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Active Stem Review

LCR Health Active Stem Review

I don’t know about you, but when I hear about stem cells I always think back to my school days and biology class when we would grow seeds on tissue paper and watch the stem grow.

It’s more of a test of my poor overworked brain to think of actual human cells and how they are formed, so perhaps I need to go back to science class in order to understand the basics of human biology.

As I understand it (having given myself a ‘biology for dummies’ lesson!) the discovery of stem cells is one of the most groundbreaking discoveries in scientific history, giving us the building blocks of life. They are cells that do not yet have a function. Therefore stem cells can ‘become’ any cell to fulfill any function that the body requires.

Fascinating, right?

We can see why the discovery was so momentous. And so now the race for products which promote stem cell-growth has begun and is in full force.

I’m going to take a look at one such product: LCR Health Active Stem and help you to decide if it is a supplement which could have benefits to your health and wellbeing.

LCR Health Active Stem Review

LCR Health Active Stem First Impressions

The branding for LCR Health has a logo of a building block, which speaks of a scientific foundation and gives the impression of evidence-based studies underpinning the products coming from this company. Having a look around the website we can see that there is a clinician at the helm and that the claims for the products are all based in scientific research.

I’d like to know a little more about the story behind the company before looking at the products, so I’m specifically navigating to the ‘About tab’, where I find a letter from Dr Rand McClain, a doctor of ‘Regenerative Medicine’.

Doctor Rand from LCR Health

Without going into too much depth around the discoveries within this field, suffice to say that stem cell therapy research has greatly advanced the area of knowledge around cell repair and renewal.

Has anyone actually proven that any of the claims by LCR Health around their products can do the same kind of thing these miraculous cells can do?

Research on stem cells is no doubt exciting. The potential for therapies is vast, with scientists discovering stem cells in more human tissue than they had at first thought.

Products are now being formulated which claim to assist in the production of stem cells, but the cynic in me struggles to buy into the concept of a store-bought proprietary product being made available to the public which would in some way aid stem cell growth.

Surely this is something that needs to be done in a laboratory?

After all, the research around these cells began decades ago in labs, looking at cells within the bone marrow. Has anyone actually proven that any of the claims by LCR Health around their products can do the same kind of thing these miraculous cells can do?

Background on LCR Health

The company (of which Dr McClain is the Chief Medical Officer, notably not the founder) claims that their products are primarily anti-aging and help people ‘optimize health at a cellular level’. Now, as I have explained above, my understanding of science is limited and rudimental, but I thought everything about my health was essentially happening at a cellular level?

What are they really talking about?

Dr. McClain has achieved acclaim (according to the LCR Health website) and works with celebrity clients and professional athletes to help them achieve energy levels and endurance ‘even when they thought their best years were behind them’.

Dr McClain…works with celebrity clients and professional athletes to help them achieve energy levels and endurance

LCR Health makes a broad claim that their products use AMPK-activation, a ‘metabolic process’ which converts nutrients from food into energy. But wait, that’s what our body does anyway, right? So what’s really included inside these life-enhancing products and why should I be buying them and taking them daily for optimal health?

Doesn’t my body know how to regenerate itself and make energy from nutrition? I’m going to take a look at the ingredients in LCR Health Active Stem just to check if there can really be any evidence for its claims.

Active Stem Ingredients

The ingredients listed on the tub of this product are:

  • Vitamin D (2000 IU), 500% Daily value
  • Proprietary blend (1400mg)
    • L-Carnosine
    • Green Tea Extract
    • L-Leucine
    • Blueberry powder

LCR Health Active Stem Label

You might not be clear on what these ingredients are, so I’ve done a little research at to see if there is any background research listed that might help us to understand how these ingredients could be seen to support the claims.

The claims are listed on the LCR Health website as:

Help combat cellular aging, Support healthy cognitive function, Maintain strong joints and muscles, Support a stronger, more active body

Leucine is an amino acid and Carnosine is a protein used in building muscle. Without going into too much detail on the science around muscle synthesis, both are common supplements taken by those who exercise seriously and are looking to build lean muscle.

The studies listed on tell us that in living subjects the tests are inconclusive around blood-sugar reducing properties of Leucine, and although muscle gains are detected (in those with lower dietary protein intake and the elderly) it is not possible to say whether ‘supplementing’ with Leucine leads to greater muscle gain due to the presence in the diet of sufficient protein already.

So, long story short, it may or not help with muscle.

Similarly, for Carnosine, there is little scientific evidence to support the supplementary intake of the protein in muscle and endurance tests, although it may help with treating nerve damage and kidney problems. So far so underwhelming.

The other ingredients, Green tea, and blueberry are stalwarts of the supplement field. states that;

antioxidant and anthocyanin content of blueberries makes them particularly effective at reducing cognitive decline, supporting cardiovascular health, protecting the liver, and reducing liver fat buildupExamine

Whilst these are broadly health-supporting properties and assist with the healthy cognitive function claim of Active Stem, I still find it a bit of a stretch to claim that they are in any way assisting in the production of stem cells.

Similarly for Green Tea – there is research to suggest that compounds within green tea (catechins) aid in cardio- and neuro-protection, but potentially in much higher doses than are present in this blend.

How to Take Active Stem?

Active Stem comes in a capsule form that you swallow whole, so there is no flavor. If you're used to taking capsules then you should have no problem with this supplement.

Side Effects

It is difficult to say whether there could be side effects as the capsule contains no fiber (so no real likelihood of digestive discomfort) however it is always advisable to check whether the product contains any ingredient to which you may have previously suffered any adverse effects.

Does Active Stem Actually Work?

Given the research I’ve undertaken to look at scientific backing for the claims, I would have to say there is little evidence to show that there could be benefits in the way that the manufacturers claim. I find the dumbing-down of scientific research in order to promote the sale of products such as this really disheartening.

I would have to say there is little evidence to show that there could be benefits in the way that the manufacturers claim.

In an effort to be balanced, I do have to state that there are some medical journals listed on the Research tab of the website, which – when you click through – do cite scientific research from medical journals such as Sports Med (‘Leucine supplementation and intensive training’).

It’s confusing as to why – if they really thought there was a clear link between the research (which is from 1999) and their product – they don’t link the two more clearly, and why the Research tab is hidden waaaaay low down on the site and not up top. The blog on the other hand contains very loosely health-related articles (such as ‘does an apple a day really keep the doctor away’).

Active Stem Customer Reviews

I looked all over the internet for Active Stem reviews as I’m really struggling to see exactly what it is that people are experiencing from this product.

I can’t find any reviews on Amazon and there is only one on their own site –

I feel like they are helping me stay mentally and physically sharp. I'm a 57-year-old male in good health. I stay active with a walking routine about 3 times a week for 3 to 4 miles at a time and do bodyweight exercises about 2 to 3 times a week as well.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

I found a 90-day ‘Ironclad’ guarantee waaaay down in the FAQs about this product, I’m not sure why they don’t make more of this as I think it would help from customer service and satisfaction point of view. Anyway, you need to call a number if you’re not satisfied with their products and we can only assume that they give you your money back when you return your products – as that’s what they say they’ll do.

Where to Buy Active Stem?

You can buy Active Stem from the LCR Health site here.

Is It Worth the Price?

The tub contains 30 servings (a serving is 2 capsules). This costs $69 (USD) for one tub, $186.30 for three tubs, $330.15 for six.

I really have to say that I don’t think I would part with my money for this kind of product. The claims seem unrelated to the product, the manufacturers are expecting customers to take a huge leap of faith, and I find it hard to see how all the talk of energy-release can really be linked to active stem cell production. So the name in itself of the product is misleading.

The Bottom Line

It’s a misleading and dangerous claim when medical professionals (who have spent their career serving people with health complaints in a medical environment) use their professional clout and move toward promoting products that claim to do more than a healthy balanced diet can do.

I have a natural cynicism about medics who put their name to a brand which ‘sounds sciencey’ but it really doesn’t take much research to go ahead and debunk.

Let me repeat, there is NO EVIDENCE that the ingredients in this product result in active adult stem cell production.

There are actually citations at the bottom of the product page – regarding stem cell therapy, but I don’t see any correlation between the product and these citations.

I’m sorry Dr. McClain but your products just aren’t for me.

Scholars disagree on the first rule of marketing, but to me, a consumer of literally hundreds of products who makes purchasing choices every day, I would say that number one is ‘know your customer’.

In this regard, Boku seems to be telling me that – as their customer – I want organic, whole foods supplements in modern branding. And that’s what they are delivering.

The wholefood's credentials of Boku are impressive, and their marketing follows. The homepage opens on images of superfood (super greens) powder, images of fresh veggies, and ‘lifestyle’ images of the founders.

I really want to know a bit more about the company, who started it, why I should be considering buying their products, and what goes into them. So, let's delve into my in-depth Boku Superfood review to find out more.

Boku Superfood

Boku Superfood First Impressions

Clicking through to the About Us section I can tell that this company has a story to tell. They want us to know all about their vision, mission, methods, sourcing… And if it weren’t for the slightly annoying font I’d be happy to read on!!

Boku means “to love life” (although we’re not clear in what language it means this as they don’t explain!) and apparently taking their products will help us to do so. We are encouraged to read that their superfoods are ‘gourmet’ and their lifestyle products are ‘nature-inspired’ (what does that mean? perhaps that their nasal hydration drops contain Ayurvedic herbs?).

I’m a bit overwhelmed by the choice of products available, but on the other hand I do like to see the founders’ faces on the front page as I feel it adds a sense of legitimacy and a real story behind the products.

Background on Boku

reno rolle and familyHave you heard of the Rolle Beach Blanket?

No? Me neither.

But Reno Rolle invented it.

He has a very successful background in product marketing. His wife, Lynn Rolle is co-founder and CEO of Boku and is a veteran executive (presumably of companies). They founded the company in 2007 and have their daughter and son on board.

The research around superfoods came about as they searched for an alternative to prescription medicines for their son who was having trouble focusing at school. He has now gone on to study plant-based medicine at college.

All of our gourmet products are Dr. formulated, 100% certified organic, vegan, kosher, and gluten-free, with love for our family and customers blended into every package. We “shake the hands that farm the lands” and travel the globe to source the most sublime ingredients for every product we create’.

They are certainly very expressive in their language around their products, and I’m very keen to hone in on one in particular, so on with the Boku Superfood review.

Boku Superfood Ingredients

On their product page, we are told that it should be the foundation and building block of your Boku Journey. This specialized formula contains 55 organic superfood ingredients that each serve an important physiological function.

Boku Super Food contains the world's most powerful and potent plants and is formulated precisely for the human mind, body, and spirit. This superfood formula contains all the nutrients you need for the day, all in one place – plus, you can easily enjoy this blend on the go’. Wow! This is one hard-hitting sales pitch!

Now I really want to try it… so what are these powerful and potent ingredients?

