there are ingredients included in Athletic Greens that have been associated with containing caffeine, including green tea extract and cocoa extract.

Even though these ingredients are present, they are not added due to their caffeine content and Athletic Greens is specifically formulated to not include caffeine.

Why Doesn’t AG1 Include Caffeine?

It was a decision made by Athletic Greens not to include caffeine in their supplements.

This is mainly so that people who are trying to limit their caffeine can take Athletic Greens and those who aren’t can still take AG1 while getting their caffeine elsewhere.

In addition, by not including caffeine it makes it possible to drink AG1 at any time of day without interfering with someone’s sleep schedule, making it a fit for all.

AG1: Energy Boosting Ingredients

Just because Athletic Greens does not contain caffeine, doesn’t mean you won’t get a natural energy boost when you take it.

Ingredients in AG1 such as the included B Vitamins and adaptogens can help raise energy levels and decrease your feelings of fatigue and stress.

Athletic Greens AG1 Alternatives

Supergreen Tonik tub

If you are looking for alternative greens powders that are not Athletic Greens, look no further!

I have researched a great list of alternatives to Athletic Greens for you.

Unlike Athletic Greens, there are greens powders out there that list each ingredient out in specific quantities, instead of proprietary formulas, so you know exactly what you are getting.

One great alternative includes Supergreen Tonik.

If you know anything about the greens powder industry, chances are you have heard of Athletic Greens AG1; a highly popular greens supplement that is widely used among adults.

If you don’t already take Athletic Greens, but are considering it, one thing you might be wondering is whether or not Athletic Greens have iron.

AG1 bundle

What Is Athletic Greens (AG1)?

Frequently known as “AG1,” Athletic Greens stands as a well-recognized daily greens powder supplement, brimming with essential vitamins, minerals, and superfoods to fulfill your daily nutritional requirements.

Introduced to the market in 2010, Athletic Greens has steadily gained popularity and widespread recognition over the years.

The advantages of incorporating Athletic Greens into your routine includes:

  • Enhanced Digestive Support
  • Elevated Energy Levels
  • Reinforced Immune System
  • Improved Cognitive Function
  • Support for Blood Sugar Levels, Hormone Function, and Liver Health

To delve deeper into the world of Athletic Greens, I encourage you to read my comprehensive AG1 review: check this out.

Among the key constituents found in AG1 are:

  • Important vitamins like Vitamin C, B6, and Niacin
  • Essential minerals including Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium
  • A rich selection of superfoods such as Spirulina, Alfalfa, and Artichoke extract
  • Beneficial probiotics like Bifidobacterium Bifidum
  • Prebiotics
  • Various plant extracts
  • Potent antioxidants
  • A complex blend of enzymes and mushrooms

You can find a full breakdown of AG1 ingredients here.

Benefits Of Iron Supplements

Iron provides many benefits to your body, its vital functions, and your overall health.

Benefits of iron in your body include increasing energy, increasing focus, assisting with your gastrointestinal processes, improving your immune system, and regulating your body temperature. (Source)

If you have an iron deficiency you might experience fatigue, heart palpitations, breathlessness, and even pale skin.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it can be a good idea to speak with a health professional.

Symbol for the chemical element iron

Risk Of Taking Too Much Iron

It is also possible to get too much iron, and this can be dangerous to your body.

Risks include:

  • Upset Stomach
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Inflammation of the Stomach Lining
  • Ulcers

If you are taking extreme doses of iron you can also experience a decrease of Zinc absorption, organ failure, coma, convulsions, and even death. (Source)

Does AG1 Have Iron?

Athletic Greens does not contain any added iron.

This means that the only iron present in Athletic Greens comes from the ingredients included that contain iron, such as Spirulina.

However, since we do not know the detailed quantities of each ingredient that is included in Athletic Greens, there is no way to tell exactly how much iron is present.

We can confidently say that taking Athletic Greens would not come with a risk of taking too much iron.

Athletic Greens: Alternatives

supergreen tonik tub

If you are interested in taking a greens powder but are not sold on Athletic Greens, you can always try these alternatives.