  • Super Greens (1111mg) – Young Barley Grass juice, Nettle Leaf, Nopal Cactus, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Cabbage, Parsley
  • Super Algae (1111mg) – Spirulina, Kelp, Chlorella (cracked cell wall)
  • Superstar Maca (1111mg)
  • Super Takes (1111mg) – Reishi, Cordyceps, Maitake, Chaga, Mesima, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, Blazei, Poria, Suehirotake, Hiratake, Agarikon, True Tinder Polypore.
  • Super Sprouts (1111mg) – Flax sprouts, Pumpkin sprouts, Broccoli sprouts, Cauliflower sprouts, Kale sprouts, Cabbage sprouts, Red Clover sprouts.
  • Super pods (1111mg) – Sweet Mesquite, Carob, FIne Vanilla Bean
  • Super fruit (1111mg) – Lucuma fruit, Goji berry, Hawthorn berry, Bilberry, Lingonberry, Blackcurrant, Aronia berry, Pomegranate, Blueberry, Kosher Purple grape, Tart cherry, Elderberry, Cranberry, Red Raspberry, Black Raspberry
  • Super Extras (1111mg) – Vermont maple syrup (dehydrated), L.Sporogenes (true non-dairy probiotic)
  • Super Enzymes – Amylase, Protease (3 different potencies) Bromelain, Cellulase, Lipase, Alpha-galactosidase), Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt.

Phew. Is it just me or is there a LOT packed into a 9-gram serving??

That’s an issue for me.

I can see the temptation for people who are formulating Super greens to put into practice all the research they have done, but as a consumer, I feel completely overwhelmed. I also understand the desire to sidestep the multiple-supplement taking and just put everything in one glass and drink it, but doesn’t that mean you’re not really getting the powerful hit of nutrients from each ingredient?

I have to be honest, I don’t really know a lot about the power of fungus, and I am prepared to be schooled.

Boku Superfood Label

How Does Boku Superfood Taste?

With the addition of Maple Syrup, I can tell that this super greens blend will have a not-unpleasant sweetness to it. This is probably necessary as there are fungi ingredients that probably add to the ‘earthiness’ of the formulation along with the other ‘greens’ such as algae and vegetables which can sometimes overwhelm the taste.

Side Effects

I normally caution those who have never taken super greens before to be aware of the ingredients and fiber content of any supplement they might try. I’d also suggest that everyone taking a supplement be mindful of any previous ill-effects or (obviously) allergies.

I can see from the ingredients of Boku Superfoods that 4g of fiber (in an 8.88g serving) is relatively high, so this may have an effect on digestive movement if you are not usually used to including so much fiber in your diet.

Does Boku Superfood Actually Work?

“Shake it up, drink it down, and experience how good it feels to be fuelled by nature's gifts to mankind.” This is the promise in the product listing on the Boku site.

I can’t be certain that a 9 gram serving is truly going to provide me with a powerful hit of plant nutrients….individual ingredients are all listed, the amounts are not clear.

The thing that disappoints me about Boku Superfoods is the serving size. I can’t be certain that a 9-gram serving is truly going to provide me with a powerful hit of plant nutrients. I frequently talk about the lack of transparency in the labeling of these products, and while the individual ingredients are all listed, the amounts are not clear.

The use of Proprietary blends is a disappointing trend among super green manufacturers, and I feel it dissuades the more discerning customer from really being able to be clear on what it is they are buying and taking.

Sure, I could take an individual supplement for each of my physiological needs, but I don’t want to. I really wish Superfoods blends manufacturers would be clearer with their blends and add more of the genuinely powerful ingredients in their powders.

Spirulina powder organic

Take Spirulina, for example, a quick look on suggests that a daily dose of anything between 1-8g may be impactful (for lowering cholesterol, improving muscle performance, lowering blood pressure) but at 1111mg for the whole proprietary blend within Boku Superfoods I just don’t know how much of this potent algae is included.

And it is among Kelp and Chlorella in that blend.

So there could be anything from 370 mg or less in one serving.

Boku Superfood Customer Reviews

On their own site, you can look at the (five-star!) reviews for Boku Superfood. However, I also like to balance out my research by looking around on the web for more discerning and less cherry-picked reviews.

I found some on Amazon, I’ve included a range below.

Tastes like cereal milk’ – 5 star review

too sweet.. don’t add to soup as recommended’ – 2 stars

it left me hungry, not full. Too grainy’ – 1 star review

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

Boku is dedicated to delivering 100% satisfaction to its customers so they offer a money-back guarantee if returns are sent within 30 days of purchase. After 30 days, you can call and apply for a refund.

Where to Buy Boku Superfood?

You can buy Boku Superfood along with their other whole-food supplements and lifestyle products at their official website.

Although not currently in stock on Amazon you may find it there soon.

Is It Worth the Price?

One month’s supply is 9.4oz. For this size, the cost is $55.99 (USD). Three months’ supply is 28.2oz ($165.99). There is a ‘subscribe and save’ offer which takes off 18% so you are effectively paying $136 and getting a delivery every month. This might psychologically lessen the feeling of overwhelming at receiving three large packets of something that you need to take daily, so I like this approach.

However, at over fifty dollars a month (at the individual packet price – which is what I would look at as a first-time customer) I am pleasantly surprised.

There are some unusual (for a greens powder blend) ingredients and a diverse mix of superfoods. I reckon it is worth a punt for the first try, and at $1.80 a serving for the first month it’s less than a daily shop-bought Green Smoothie. I do also like their subscription model which would encourage me to buy more.

The Bottom Line

As I am fast discovering there is an absolutely enormous choice of options in the Supergreens / superfoods powders market. You can choose sporty, sciency, organic, whole foods, ayurvedic, nootropic, whatever your take you can find one that appeals.

If you are interested in trying the diverse range of ingredients included in Boku Superfoods to see if there are benefits to your health and wellbeing then I think it would be worth the price. Who doesn’t have a month that they can dedicate to trying something new? For fifty bucks it seems worthwhile.

But if you're looking for a greens supplement that really packs a punch and provides ingredients in effective dosages, then it's worth checking out green powder alternatives like SuperGreen TONIK (my supplement) or Green Vibrance.

The formulation includes some ‘trending’ superfoods (see Kelp, Maca, funghi), it's Vegan and Gluten-Free. But if you want to try something that is a little more transparent with their ingredients listing, a little more discerning with what has gone into the blend, this may not be the product for you.

Want to increase the oxygen in your blood cells? Then eat beetroot! Or, even better, don’t eat actual whole beetroot, just drink Organifi Red Juice!

This is one of the powerful health claims for this easy-to-use health food product. It’s a common sell, the individual health properties of single ingredients, which a customer’s mind might build up to a picture of overall health improvement.

It’s at the core of the Superfood movement.

The makers of Organifi Red Juice powders might already be familiar to you from the Organifi Green Juice, their most popular product (the ‘world’s best-tasting superfood blend’).

These blends have been invented in order to help people to get their daily fix of veggies without having to shop, chop and blend, and I’m going to take a bit of a closer look at the claims, ingredients, and background of this product.

Trying Organifi Red Juice
Photo by Lifehacker guy

Check out my comparison between Organifi Green Juice and Red Juice if you're confused which brand is best.

What is Organifi Red Juice?

The website for Organifi is plain and clean, modern, with heaps of positive information about the company and its products. They claim to ‘raise the standards’ in the industry, leaving you to assume this is through the research that has gone into their products.

The claims (or their ‘pledge’ to customers) are that their superfoods blends are ‘clinically tested and time-proven, backed up by ‘countless testimonials and clinical trials’.

Wait, they’ve actually done clinical trials on their products?

Well, that’s impressive!! This, to me, is a bit of a teaser, and I’d love to know more about their scientific methods and clinical trials… so I did a little snooping around.

The website does indeed have a section called Clinical Trials. However, I really think this section should be renamed “blog” as the ‘trials’ are all articles with titles such as ‘Lose fat with these 5 science-backed methods, and under the section ‘drink green juice’ is a trial (listed on PubMed) which looked at pure vegetable juice diets for people with metabolic syndrome and as part of a calorie-controlled DASH diet.

Best organifi supplements
Photo by Lifehacker guy

Check out the other Organifi supplements here.

So, and I’ve gone on a bit of a tangent here, suffice to say that I’m not convinced these clinical trials they are talking about are regarding their own research on their own actual products. I’m a bit disappointed now.

Claiming that you are ‘raising standards’ due to ‘clinical trials’ leads customers down a dead-end path. Anyway, as I said, tangent! So on with the Organifi Red Juice review!

Other red powders I have reviewed you may be interested in:

Background on Organifi supplements

The company founder, Drew Canole, is a ‘rockstar in the world of fitness, nutrition, and mindset’. He has founded and Organifi as vehicles for passing on his passion for health, fitness, and wellbeing.

In an all-too-familiar story, Canole was pursuing a career in finance (earning a six-figure salary), but his health was suffering. On a particularly stressful afternoon at the office, he was offered a green juice, and the rest is – as they say – history. He built a whole community around his journey back to health and wellbeing through juicing and, cleverly, developed products to sell to this community.

The company, Organifi, sells juice powders, supplements, and fitness accessories.

They also give a portion of sales to Vitamin Angels, a charity that helps undernourished children worldwide to achieve better nutrition.

From a personal perspective, I like these motives, and I like the way you are taken on a journey to share in the vision of the company, furthermore, the founder is inspirational himself.

But let’s take a closer look at the Organifi Red Juice powder, what’s in the bottle and what it claims to do because I’m all about the facts.

Drew Canole Fitlife TV

Organifi Red Juice Ingredients

The tagline for Organifi Red Juice is ‘A “Tart-Sweet” Custom Brew With The HOTTEST Fat Melting And “Skin-Firming” Superfoods In The World’.

So what are the superfoods included in the blend? Are they fat-melting? What is skin-firming?

Antioxidant Berry Blend (2100mcg):

Organic Pomegranate Powder Juice, Organic Cranberry Powder, Organic Blueberry Juice Powder, Organic Raspberry, Organic Strawberry

Endurance Blend (3050mcg)

Organic Beet Root Powder, Organic Cordyceps, Organic Reishi Mushroom Extract.

Metabolic Boosting Blend (1300mcg)

Organic Acai Juice Powder, Organic Rhodioia, Organic Siberian Ginseng

Other Ingredients

Organic Artichoke Inulin, Natural Berry Flavor, Malic Acid, Monk Fruit Extract Flavor

There are some powerful antioxidant and nutritionally-dense ingredients included, so this is a real positive for this product, and you can tell that it would taste good from the high concentration of berries.

Organifi red juice supplement label

However, and the more eagle-eyed of you fellow reviewers may have noticed this too, it is made up of a proprietary blend. There are no weighted measurements or break-downs for the individual ingredients within the blends, leading me to be unclear on how much of each ingredient I’m actually getting in a serving.

And now for the claims. Blueberries can help with memory (source) – because of their high Anthocyanin content – which helps to improve brain activity, but I’m struggling to find a link to fat-melting and better skin.

I even searched on the site for ‘skin-firming’ and, well, nada. So I looked for ‘fat-melting’ instead. There are hundreds of results. But from my first pass, I can’t see any ingredients in Red Juice.

Taking individual ingredients back to Examine, then. Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is more commonly taken to combat fatigue, and the standard dose is 300-1200mg.

As you can tell from a blend in which it is included that weighs in total of 1300mcg this is hardly a standard dose. So, there is no way enough Ginseng is present in Organifi Red Juice!

Organifi Red Juice New tubs

How Does Organifi Red Juice Taste?

Claiming to be a ‘tart-sweet’ taste, you can tell from the ingredients that the overriding flavor of this will be a sweet cherry taste. It may well be pleasant, but there’s not much it needs to mask as the other ingredients are in fairly low quantities.

Adam drinking Organifi Red Juice
Photo by Lifehacker Guy

Side Effects

You might experience a little digestive discomfort when taking a drink of Organifi Red Juice for the first time due to the combination of new and fruit-based ingredients in your system.

It’s also wise to check whether any of the ingredients have been known to cause you any problems in the past.

Does Organifi Red Juice Actually Work?

I’ve written a little above about my reluctance to believe that proprietary blends give me enough of what I want. I’m on a personal journey, one which I hope will bring me to the enlightened discovery of the best greens powder. I had hoped that with the Organifi brand I would be looking in the right place, but with these measures, I’m just not sure.

Let me take a look at some more of the ingredients.

Pomegranates: thought to have antioxidant properties (no suggested dosage).

Cranberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, and Strawberry are all thought to be high in antioxidants.

So far so bland.

Beetroot may have performance enhancement properties in endurance athletes (research is inconclusive), due to high nitrate content.

The mushrooms (cordyceps and reishi) are commonly used in Chinese and traditional medicine for anti-aging purposes, but these claims are yet to be researched in human trials.

It’s not looking as though I can get an answer on the individual properties of each ingredient….they must be in such small amounts within each blend

A preliminary trial of acai found that it may reduce blood cholesterol levels, but further studies are needed.

It’s not looking as though I can get an answer on the individual properties of each ingredient, and as I’ve said already, they must be in such small amounts within each blend I almost can’t even be bothered to look at how much I would have to take to see any improvements!!

Opening Organifi Red juice tub
Photo by Lifehacker Guy

Organifi Red Juice Customer Reviews

Customers, on the other hand, seem to be very pleased with the results, with 568 positive reviews on their own website ranging from ‘I feel and look better!’ to ‘It helps decrease my stress and mental focus’. I’m a bit bemused by how these improvements have come about due to a daily (quite small) dose of this stuff, but I could be persuaded.

Amazon reviewers have a slightly more mixed view, with average reviews of 3.4 stars, and around 50% giving 5 stars.

I feel more energy after I use it5 star reviewer

Gritty and tastes mediciny. Very expensive for little results3 star reviewer

Too expensive3 star reviewer.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

Organifi has a 60-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked, on the return of the empty bottle.

This is impressive. But I do find myself asking whether there really would be no questions asked… Actually, on further examining the wording of the guarantee, it looks as though there are a few hoops to jump through, such as calling a phone number to get a ticket to authorize the return. Although quite common and not surprising, it’s not really as easy as you would initially think.

Where to Buy Organifi Red Juice?

You can purchase bottles of Organifi Red Juice powder at their online store.

You can also take a look at to see all of Organifi's supplement range.

Is It Worth the Price?

Organifi sells Red Juice on its own website at $69.95 USD for a 30-day supply, so it is not at the most expensive end of the range for nutrient powder or green juice blends. You can also save when you buy 3 or more bottles, for $178.38 USD (saving you $59).

But here’s the thing, if you don’t know how much of a particular ingredient you’re getting, then you can’t really be certain that the price represents good value for money. I would probably rather spend that much money per month buying fruit to put in a smoothie, or just eating beetroot!!

Organifi Red Juice

Shop Organifi Reds

Red Juice: The Bottom Line

In the world of super greens, a red juice powder stands out.

Organifi has a savvy approach to its marketing, they have built a community willing and able to buy into the brand and try all their innovations.

But my real concern with this blend is how little they have included in it.

It’s relatively easy, I suppose in a Greens blend to include lots of nutritionally-heavyweight ingredients. Greens tend to be packed full of nutritional value. With berries, I just can’t see why you wouldn’t eat them. I also don’t feel that Organifi Red Juice has a lot of added value.

The portion amount is quite small, the amounts of each ingredient, therefore, must be minimal, which means that – for a relatively inexpensive blend amongst the competition – it works out to be poor value for money.

I would stick with the Greens over the Reds and probably look for a more transparent brand in their labeling. Sorry Reds, you’re not for me!

ActivatedYou Morning Complete maybe a bit of a mouthful for a brand (personally to me it sounds a little like an alarm clock – but perhaps that’s the point!) but they are certainly gaining a following.

I want to know a little more about whether adding prebiotics or probiotics to a super green powder is as beneficial as it sounds. Do people taking a ‘whole’ nutritional product feel it is giving them everything they need in their diet?

Let’s take a look at the company ActivatedYou, their holistic approach to creating wellness products, and more specifically the whole-person wellness blend: ActivatedYou Morning Complete.

Morning Complete Verdict

The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:

Coupons: None available



  • Ingredients / Dosages:1.0
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Value for the Price:2.0
  • Brand Transparency:1.0
  • Taste:2.5

What is Morning Complete?

The three ‘promises’ on the landing page of ActivatedYou are that everything they do is: Plant-Based, Scientifically Proven, Environmentally Sustainable. I like that they have put their values up-front and that their branding is simple and the navigation of their site clear and clean.

They are pitching Activated You at a contemporary, successful audience who are time-pressured and need to have their nutritional needs met quickly and efficiently.

The four blends on their landing page, Advanced Restorative Probiotic, Morning Complete, GI Prime (is this a comic character??!), and AdrenaLife, tell us that these products are more than just a simple, proprietary supplement.

Rather than naming their blends after a generic blend of ingredients (such as ‘probiotics’) they give a sciencey twist, placing their brand firmly in the 21st Century.

Other Greens powders I have reviewed you may be interested in:

Background on ActivatedYou

The founder of ActivatedYou is an Actress and Wellness advocate. The About Us page tells us that the vision of the brand is rooted in holistic, whole-person approaches, and echoes an Eastern (traditional medicine) approach to treating health problems. But they don’t bamboozle customers with science-speak, with a section offering more information for those who may be new to the areas of holistic health or supplements.

There is very little information about the enigmatic actress and founder (I am very much a fan of hers since seeing her in early Hong Kong cinema!), in fact, beyond the homepage their ‘Learn More’ tabs just click through to product pages.

So that’s all I can pass on to you about their brand, except to mention that they support a charity (the Unstoppable Foundation) which strives to secure access to education for children around the globe.

So, back to Morning Complete, their one-stop nutrient blend. What is inside it, and what are people saying about it?

Green Smoothie with straw

ActivatedYou Morning Complete Ingredients

So, taking a look at the measurements alone I’m already disappointed for a number of reasons. Firstly the serving size.

I’m not sure that 7.6g (about a teaspoon and a half) of anything is really going to be a big enough serving for a day worth of anything unless it was a single supplement.

I’ll explain further below in my section ‘Does Morning Complete actually work?’.

Unfortunately, ActivatedYou has fallen into the common trap of wanting to include too many individual ingredients, but not including a meaningful enough amount of anything to actually make a daily difference.

There is another issue too.

The individual ingredient amounts are not disclosed as they are wrapped up in proprietary blends!

What does this mean? Well, you don't know how much ingredient is actually inside – so, is the minimum effective dose actually present?

The 7.6g serving comprises the below:

  • Prebiotic and High Fiber blend (4.05g): Chicory root fructooligosaccharides, cinnamon bark
  • Green Superfoods blend (735mg): Spinach, broccoli, kale, mulberry leaf extract, alfalfa leaf, barley grass, berberine HCl (from Berberis aristata root)
  • Metabolic Enhancing blend (390mg): Green tea leaf extract, ginger root, white tea leaf extract, turmeric root extract, bitter melon fruit extract, black pepper
  • Antioxidant blend (100mg): Lycium berry, pomegranate fruit extract, Polygonum cuspidatum root extract (50% resveratrol)
  • Sugar Balancing support (100mg): Gymnema sylvestre leaf, fennel seed, pine bark extract
  • Adaptogens (55mg): Astragalus root extract, Rhodiola rosea root extract, DIM (diindolylmethane)
  • Cellular Function and Liver support (30mg): Organic aloe vera leaf, milk thistle seed extract
  • Probiotic blend (10 billion CFU): B. coagulans, L. gasseri, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, B. bifidum, B. longum, L. acidophilus, L. casei, S. thermophilus

It also included: natural flavors, guar gum, citric acid, rice hull concentrate, and monk fruit extract.

How Does Morning Complete Taste?

I’ll have to rely on some reviews to tell me how this product actually tastes, although ActivatedYou tells us that it is Apple-Cinnamon flavored. I’d like to try this one as it’s not a flavor I would normally associate with a Super Greens blend.

Apple and cinnamon flavor

Side Effects

If I were new to taking super greens, supplement blends, or any new product for that matter I would pay close attention to the ingredients and think carefully about any existing sensitivities or known side effects of the greens ingredients.

You may find that on taking ActivatedYou Morning Complete you experience a little digestive discomfort due to the high (in percentage terms) fiber content.

Interestingly there is a note on the product page warning about the potential side effects of aloe vera.

Does Morning Complete Actually Work?

This is a complicated area. ActivatedYou suggests that Morning Complete has the following advantages for health:

Designed to help support total-person wellness, including supporting healthy digestion, sugar levels, liver function, energy, and more.
Loaded with vital nutrients derived from healthy green vegetables, as well as fiber, probiotics, and wellness-boosting antioxidants

These are generally pretty big health claims, so I’m just going to look at a few examples of the ingredients included and how they might support these claims.

As I’ve previously researched, prebiotics act as food for probiotic cultures (source) and the research is ongoing in terms of whether there is a tangible and evidenced effect on digestion (or, specifically on digestive disorders).

Dietary fiber

Morning Complete contains its highest percentage of ingredients in dietary fiber (4.05g) so it stands to reason that this might be considered to be its strongest selling point.

Added to this, Morning Complete also contains 10 billion CFU of probiotic strains. So you can really boost your probiotic (‘good bacteria’) in your gut by taking this product.

But what I struggle with is the addition of other superfood-type ingredients and the attempt at making this product a ‘catch-all’ for our dietary needs. The general aim of the product is to be a starter for your day, with a metabolism-boosting blend also included (390mg). So I took a look at some of the ingredients included in this proprietary blend.