Unlike Athletic Greens, there are supplements out there, like Supergreen Tonik, that will give you the exact dose for each listed ingredient, so you can be confident in what you are taking each day.

Discover effective supplements for brain fog and learn how to unlock mental clarity. Boost your cognitive function and regain focus and productivity.

Brain fog is not a medical condition, but can be a symptom of other health concerns.

Colorful brain watercolor

What Is Brain Fog? An Overview

So what exactly is brain fog?

Brain fog is a generalized feeling of reduced cognitive function. (Source)

Symptoms can include:

  • Memory Issues
  • Reduced Mental Clarity
  • Inability to Focus
  • Poor Concentration

Often described as mental fatigue, brain fog can come in many different levels of severity.

Even though brain fog is not a medical condition, that doesn’t mean it won’t affect your life. Brain fog can interfere with your ability to succeed at work, school, or other tasks that requires concentration.

Brain fog can be caused by multiple factors such as stress, poor sleep, hormones, diet, medication, or other medical conditions.

Often when people are experiencing brain fog, they turn to supplements to assist with the treatment.

These supplements are often greens powders, such as Mind Lab Pro or Supergreen Tonik.

Understanding Brain Fog

Despite not being a medical condition, you can still talk to your doctor if you think you are experiencing brain fog, because it could be a symptom of a medical condition that you will want to get diagnosed.

When you visit your doctor, they will typically take you through the following topics:;45kl;

  • Your mental health
  • Your diet
  • Your current level of physical activity
  • Whether or not you are taking medications or supplements

Make sure you also clue your doctor in on any additional symptoms you are experiencing so you can get an accurate diagnosis.

In addition to discussing the above listed topics, your doctor might also run blood work to try to identify the following:

  • If you have irregular glucose levels
  • If you have poor liver, kidney, or thyroid functions
  • Any nutritional deficiencies you might be experiencing
  • Detecting if you have infections
  • Whether or not you have any inflammatory diseases/li>

Causes Of Brain Fog: In Depth

There are multiple different reasons you could be experiencing brain fog.

These causes include:


Stress can cause many health issues, one of which being brain fog and mental fatigue.

This is because when you are exhausting your brain with stress, if can become harder to focus, think, reason, and can also affect your memory.

In addition, chronic stress can also increase your blood pressure, weaken your immune system, and even trigger depression.

Poor Sleep

Sleep is very important for a healthy person.

It is not only good for your body, but it is also good for your brain.

Not getting between 8 and 9 hours of sleep can lead to poor concentration abilities, cloudy thoughts, and the mental fatigue that is often associated with brain fog.


Hormones can cause a big impact on many of your bodily functions, including your mental abilities.

Hormone changes can affect both genders but often it is more common in women in regards to brain fog.

Changes in estrogen levels have a big impact on women’s cognitive abilities.

For instance, when estrogen levels are increased it can cause memory issues and short term impairment of cognitive functions.

In opposition, a drop in estrogen can cause forgetfulness, poor concentration, and cloudy thinking.


Similar to hormones, pregnancy can be a big cause of brain fog.

Often referred to as “pregnancy brain”, the chemicals released to protect, nourish, and assist in the development of your baby can cause memory problems.


Brain fog can also occur after taking certain medications.

If you begin a medication and notice a dip in your cognitive abilities, you will want to immediately talk with your doctor to see if there are any alternatives.

Medical Conditions

As mentioned, while brain fog is not a mental condition in itself, it can be the symptom of another medical condition. (Source)

These can include:

  • Alzheiumer’s
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer (As well as cancer treatment)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Lupus
  • Menopause
  • Migraines
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Viral Infections

Keto diet foods


Diet can be a very important component when it comes to brain fog. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 can be a big offender in brain fog.

In addition to being vitamin deficient, you can also experience brain fog from undereating or malnourishment.

If you identify that your diet is the cause of your brain fog, there are many things you can do to assist in boosting your nutrition to reduce or eliminate your brain fog.