Green tea and White tea leaf: both have been studied for their properties for weight loss and this may be due to the compound EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which in test tube sampling has been found to stimulate fat breakdown and prohibit new fat cells from being formed (source).

So far so good, but why not just drink a cup of tea? Funnily enough, ActivatedYou suggests you mix their powder with green tea!

Other ingredients in this particular blend are included for similar properties, such as Black pepper, ginger, and turmeric. But my main concern, as with the other proprietary blends is how much of each ingredient can be included in such a percentage of the whole portion.

For example, recommends that a serving of 1-3g of Ginger root can be seen to have effects on digestive health.

Morning Complete Customer Reviews

Some reviewers can’t seem to decide if they are taking ActivatedYou Morning Complete for weight loss, digestive reasons, or as a superfood blend. I’ve taken a look at some reviews I found on the web, but ActivatedYou hasn’t chosen to share customer reviews of this product on their product page (unlike some of their other products).

Reviewers on HighYa say the following:

After using 6 months, I found that the product, although very good, did not fit into my lifestyle. People should give it a try’. 5 stars

I feel like my waist got larger from so much gas, lol. If this problem stops and never comes back I will recommend it. If this is a side effect that will last forever, I will not recommend it’. 2 stars

This product is not for everyone. For myself, these two products caused a lot of digestive problems, including serious abdominal pain along with bloating that would not stop’. 1 star.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

ActivatedYou has a 100% money-back guarantee, which entitles you to just that (100% money back, excluding shipping) if you are not satisfied with your purchase. They do, however, require you to call their refund line and to return products within 90 days of purchase.

Where to Buy Morning Complete?

You can buy ActivatedYou Morning Complete from the official website. I actually couldn’t find any merchants selling this product on Amazon.

Is It Worth the Price?

The serving size is not too large considering other brands at a similar price point.

If I see instead a proprietary blend which doesn’t break down the amount of each ingredient included then I get a bit grumpy.

ActivatedYou Morning Complete retails (on their website) at $79 (USD) for one jar (30 servings – so one months’ supply). There is saving for buying 3 jars at $213 (10% saving over three months), or save 15% when you buy 6 jars (but for $403 this represents a huge investment in this one product!!).

Morning Complete is definitely on the upper end of the spectrum when it comes to similar products.

So, if you are looking for a product that is high in fiber, and may – or may not – have benefits due to the amount of pre-and probiotics, then this might be a product you’d like to take.

But if you would like to search for a whole-food product that represents slightly better value for money you might find there are other brands that are more transparent about their ingredients (such as Supergreen Tonik or Green Vibrance), and perhaps more generous with the portions!

The Bottom Line

On the one hand, I am impressed by the brand, ActivatedYou, as they are intensely pro-holistic in their approach to wellness. Added to which their products are researched, well-sourced, and tested.

But as with many other brands I struggle to see what really sets them apart in terms of value-adding ingredients.

The whole issue around pre-and probiotics is a real head-scratcher as we know so little about how much needs to be taken in order to have a real and tangible effect on our health.

Added to this, if I were to be looking for a specific product to assist my digestive health, I probably wouldn’t opt for one which included so many other ingredients and claimed so many things.

I probably need to look at products with more nutrition in terms of a higher quantity of more potent ingredients. And so, sorry but I will be checking out other brands on my journey for my daily supplements.

If I were a hippy (which I’m not!), I’d definitely be looking for some new-age super greens and I think I might just have found the pick of the crop with Vitamineral Green!

Not content with just blending some potent plants and veggies, these guys have gone the whole hog and included some seriously Ayurvedic numbers.

I was fairly certain this super greens supplement wouldn't be a contender for my daily greens but as it seemed to be popular amongst some people, I wanted to check it out and decided to review Vitamineral Greens.

So let’s see if there’s anything even I could like about these products.

Vitamineral Green

I tried over 40 brands: check out my best greens superfoods!)

Vitamineral Green First Impressions

Vitamineral Green comes from a brand called HealthForce SuperFoods, which (to be cynical for a moment) uses a font and logo for their branding which would appeal to the inner nonconformist in you.

Naturopath Dr Jameth Sheridan

Naturopathy is not really my bag, although I do agree with some principles around healthy eating and clean living.

The quote on the HealthForce website from the founder, Naturopath Dr. Jameth Sheridan, is a broad statement that introduces their vision:

Mother Nature has put miraculous healing plants on this earth for us to benefit from. I am honored and deeply driven to uncover the greatest potential benefits from these elements and to assemble these gifts from Nature into products that help people to heal and to realize their full potential.

Although the website looks very outdated and the branding could certainly use an upgrade if it wants to compete in the market with some of the big-hitters, HealthForce obviously caters to a different customer (i.e. not me!).

Perhaps the more old-fashioned supplement-takers out there will like the look of this product and their branding, although it looks as though it hasn’t been changed since about 1990!

Other Greens powders I have reviewed you may be interested in:

Background on HealthForce Superfoods Inc

Unfortunately, the About Us page is still under construction, but there is more detail about the founders and their vision on the About the Founders page (they could really use more links on their own site!).

The company is ‘hardcore’ about health and healing, the environment, compassion, and ethics. The founders seem to have been on a long journey through studying various different health interventions and modalities (Iridology, anyone?) and looking at being customer-advocates for other products, before settling on creating and producing mass-market supplements with integrity.

Despite the look and feel being so outdated, I actually really like the intentional vision. I feel this company has real integrity and ethics, which is important when it comes to healthy foods and supplements.

Suffering from health problems himself, Dr. Jameth dedicated himself to optimal nutrition and sourcing products that would improve and enhance body and soul. Sadly the founder passed away in 2016, and the company has been taken forward by his wife, Kim.

Their pledge is to offer ‘the purest, most potent, and deeply beneficial plant-based products possible’, which does actually appeal to me. So without further ado (and cynicism) let’s have a look at exactly what goes into their Vitamineral Green supplement.

Vitamineral Green Ingredients

Quoted as an ‘extremely potent, hard-core, green superfood complex, combining 25 of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet in an easy-to-use powder’ Vitamineral Green contains some unusual ingredients I’ve not yet heard of on my super greens search:

    From the land (5‚570mg) – Nettle Leaf‚ Carob Pod‚ Alfalfa Leaf‚ Horsetail Leaf‚ Ginger Root‚ Barley Grass‚ Parsley Leaf‚ Wheat Grass‚ Basil Leaf‚ Barley Grass Juice‚ Oat Grass Juice‚ Chickweed Leaf‚ Dandelion Leaf‚ Holy Basil Leaf‚ Moringa Leaf‚ Yacon Leaf‚ Amla Berry‚ Shilajit
  • From the waters (3‚754mg) – Spirulina‚ Chlorella
  • From the ocean (591mg) – Kelp‚ Dulse‚ Bladderwrack‚ Alaria‚ Laver (Wild Atlantic Nori)
  • Enzyme Concentrate (85mg) – Protease‚ Alpha-Galactosidase‚ Amylase‚ Cellulase‚ Lipase‚ Bromelain‚ Papain

As with most super greens blend, Vitamineral Green has a whole heap of nutritionally-potent ingredients to wade through, so I’ll take a look a bit further on in this review at what some of them do. I will point out however that, once again, this is a company that is choosing to not put the exact amounts of each ingredient on the label.

This being said, there are no binders or fillers, so I am certain that what I would be taking are pure, nutritionally-powered all-natural ingredients.

Here is the full label you see on the outside of the tub.

HealthForce Vitamineral Green ingredients

How Does Vitamineral Green Taste?

As there’s no sweetener, it seems the powder will most likely taste like other super green blends, which is to say very ‘green’, possibly powdery, but definitely a bit grassy. Some reviewers who are used to drinking green blends are happy with the taste:

I feel healthier and enjoy the taste

Taste is not overpowering

With super greens powders, it is also sometimes recommended that you mix with a smoothie or blend with other fruits to mask the flavor, so it may be worthwhile doing so with this product as there are no flavorings added.

There are also Vitamineral Green capsules which of course would be flavorless, however, it is advised you take more of these (up to 8 a day!).

Side Effects

I can’t comment on all of the individual ingredients as there are so many I haven’t ever encountered in a greens blends before! I would caution however that Vitamineral Green contains some unusual herbs which have been found to be harmful in larger doses (for example horsetail, which is considered a pernicious weed in gardens, as are stinging nettles – another ingredient of Vitamineral Green).

See this link for further details on why long-term use of horsetail by mouth is not encouraged.

Does Vitamineral Green Actually Work?

The dosing instructions read:

  • Powder: Start with 1 teaspoon per day and increase gradually over two weeks to the suggested use of 1.5 tablespoons per day, or as advised by a qualified health care professional. Consume with conscious, positive intent.
  • VeganCaps: Start with 2 VeganCaps per day and increase gradually over two weeks to the suggested use of 8 capsules per day, or as advised by a qualified health care professional. Consume with conscious, positive intent.

Claiming to support the function of the liver, kidney, pancreas, blood, bones, muscles, brain, colon, immune system, this product also gives total detoxification. So that’s a lot going on in one scoop – or even one capsule!

Let’s take one of the ingredients included in the ‘from the land’ blend, Nettle. Looking at we find that it has been known to have anti-inflammatory properties. The dosage is recommended to be between 120-330mg. In the blend above (where it is 1/18th of 5,570mg one can assume that the effect will not be particularly great).

Similarly, taking Spirulina (from the ‘from the waters’ blend) the recommended dose of this powerful antioxidant is in the range of 1-8g per day. The total weight of the ‘from the waters’ blend is 3.7g, so really you are only getting a small dose of this in each scoop.

Some of the ingredients you may not have heard of (we’re talking chickweed herb, yacon leaf, amla berry, and shilajit) are traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine.

This is an area I’ll fully disclose I know zero about.

So for this reason I can’t even comment about efficacy, use, or recommended dosage. I had a look at at the broad category of Ayurveda just to see what broadly is said in terms of research and efficacy.

There is little research that has looked at the testosterone-boosting properties of holy basil on rats. I’ll say no more on that one!

Vitamineral Green Reviews

There are 69 customer reviews on Amazon, 78% of which are 5-star. 7% give 1-star.

A small sample of reviews are below:

I have only been taking the supplement for a few weeks, but feel better and seem to have more energy. – 5 star reviewer

Best greens on the market! Highly ethical company and very pure product. Organic and top ingredients. – 5 star reviewer

Some customers are not happy with the product, stating complaints from side effects to taste, and poor pricing.

Even very small amounts are having very undesirable effects. The taste isn’t very appealing either. – 1 star

Rating is for the price. You used to be able to get 500g for $59.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

There is a ‘customer satisfaction’ guarantee, but dissatisfied customers need to call or email for a refund or replacement.

Where to Buy Vitamineral Green?

Vitamineral Green can be bought directly from the official website.

It is also available at Amazon.

Is It Worth the Price?

At a 10g scoop per day, 300g (30-days’ supply) would cost you $44.95 USD. This isn’t a hugely expensive product, but I would prefer to see more transparency about the ingredients as using a proprietary blend leaves me a little in the dark as to what I’m taking, and I prefer more information than this.

That being said, this product is at the lower price end for super greens and if you are convinced by the purity of the ingredients in the product I can’t see that it is any less value for the money than many other products on the market.

Apart from the fact that they have seemingly changed their pricing and therefore upset some once-loyal customers, I don’t see any reason not to buy Vitamineral Greens as opposed to a different product. At least their sourcing and organic certification is legit.

The Bottom Line

If you like your health foods and supplements steeped in Ayurvedic tradition, fully authentic, and bathed in the light of Gaia’s breath (I don’t know what I’m talking about!) then this might be the product for you.

It comes from the New-Age stable that originally brought to the high-street versions of homeopathy, plant-powered supplements, and medicines, and so you may feel that there is nutritionally sound research here.

For me, the product is a bit old-fashioned and there are some ingredients that I just don’t think have had enough mainstream medical research. I want to feel that my supplements recognize the most recent research and consumer marketing knowledge in their branding.

So it’s not for me, but mostly because I’m not particularly impressed with the use of a proprietary blend (and therefore a lack of integrity, I feel), albeit with clear information on how pure and impressively-sourced the ingredients are. Namaste.

I decided to take a look at some products which claim to support the digestive system through the use of prebiotics.

One of the products I’ve come across through researching super greens and other products by this company is Dr. Gundry (Gundry MD) and their range of Prebiothrive products. As I’ve already looked into their Primal Plants (and a little at the Vital Reds) I thought a delve into this area of digestive supplements would be interesting.

Prebiotics and probiotics are in an area being continually looked at by medical and dietetics researchers as they are linked with gut health and can therefore be considered to form the base of dietary supplement use – what we eat and drink is after all the foundation of our health.

Prebiotics are largely considered to be the ‘fuel’ for probiotics (the good gut bacteria which promote healthy digestive environments).

So is there such a thing as a supplement that can support good gut bacteria to do even more of a good job? Let’s have a look.

Gundry MD Prebiothrive


What is Prebiothrive?

The Gundry MD website describes Prebiothrive as a ‘cutting-edge formula’ of ‘five advanced prebiotic ingredients to help promote a probiotic-friendly environment in your gut’.

This seems like a simple enough formula. But I feel I need to know more, as at $79 USD for 30 days supply this is a rather expensive supplement!

‘Good gut bacteria’ already exist in your gut. This is something research has proven and one of the reasons that probiotic products could be considered to be a waste of money.

I need to know more, as at $79 USD for 30 days supply this is a rather expensive supplement!

If you feel that for some reason your gut environment is not adequate or is underperforming (and there are people out there that will tell you that symptoms of this could be low energy, poor immunity, etc) you may want to think about improving your diet. Likewise, if you suffer from any digestive issues (such as IBS) you may find yourself constantly searching for that product that will ameliorate symptoms.

If you believe that taking probiotics is only half of the story, you may wish to supplement your supplement-taking with prebiotics, giving you an extra dose of ‘fuel’ for your probiotic organisms to keep them super-powered.

Background on Gundry MD

Dr. Steven Gundry MD was a cardiothoracic surgeon who turned to Restorative Medicine as a way of helping patients to turn around health complaints that arise through poor nutrition and lifestyle.

He claims to have ‘discovered unconventional truths’ about human nutrition and is on a mission to bring to the world products which essentially support gut health in order to improve overall health.

Gundry MD Profile Picture

He has authored several books (the most popular one being ‘The Plant Paradox’ which seeks to prove that otherwise-assumed ‘healthy’ foods can actually cause disease). I’ve taken a longer look at the background of the doctor and his products in my review of the Primal Plants products.

The story is compelling and the medic seems to have a legitimate vision, with solid research and health credentials, but some of the products he promotes are problematic for a variety of reasons.

I was initially quite impressed by a nutrition professional with this medical background, however, I do feel that at some level the marketing and cynicism take over and the products start to lose their credibility.

With a little further research I have found a few sites seeking to debunk Dr. Gundry and his products, and his Plant Paradox theory. It’s unfortunate that a premise that may have initially had an element of truth and medically-sound thinking has become far too diluted and now Gundry MD is linked with aggressive marketing, misinformation, and scams.

High Fibre foods

Prebiothrive Ingredients

The product description on the website claims that the ingredients are: acacia gum, agave inulin, flaxseed, galactooligosaccharides, and guar gum. Unfortunately, they don’t tell you how much or how little of these ingredients are included in each serving.

As there are so few, let’s break down what we know about the individual ingredients.

Acacia gum is a water-soluble dietary fiber. Not enough studies have been conducted to give a conclusive recommended dosage.

Inulin is a plant fiber – here they have used inulin which comes from the agave plant (as opposed to the more commonly-used chicory inulin). Inulin has been used in studies to treat constipation.

The recommended dose is 15g daily – we don't have enough in here.

Flaxseed is the seed of the flax plant. Another fiber has been taken to treat a range of digestive disorders (from constipation to diverticulitis), doses of about 30g daily are recommended to treat a range of health issues.

Galacto-oligosaccharides are plant sugars that are characterised in dietary supplements as prebiotics (food for probiotic bacteria). The most common application is in infant colic formula, and the recommended dose for this is around 8g.

Guar gum, like acacia gum, is a plant fiber derived from the seed of the guar plant. Studies have been conducted using guar gum to treat issues ranging from constipation to IBS, where doses of between 5-20g have been used.

These ingredients are plant-based and can be categorized largely as fibers, but you can see from my research above regarding dosage that there is no way the individual serving can contain enough of each fiber to give any meaningful health effects or benefits.

A serving of Prebiothrive is about a 10g scoop. Therefore the individual fibers must be much smaller in potency and effectiveness in each serving.

How Does Prebiothrive Taste?

The feedback seems to be that Prebiothrive has no discernable taste, and there don’t appear to be any flavors added.

Side Effects

As with other supplements and foods containing dietary fiber the side effects can be bloating, excessive gas, and digestive discomfort.

It is generally advised that you increase dietary fiber slowly, gradually increasing your daily intake rather than taking large amounts at any one time.

Does Prebiothrive Actually Work?

So, we know what Prebiothrive contains (if not how much), so, what should the effects of this product be? How do we tell if any product would be working, for that matter?

For some customers, it would be about whether or not there was an improvement to an existing (or perceived) issue. We know that no research has been done to ascertain whether a serving of Prebiothrive contains the appropriate amount of dietary fiber for your daily needs, and no research has been done to see whether there has been any benefit for users.

No research has been done to ascertain whether a serving of Prebiothrive contains the appropriate amount of dietary fiber for your daily needs

We can look at whether studies have shown other prebiotic products to be effective, and we could look at whether any research has shown prebiotics to have uses beyond just ‘feeding’ good gut bacteria.

I really wanted to understand the case for prebiotics, and I found the below in an article in Today’s Dietician magazine explaining that promoting good gut bacteria could help to reduce the number and effect of gut pathogens.

The most well-studied prebiotics are fructooligosaccharide (FOS), inulin (a type of FOS), and galactooligosaccharides. Once fermented, they're associated with an increase in short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), especially butyrate, acetate, and propionate. These SCFAs help improve laxation, may decrease cancer risks, and provide fuel for colonocytes, helping to maintain a healthier gut barrier to pathogens and other substances that may cause illness

So, if you felt that your diet could use improvement in the sense that you weren’t taking enough plant fiber, you could supplement it.

Again, looking at the article from Today’s Dietician:

According to a recent study by Sanders and colleagues, ingestion of prebiotic formulations can improve calcium absorption, and reduce duration, incidence, and symptoms of traveler's diarrhea; alleviate IBS symptoms; prevent specific allergies; reduce energy intake and markers of insulin resistance; improve body weight management, and increase satiety and decrease appetite.

As prebiotics are naturally-occurring plant components we can assume that it is possible to get adequate ‘fuel’ for probiotics through our diet if we are eating enough plant-based fiber. But here’s the issue, most people aren’t, and so the clever people who make supplements find ways of selling it to us.

At Gundry MD they use their marketing clout to find new and clever angles to inform customers about areas of their diet that may be lacking in order to neatly package and supply these ingredients in an easy-to-take form.

For me, however, I would prefer to take a probiotic and prebiotic blend.

That way I know that I’m boosting my probiotic culture and also feeding it. It looks to me as though the research surrounding taking prebiotic supplements is inconclusive, and, although there can be assumed benefits from improving the gut environment, I’m just not convinced a supplement such as this could do enough.

Prebiothrive Customer Reviews

This is where we really get to know more about Prebiothrive and what people who have bought it and tried it think. I looked for reviews on the Gundry MD website and found no negative reviews for the product, but of course, any feedback would be screened to ensure sales aren’t affected.

There are 633 reviews on their own site.

Some Prebiothrive reviews are penned by people in the medical field who claim to need to have evidence-based facts before they take a product. This definitely gives the product further clout, and the people at Gundry have been clever in ensuring they cherry-pick the reviews to ensure their products are endorsed by such professionals.

Reviewers claim that Prebiothrive helps with conditions such as IBS, digestive reflux, and general bowel health (increased or improved bowel movement).

There are 26 reviews on Amazon, 13 of which are 5-star, and the average being 3.6.

A one-star reviewer on Amazon claims that the product doesn’t dissolve adequately in water. Another says ‘It's gritty and took a little to get used to but it works great in a smoothie’.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

Gundry MD has a 90-day guarantee.

Where to Buy Prebiothrive?

You can buy Prebiothrive in 30, 90 or 180 day supply at the official website here. also stock his range of books and supplements too.


Is It Worth the Price?

For me, no.

There’s not enough evidence that this supplement would be beneficial to my health and I feel that at $79 it is far too expensive for me to experiment with!

I’d personally rather spend my money on nutritionally big-hitters, that is to say, a supplement that has enough nutrient-dense ingredients to really make me feel I was powering up my body with healthy stuff.

It’s also worth noting that Gundry MD recommends taking Prebiothrive alongside another probiotic product which obviously would increase your overall cost.

The Bottom Line

The main issue I have with this supplement, as with many (I’m fast discovering) is that they are not transparent about the ingredients, what (or how much) I’m getting in each serving.

With the little digging I have done I can see that if I really wanted to see benefits from taking plant-fiber as a supplement I would perhaps be better off taking, say, flaxseed in a single dose, or maybe drinking another fermented plant-based product (maybe I should take to kombucha-making?!).

I also don’t feel that I am sufficiently convinced that there is a case for taking prebiotics as a supplement (as opposed to probiotics, which is another matter).