How Can Nutrition Help Brain Fog?

Nutrition is important when it comes to combating many health issues, including brain fog.

The following vitamins and minerals are extremely important when it comes to cognitive function and a deficiency of any of these can cause brain fog: (Source)

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a very important vitamin when it comes to cognitive function and health, and a lack of Vitamin D is often linked to an increase in risk of depression.

This is also why those who live in northern areas can experience Seasonal Affective Disorder from a lack of sunshine and Vitamin D.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is also very important when it comes to brain function, memory, and judgment.

This is because Vitamin B12 can assist with DNA synthesis, red blood cell production, and the overall function of the central nervous system.


Iron, often known for promoting healthy red blood cells, can also assist with cognitive function and the development of the brain.

Both high and low levels of iron have been linked to disruption of the function of the nervous system which can alter memory, attention, and behavior functions.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Naturally found in fish, omega-3 fatty acids are important for reducing inflammation and promoting heart health.

They are also linked to an increase in brain health and reducing the risk of depression.


A lack of Magnesium which is known to increase your body’s susceptibility to stress, it can also be a cause of brain fog and cognitive deficiency.

Vitamin C

Having the proper level of Vitamin C can help with improving concentration, focus, attention, and memory.

If you don’t have enough Vitamin C, you are at a higher risk of depression which means you are also at a higher risk of brain fog.


Choline is a micronutrient that is known to prevent cognitive decline and is essential for healthy brain function.

Studies have shown that taking Choline supplements can help with learning, processing speed, and memory.

Related: Check out 21-Day Brain Fog Blitz

Brain nootropics and better mental clarity

Nootropic Supplements: An Overview

If you aren’t familiar, a nootropic is a cognitive enhancing drug or supplement.

They can be either natural or synthetic.

Common nootropics include:


Caffeine is a highly commonly used substance, just ask anyone who needs their coffee in the morning.

Caffeine can help increase your alertness and attention which can combat brain fog.


Found in tea or taken as supplements, L-Theanine can help you feel calm but not drowsy.

This can assist with reducing stress and assisting in sleep.


Used to make protein, creatine is not only a bodybuilding supplement, though that is what it is commonly used for.

In addition to assisting with building muscles, creatine can also increase the energy used by your brain cells which can improve short-term memory and reasoning.

Other Common Nootropics

In addition to those listed above, there are also the following common nootropics (Source):

  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Nicotine
  • Noopept
  • Piracetam
  • Phenotropil
  • Modafinil (Provigil)
  • Amphetamines (Adderall)
  • Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Greens Powders: An Overview

Greens powders are a great way to supplement your daily diet to assist with getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need that you might not already be getting.

Not only do these supplements help with your daily nutrition, they can also help you fight fatigue and stress which would reduce brain fog.

So how do greens powders help?

Greens powders contain the vitamins and minerals that assist with brain and cognitive function.

These ingredients include:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron

Mind Lab Pro vs. Supergreen Tonik

If you are experiencing brain fog, or are looking to increase your vitamin and mineral intake, greens powder can be right for you.

Two great options include Mind Lab Pro and Supergreen Tonik.

So which one is best?

Mind Lab Pro box and capsules

Mind Lab Pro


  • 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Less Expensive at $65 per 30 Servings
  • Fully Disclosed Ingredient Quantities
  • No Listed Side Effects


  • No Subscription Discount
  • Important Ingredients are underdosed


Supergreen Tonik review

Supergreen Tonik


  • 365 Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Offers a Subscription Discount
  • Fully Disclosed Ingredient Quantities
  • Important Ingredients have the proper doses
  • Great Taste
  • No Listed Side Effects


  • More Expensive at $87 per 30 Servings


While both of these greens powders will work, the better choice is Supergreen Tonik.

Not only are the ingredients exactly what you need for healthy brain function, but they are included in the recommended doses which can help anyone with their health.

If you are experiencing brain fog, a greens powder can be right for you. However, if your brain fog continues, it is a good idea to go and talk with your doctor to make sure it is not caused by something more serious.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!