You would definitely be advised to do some more research around the proven effectiveness of the individual ingredients and decide for yourself whether or not Prebiothrive was a product worth buying, but for me, the answer is a no.

On a recent trip back to the UK I came across Synergy Natural Super Greens in my local supermarket (Tesco I think).

The brand looked a little wacky with the design on the bottle, a bit of a departure from the approach seen with popular greens supplements.

So, I decided to buy it to give this one a try – the cost was really good too!

Although from the outside many products seem to have similar ingredients and formulations, they can be marketed so differently, but Synergy greens appear to be aimed at your average person. Someone like me, who is just too busy with everyday life to think about fixing their nutritional intake and eating a broad range of foods.

I got back home to Malaysia and popped open Synergy Naturals Super Greens and mixed with water to see how good this greens powder tasted. Is this is a contender for my daily greens powder?

Synergy Super Greens tub

Synergy Super Greens First Impressions

When I first came across Synergy Natural and I was interested in their online tag-line “The Original Supergreens Company”. I’m not exactly sure how they can claim this and so, intrigued as I was, I looked a little more closely.

What I immediately like about the company from the off is their commitment to reaching a broad range of customers with their pricing. They aim to be affordable while at the same time not compromising on their ingredient quality. Therefore their Synergy Natural Super Green powder is priced at the lower end of the scale of products available on the market.

There is also a range of single-ingredient powders (Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass), should you feel that you are a ‘fan’ of a specific ingredient and wish to add this to your diet.

Other UK Greens powders I have reviewed you may be interested in:

Background on Synergy Natural

As I’ve already mentioned Synergy Natural have a value-driven approach to their formulation of super green and other wholefoods supplements. They also aim to be “about humanity and morality; care and compassion; being good and fair. Our organization strives to do the right thing.”

Wow. I like a company that makes this kind of statement. So how did they come about and how are they claiming to be the first and original super greens company?

[Synergy] are aiming to help customers by contributing towards achieving their 5-a-day in an affordable way.

From the ‘about us’ section of their site, I discover that the Synergy Spirulina brand was established in 1993, and they also tell us where their Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley, and Wheat Grass is grown. They tell us some more about their values and how, as a company, they aim to treat their growers, employees, and customers. But other than that I wasn’t really able to ascertain much.

No real story about the founders. No real history of their products.

That’s a bit disappointing.

But never-mind. It needn’t really affect what I can find out about their products. As you’ll find out below they are aiming to help customers by contributing towards achieving their 5-a-day in an affordable way.

I like a company that offers what they believe into those who are perhaps more cost-conscious, so I look into the detail of their Synergy Natural Super Green powder.

Synergy Natural Super Greens Ingredients

Synergy Super Greens labelA ‘synergistic blend of Nature’s most nutrient dense green superfoods’ Synergy Natural Super Greens contains Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley Grass and Wheat Grass.

For me this is a positive.

Just a small number of ingredients should mean that I’m going to know exactly how much I’m getting, right?

Wait, but this isn’t an amount, this is a percentage per serving.

Oh dear, I’m disappointed again.

So essentially, although they tell us what is in each serving, they don’t tell us how much (as an amount). A recommended portion is 1-2 heaped teaspoons (so 5-10 grams) but as they haven’t broken the ingredients down in weight I really don’t know how much of each ingredient I get in a portion.

Here are the ingredients of Synergy Super Greens:
Spirulina (33%), Barley Grass leaf powder (25%), Wheat Grass leaf powder (25%), Chlorella (16%), Stevia extract (<1%).

How Does Synergy Natural Super Greens Taste?

Because Synergy Natural greens include stevia, the formulation should still taste like the ingredients but with a slightly sweeter taste for palatability. I’ve taken a look at some reviews to see what people think of it.

A reviewer (on the Synergy Natural site) says it is a ‘light taste’ although they do say that they mix with a smoothie. I am not sure what “light taste” really means though!

Feedback mostly is good though with some loving the taste and others commenting its one of the better taster products on the market.

One thing to take into account is whether reviewers are already used to the taste of super greens supplements and blends. To a first-time user, the taste can often be unpleasant, so it’s recommended that this product (and others) are added to juice or a smoothie.

Side Effects

There may be some side effects to taking this product for the first time as your digestion may not be used for the ingredients.

Does Synergy Natural Super Greens Actually Work?

From weight-loss to improved energy, the customer reviews seem to be crediting this product with a wide variety of effects that I’m not sure can be really verified. As with all supplements, the other factors would have to be taken into account – other dietary efforts, other lifestyle amendments.

But here are a few endorsements for Synergy Natural Super Greens and the perceived improvements people have seen since taking it:

I am in love with the new product… I feel confident my children and I are now not missing out on any nutrients or minerals in our diets that our bodies need and I no longer waste my money on multi-vitamins that are poorly absorbed by the body anyway

I have had CFS and other health issues for years… I noticed the difference from day one. I just felt cleaner, lighter, less acidic, less toxic, and my energy levels and health improved a little more each day. I have put my friends on it and they notice the difference too and wouldn't be without it. We all say if we have overdone it with food, or stress or have a headache, or are just run down in general, we grab an extra heaped spoon of Synergy Natural's greens and we are fine again

Synergy Natural Super Greens Customer Reviews

The product pages of the Synergy Natural site contains short reviews of each product and there is also a more in-depth Testimonials area. You can see a short excerpt from this area above.

On Amazon, there are about 90 reviews (at the time of writing this review). 71 are positive reviews, with 63 percent giving 5 stars.

A 5-star reviewer says;

Incredible stuff. Wait for 4 days for the energy to kick in then. All of you a sudden you will feel incredible.

Whereas a one-star reviewer says;

I am sure it is very healthy, but it tastes really bad, a waste of money I am afraid as I cannot stand the taste

Another goes into detail with;

I read very closely the ingredients and was happy with the listing, however, I really don't know what is actually in it cause it tastes so artificially sweetened like they've used a synthetic sweeter, I know it says stevia, but it really does not taste natural at all!!! In addition instead of feeling you full of energy, I feel LOW from using it, like the same effect I have when I have eaten refined sugar but worse. I am really unhappy with it and disappointed as I was really looking forward to it.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

I wasn’t able to find any money-back guarantee on the site.

Where to Buy Synergy Natural Super Greens?

You can buy the full range of products (including Super Greens) at the Synergy Natural site. Synergy Natural also carries a range of individual powders (such as Spirulina and Chlorella).

Amazon sellers also stock a range of the products.

Is It Worth the Price?

The Synergy Natural site carries a 100g tub of powder for $18.85 (AUD). You can also buy a kilo (1000g) for $124.95 (AUD). They also have 200g and 500g tubs. This is a relatively low-cost product, compared to others available.

Amazon retailers have it at a similar price, and it’s a good-value product for what it is if you are looking for a basic greens powder.

…more affordable product than many, the jury is out on whether the ingredients are in a potent enough form to really provide value for money.

Although this is a more affordable product than many, the jury is out on whether the ingredients are in a potent enough form to really provide value for money. The fact that I really can’t tell how much I’m getting of each ingredient in a serving means this doesn’t stack up against other products (which may actually be more expensive).

Other producers may also use a proprietary blend, but include a whole variety of other ingredients alongside, and at a higher end of the price spectrum you might feel that more ingredients mean more value for money.

Just as an aside, with Synergy Natural you can also buy the Super Greens in tablet form, although reviewers seem to agree that you need to take a lot of tablets to see any health benefits. Check out my information on why super green capsules may not be a good idea.

The Bottom Line

The basic principle of Super Greens is that you can get a quick fix to any dietary gaps you may have, leading to a one-a-day portion of nutrition at your fingertips.

This is a pretty easy sell in my opinion. But if you have specific ingredients you would like to be included (spirulina, for example), then it stands to reason that you’d want to know what was in each serving of such a product.

The Synergy Natural Super Greens is a good product. It gives a serving of the basic four super green ingredients in this one blend. But I’m finding it hard to set it apart from the competition.

It’s a good-value product from the perspective of the basic price, but it doesn’t give me the powerful serving I want. Other products like Nested Naturals have a huge amount of ingredients in their tub, and although I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, you may think that you’re therefore getting better value for money from a big tub with loads going on inside.

When it comes to supplements we should keep in mind it’s not the number of ingredients that matter, but the quantities that count. This is why I like green powder alternative SuperGreen TONIK – this is a supplement I developed as I was wanted to take a daily green that had the minimum effective dosage in each daily serving.

I’ve looked at the reviews and what they say about their own product. I think it would be a good, basic-level product to take if you wanted to include greens in your diet. But with the proportions in the blend, I can’t say that I’m getting all of the big-hitters I want to get into my diet.

Whilst researching super greens for myself I came across Primal Plants by Gundry MD. It's a little different from most greens powders although it contains a few of the usual super greens ingredients seen in my favorite greens powders.

If you read a lot about supplements for wellness (which I do) you will sooner or later come across products that contain polyphenols (plant-derived substances containing abundant micronutrients) which are supposed to be great for your health and improved wellness.

I’m taking a look at some products by Dr. Stephen R Gundry (Gundry MD) in this review. The brand is best known for its Vital Reds and their Gundry MD Primal Plants ‘Essential Superfoods Blend’ which contains, first and foremost, plant polyphenols.

Other products by Gundry MD have been developed to support overall digestive health, with a view to improving general health and wellbeing.

I was about to buy Primal Plants but thought I would do an in-depth review first to see if it's worth the high price point. So, here are my thoughts on this slightly different super green supplement.

Primal Plants Verdict

The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:

Coupons: None available



  • Ingredients / Dosages:1.5
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Value for the Price:1.0
  • Brand Transparency:1.0
  • Taste:3.0

Gundy MD Primal Plants

What is Gundry MD Primal Plants?

The website contains a wealth of information about Dr. Gundry MD and his products and also contains a blog that gives general information about specific ingredients or symptoms you may want to counteract with supplements.

I am specifically interested in Dr. Gundry Superfood blends (Vital Reds and Gundry MD Primal Plants), two products that have been developed with the purpose of helping people support their digestive and overall health with the addition of plant polyphenols to the daily diet.

Gundry MD supplements

Studies have been conducted to establish whether polyphenols are beneficial to human health, and it appears that as part of a balanced diet they may help with some antioxidant processes in the body. Dr. Gundry is especially interested in how they may help to improve the quality of the skin, and digestive processes, and improve energy.

Here are the other Gundry MD supplements I have reviewed:

Background on Gundry MD

Dr. Steven Gundry (Gundry MD founder) has but one aim: “to dramatically improve human health, happiness, and longevity through my unique vision of diet and nutrition”.

What I particularly like about this statement is just how broad it is.

Not only does this medically-trained professional want to improve health, but he also wants to improve happiness too, and drastically! But all cynical thoughts aside, he seems well-qualified to do so, being an experienced heart surgeon (for over 30 years).

Throughout Dr. Gundry’s career, he claims to have witnessed patients transforming their lives and their health through improved nutrition and diet.

Gundry MD Profile Picture

This is precisely the sort of testimonial I can get on board with. Real, proven lifestyle changes lead to health benefits.

But how does this lead to a change of career into nutritional research and product development?

The good Doctor has a deep interest in gut microbes. He wants to get microscopic with your gut. Believing that this is the basis of many health issues, he has dedicated his research to this area of the body and how what we eat can affect our entire body.

Many of the products available on the Gundry MD site are digestion-related, aimed at improving the entire digestive process and therefore improving overall health, wellness, and energy levels.

As the founder of the Center of Restorative Medicine, Dr. Gundry now focuses his research on how to help patients avoid the kind of surgeries he was performing. It’s a strong story, I like it, and it made me want to know a little more about the products he promotes.

It's worth mentioning that Gundry MD has also written a few books on the subject, most recently the The Plant Paradox that looks at the hidden dangers in plants.

You can check out all his books on Amazon here.

But we're looking at his supplement, so let's continue with my Gundry MD Primal Plants review.

Gundry MD Primal Plants Ingredients

The 25-ingredient formula “combines polyphenol-rich green superfoods with cutting-edge digestive & metabolic support blends. Primal Plants are formulated to help promote better digestion, increase energy levels, and give you more youthful, healthier skin…from the inside out!”

So let’s take a look at the ingredients and see if this is a product we can get behind.

Superfood Greens Blend (1,000mg)

Spinach, broccoli, kale, cinnamon bark, Gymnema sylvestre leaf, fennel seed, mulberry leaf extract, pine bark extract, Rhodiola rosea root extract, Diindolylmethane, berberine HCl

Heart Health Blend (500mg)

Capros Amla Fruit Extract (Phyllanthus emblica)(standardized to minimum 60% tannins)

Metabolic Enhancing Blend (415mg)

Green tea leaf extract, ginger root, white tea leaf extract, turmeric root extract, bitter melon fruit extract, black pepper

Digestive Support Blend (1,350mg)

Modified citrus pectin, fructo-oligosaccharides, bromelain

Probiotic Blend 3 billion CFU

Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus acidolphilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus reuteri

There’s a lot to get your head around here, I particularly like that the blends are divided up so you can see which ingredients have been included to support each area of health.

However, once again I have found a product that is not being transparent about the amount of each individual ingredient contained in this product. The specific weights of each blend are included, but that doesn’t tell me how much – for example – kale I’m taking.

not being transparent about the amount of each individual ingredient contained in this product…. doesn’t tell me how much – for example – kale I’m taking.

There is also caffeine in this product, which is slightly unusual for a superfood blend. Gundry MD uses Green Tea Leaf extract which has a small amount of caffeine, but some caffeine is nevertheless more than none, and I would expect that many customers would rather not take caffeine in a product such as this.

This being said, they are at least transparent in saying that it is included for the polyphenol content, along with supporting energy levels and weight loss.

Related: Recommended greens powders for weight loss

How Does Gundry MD Primal Plants taste?

I would need to turn to the independent reviews on sites such as Amazon to establish this as – although they describe the taste on the Gundry MD site as a “delicious all-natural green apple flavor” – this is of course subjective!

I am personally not a fan of green apple if it is too sour, but also wouldn’t want super greens to blend to taste too sweet. Often there is a little sweetener added to most products in this area in order to make it palatable to most tastes.

So turning to the reviews, how have customers described the taste?

One reviewer, despite giving the product 4 stars, says they are ‘not a fan of the green apple taste’. Others opt to mix the powder with other flavors, such as into a smoothie or fruit juice.

Side Effects

As with most dietary supplements you are encouraged to look at all the ingredients on the label to ensure you are not allergic to anything included in the blend.

Furthermore taking a digestive-support supplement for the first time may actually result in some digestive discomfort, although this may feel that there is actually something ‘working’ – so this could be seen as a benefit rather than a side effect.

I would personally like to know more about this – especially as Dr. Gundry is so interested in digestive health.

Does Gundry MD Primal Plants Actually Work?

A reviewer on the amazon page says ‘Excellent product – it has reduced my breakouts by 90%, and I feel better.’ and gives the product 5-stars.

The problem with looking to reviews for results is that everything about taking a new product leaves you wide open to the power of a placebo. I would like to believe that taking a supplement can improve your health, just one easy dose of something can add to your energy levels or help with chronic symptoms, but

..not transparent about the quantity of each ingredient included in the blend…. promises a lot, but I’m unsure of exactly how it delivers.

I’m dubious about a product that has a small portion size (at 4.4g this definitely puts it at the lower end of portion sizes) and is not transparent about the quantity of each ingredient included in the blend. The Dr. Gundry Primal Plants Superfood Blend promises a lot, but I’m unsure of exactly how it delivers.

I’m a little wary of claims about boosting metabolism and whether or not specific ingredients or products can actually do this. I also am a little disappointed at the lack of actual research to support the claims due to the founders’ medical background.

Gundry MD Primal Plants Customer Reviews

On the Amazon page, I found 76 reviews, of which 49% were 5-star. 20% were 1-star, with some of these being due to taste.

One particularly astute customer says

I am currently reading The plant paradox where Dr. Gundry advocates eating organic vegetables and avoiding pesticides and GMOs. So I blindly ordered this product assuming that it would follow his own guidelines. Well, none of the greens are organic, in fact, none of the ingredients that I could see are organic. I also called the company and was informed that it contains GMOs. I am returning.

Others complain about the price and taste.

To give some balance, customers also credit the product with improving energy levels, aiding in improvements in chronic conditions, and overall digestive health benefits (this I’m especially interested in).

However, and this is a big one for me, I didn’t find much in the way of independent reviews, feedback, or testimonials on their own site. This is disappointing as I’d expect to find a company with such good credentials being more honest and open on their own site.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

There is a money-back guarantee if products are returned within 90 days. The site claims that there will be ‘no questions, no hassle’, and I suppose you would have to try this out to see if that’s the case!

Where to Buy Gundry MD Primal Plants?

You can buy the products direct from their own site (and benefit from a $5 discount per jar on multiple purchase – see below) and you can also buy from sites such as Amazon.

Is It Worth the Price?

I have to say, it would be an immediate no from me if it’s just down to price. The Gundry MD site carries this product at a hefty $99 USD for 1 jar (30 days supply) and you only get a $5 discount per jar for buying three (at $284.97 total).

This is a huge amount of money for a three-month supply of any superfood supplement.

The price of Primal Plants is inline with the likes of AG1 Greens or Supergreen Tonik which to me look like a better all round supplements.

Primal Plants Verdict

To recap, I really like the fact that Dr. Gundry Superfood products have been developed by a medic with over 30 years experience in the field of healthcare. I especially like the story on the website as it shows why his vision is all about improving health and lifestyle choices.

The Vital Reds are a very popular product with a proven following, so I would expect some of the other Gundry products to be building popularity.

I was disappointed to find little in the way of feedback on their own website.

I was a little disappointed that the ingredients are not all organic, specifically due to the founder being so vocal about organic foods.

It’s very expensive for what you get, I don’t think I would pay $99 for a tub.

But the bottom line is, once again, the use of a proprietary blend. I really want to know what I’m taking in my superfoods blend because I really want to know if it works! I can’t say for certain that the inclusion of specific plant polyphenols in these concentrations is going to make any difference whatsoever.

So, even though the good doctor looks the real deal, my concern over the ingredient amounts and cost of Primal Plants I will continue my search.

Imagine being able to consume all your vegetables in one easy to take effervescent greens tablet? You just plop your table into a glass, watch it fizz in a few seconds, and then drink… Job done, or is it?

At first glance the brand 8Greens (8G) seems to have stolen the lead from all competitors – they have write-ups in Forbes, Good Morning America, People, Huffington Post, and Vogue.

They have testimonials from models, musicians, and actors. Just, wow! As green superfoods go, 8 Greens is certainly the product favored by celebrities (Gwyneth Paltrow!!!), so I just have to know more.

Let’s have a look at their story, and their products, and specifically focus on the road to production of the 8Green effervescent tablet.

8 Greens Verdict

The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:

Coupons: None available



  • Ingredients / Dosages:1.0
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Value for the Price:2.0
  • Brand Transparency:3.0
  • Taste:1.0

I tried over 40 brands: check out my round-up of best super greens powders!).

Superfood Tablets

What is 8 Greens?

Founder and developer Dawn Russell is certainly well-positioned.

She is married to an English aristocrat and is a ‘working mother who understands that life is busy and wonderful, but also stressful’. This gives her the benefit of having access to those in the upper end of society but also being accessible to the everyday folk she will rely on to buy her products.

She has friends and acquaintances in the fashion and skincare industries (Donna Karan, contacts at Estee Lauder and Sisley). It appears she developed the effervescent superfood tablets to help people (specifically Americans) to achieve optimal health through taking green powders in the easiest way possible.

She is also endorsed by supermodels.

I think this intriguing story needs a little more research so I take a look below at both the company, 8Greens (shortened to 8G), their products (often just referred to as 8G, or 8Greens), and some of the reviews (from real people, not models!).

How does 8 Greens compare to other brands?

8 Greens Background

We learn (through the press articles and their own background story on the site) that founder Dawn Russell formed the company when she was diagnosed with stage III lymphatic cancer at age 25.

This prompted a look at alternative medicine (in the US this is called both complementary and integrative medicine) and discovered an approach to health (‘solutions… the immense value of smart nutrition’) which she credits with improving her own health.

dawn russell 8greens

She then traveled the world to find out how to source specific ingredients in order to create a supplement that could be taken daily in the easy form, which would provide some of those health benefits.

In short, this green juice alternative blend was developed, which makes an easy-to-take tablet that dissolves in water containing the ‘most important greens’ that Russell considers to be lacking in most Americans’ diets.

Russell has also formed the Dawn Russell Foundation and has worked with Donna Karan in forming the Urban Zen health initiative. Both work with schools and hospitals to support alternative health and nutrition initiatives.

the 8Green blend was developed, which makes an easy-to-take effervescent tablet out of the ‘most important greens’.

Furthermore, the website promotes the 8Green cookbook which has family-friendly recipes from celebrity friends and hotels. This strengthens the brand and adds ‘lifestyle’ weight to what is essentially an easy-to-take daily supplement.

This is certainly an impressive company with a deep and personal interest in health. So let’s get down to the bottom line about their main product.

8 Greens Ingredients

8 Greens are clear that they use just eight of the ‘most important’ (most powerful? most health-improving?) greens: spinach, wheatgrass, kale, blue-green algae, spirulina, aloe vera, chlorella, barley grass.

I agree. These are big-hitters in terms of ingredients to include in a Greens blend or supplement, ones that you would most definitely expect to find if you were taking a blend daily. So, how much am I getting of each?

Oh, you guessed it. They don’t tell you.

The actual ingredients are listed (deep under the product specifics):
Micro Crystalline Cellulose, Spinach, Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Wheatgrass Powder, Kale, Spirulina Extract and Turmeric (color), Organic Barley Grass, Organic Blue-Green Algae, Organic Spirulina, Organic Broken Cell Chlorella, Citric Acid, Sorbitol, Natural Flavors, Corn Starch, Safflower Oil, Stevia Leaf Extract.

So, I go back to look at the web pages.

In all the blurb and marketing, they tell you the compelling reasons to take 8Greens, such as: ‘there is as much Vitamin B5 as 15 cups of broccoli’ (who needs 15 cups of broccoli?) and ‘as much Vitamin C as 6 oranges’.

This is all well and good, but what I REALLY don’t understand is why they can’t be clear on how much of each of the big-hitters goes into one serving (one tablet of effervescent powders).

We already know that many of these ingredients have proven health benefits, but the suggested daily dose is somewhere between 1-8g, and with a tablet being about 1g, there just cannot be enough of these powerful ingredients contained in each 8Greens tablet.

It is also marketed as being free from sugars (only 10 calories per serving) and free from gluten, dairy, and preservatives.

8 Greens Taste

Looking at the reviews I can already tell there is the usual mix of positive and negative responses to questions of taste – and this of course all comes down to personal taste!

Some dislike the taste of artificial sweeteners, some anticipate this as it masks the flavor of the greens.

‘They are absolutely delicious’ writes one reviewer.

‘Doesn’t taste too bad but you can really taste the saccharin aftertaste’ writes another.

One of the celebrity endorsers says that the taste of kale is a good thing as you know it’s the real thing.

Side Effects

Some reviewers report not being able to take the tablets because it is sweetened with artificial sweetener and this is found to exacerbate conditions such as IBS. Amongst the Greens side effects, this is far and away from the most often reported.

I would advise anyone looking to take any supplement to look carefully at the ingredients and to avoid if you know it is likely to have an undesired response.

8 Greens Actually Work?

If you have read any of my other reviews you will know by now that I’m not a fan of the proprietary blend. I don’t feel it’s honest to not be transparent about ingredients, and furthermore, it makes it hard to say how effective your product can be.

If I just go off testimonials and reviews I can see that people who take the product experience anything from improved energy to a diminishing of poor health conditions (apart from IBS – which is to do with the inclusion of sorbitol).

8greens tablet

Related: How long for greens powders to work?

8 Greens Reviews

On the website, there are testimonials from actors, musicians, models, and executives of skincare brands.

You name a type of celebrity, the brand seems to have caught them in their net of marketing and they are on board. But I want to know what the real punters think.

Looking at Amazon there are 243 reviews, 68% of which give 5 stars. 8% give 1 star.

A sample of the reviews is as follows:

Ah, me. I was so hoping to be able to take these once per day. It has, unexpected by me, sorbitol in it in lieu of sugar. Sorbitol wreaks havoc on people with bowel/stomach issues. It doesn't taste bad at all and I would have loved to take the tablet, but I can't risk it. I have IBS.” – 1 star

As the same as most people, I don’t eat enough vegetables. A friend of mine got recommended 8Greens from a nurse while she was in the hospital for her surgery. I read about it and wanted to give it a try. I’m on my 2nd bottle and like the product. It seems to act as a body cleanser also. Since it has B12, I take mine in the morning after breakfast. It gives me energy throughout the day. This product is worth every penny. – 5 stars

Great concept but unfortunately contains an artificial sweetener sucralose. – 1 star

I’ve avoided quoting any of the reviews from their own site as they all look like 5-star reviews at first glance!

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

Buried deep in the FAQ section I discover that you are entitled to your money back if you return goods within 30 days of purchase.

This is only if you buy directly through the 8Greens website.

Where to Buy 8 Greens?

You can buy directly from Official website, and from various retail outlets such as Sephora.

8 Greens Price: Is It Worth It?

I don’t think so. As an effervescent tablet, you are already compromising the amount of each ingredient in order to include a ‘fizzing’ and dissolvable element.

I don’t believe that the product is potent enough, nor are the portion sizes large enough to justify the cost

I don’t believe that the product is potent enough, nor are the portion sizes large enough to justify the cost, but for some, the convenience (and telling themselves they are getting the benefits quoted on the site) will be enough.

The website has a subscription arrangement where you can have 1 carton delivered every 2 months (6 tubes – 60 tablets) for $75 USD (saving you $9 and with free shipping).

This is still an expensive product, and as I have already stated it is a small serving.

8 Greens FAQs

Here are some of the frequently asked questions.

Are 8 Greens gluten free?

According to the manufacturer each tablet is free from gluten, dairy, and preservatives, and is NON-GMO.

Can 8 Greens cause diarrhea?

Unless you have a particularly delicate gut then it's unlikely you'll experience bloating or diarrhea when taking these tablets.

Is 8 Greens safe?

Yes, they are likely to be very safe when taken as directed by the manufacturer. The dosage of the vitamins (b12 etc) and minerals (zinc) and other ingredients are not in high dosages.

8 Greens Verdict

‘Five years of testing, five scientists, four manufacturers, and 264 prototypes later, 8Greens has arrived’. The website and marketing give the impression of a very strong recognizable brand image.

The write-ups and press are enviable, the founder is well-connected. 8 Greens relies on its ease of use and the testimonials speak to this. There may well be science behind the product and there was certainly a long road to product testing, but somehow, despite all the noise, I’m not exactly convinced.

I really want to like 8Greens.

The effervescent tablet is a proven easy-to-take formula, and it would be great if this really worked.

But for me, it all comes down to the integrity of the product in terms of the transparency of ingredients. When a manufacturer claims to be so strong on the story and the research of their product and yet doesn’t tell me what (in exactly what measures) goes into their blend, I’m just not that happy.

So for me, 8 Greens goes a long way, but not quite hitting the mark as the perfect superfood blend product for me. I just don't think it delivers the necessary punch and is more of a fizz than a wow!

I’ve been looking into powdered greens blends for a while now and am yet to find the brand and blend which most appeals to me. The majority of products on the market seem, to me, to be relatively expensive or disappointingly low on information around ingredients.

So I was surprised to come across MacroLife Naturals Macro Greens, which (at the outset at least) seem to be a good value for the money.

There are quite a few ingredients in this green powder supplement, a trend you see in many products trying to cover all the bases. The question is will there be sufficient amounts here to have much if any effect?

So, let's jump in and see if MacroLife Macro Greens is a contender for my daily greens.

MacroLife Superfoods MacroGreens

I tried over 40 brands: check out my round-up of best super greens powders!)

Macro Greens First Impressions

Taking a look at the MacroLife Naturals website I can immediately see the appeal of these products. The marketing is slick, the back-story is compelling and the founder has an established health and fitness background.

Looking at the testimonials (which this company calls ‘success stories’) I can see that people identify with the brand and many credits their product with either great gains in their health and wellbeing or weight loss. I give further detail in the ‘reviews’ section below.

Talking of testimonials – with all this research this is something I now expect companies to be transparent and upfront with. I don’t think it’s particularly honest to only include ‘success stories’ but I can see that from a marketing perspective it gives a compelling personal angle to the sale of this type of product.

Below I’ll take a closer look at Macro Greens to see how it stacks up.

Sylia Ortiz- and Dr Wagner

Other greens brands I have reviewed you may be interested in:

Background on MacroLife Naturals

Before I embark on my Macro Greens review, let’s take a look at the company as a whole. Founded by ‘fitness guru’, entrepreneur, and nutritional expert Sylvia Ortiz, and backed by Dr. Edward Wagner, MacroLife Naturals have become renowned for their ‘Miracle Reds’ and ‘Macro Greens’ formulas.

Macrolife Greens and Red supplements

You may have heard of Ortiz – she pioneered the ‘Rebound’ exercise phenomenon (workouts designed around the small trampoline now seen in every gym), so she already had a name for herself in health and wellbeing.

Unsurprisingly the duo branched into wellness products and so MacroLife Naturals came into being.

Claiming that the formulation of Macro Greens helped to bring her own son back to good health (having been overweight, depressed, and suffering from health issues), the company claims to now produce one of the most popular greens blends on the market.

Macro Greens Superfood Ingredients

A serving is around 1 tablespoon (9.4g) and the thirty-eight superfoods ingredients are categorized on the label under a number of proprietary blends, but I am very pleased to see that the Superfood blend is quantified into each specific ingredient.


The headline for the ingredients and their claims are as follows:

  • 38 nutrient rich superfoods
  • 18 billion probiotics
  • Richest alkaline greens formula
  • Contains 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables
  • Boosts energy and supports natural weight loss
  • Supports healthy immunity
  • Promotes gentle daily cleansing
  • Herbal antioxidants; aloe vera, ginkgo, grape seed extract
  • Voted “best tasting greens”
  • Non-GMO, vegan, gluten and dairy-free

The Nutrient-rich Super Food Blend (1735mg) contains Organic barley grass juice powder (1250mg), organic spirulina powder (300mg), Chlorella (cracked cell) (100mg), spinach leaf powder (83mg), Policosinol (2mg); let me say it again, this is a revelation to find so much transparency on the label!

  • The Non-Dairy Probiotic Cultures claims to contain 18 billion probiotic bacteria from five different strains of bacteria;
  • Antioxidant proprietary blend (1430mg) containing acerola, milk thistle, green tea extract, grape seed, ginkgo biloba;
  • Adaptogenic and Metabolic Herbs blend (2808mg) contains horsetail, licorice, ginger, parsley, astragalus and echinacea;
  • Fibers (1225mg) such as apple pectin;
  • Harmonizing and Support Herbs (proprietary blend – 1475mg) containing aloe vera leaf powder, beetroot powder and watercress leaf powder;
  • Digestive enzymes (proprietary blend – 200mg)

One of the claims of this particular product is that one glass contains five servings of fruits and vegetables – this isn’t unusual for a greens/vegetable powder to claim, but I do find it somewhat misleading. glass contains five servings of fruits and vegetables – this isn’t unusual for a greens / vegetables powder to claim, but I do find it somewhat misleading.

There is obviously a multitude of other ingredients in this blend, not just fruits and vegetables, and as such the veggies servings must be diluted somewhat. Can a greens blend be all things? Rich in protein, fiber, probiotics, superfoods, the list is seemingly endless!

Macrogreens supplement label

How Does Macro Greens Superfood Taste?

They say it themselves on the tin – they’re voted the ‘best tasting greens’ so how does the taste of Macro Greens superfood stack up?

I’ve taken a look at what people say about the taste of MacroLife Naturals Macro Greens.

One reviewer claims it is:

tasty – it tastes a lot like a milder version of Athletic Greens, which is one of the best-tasting greens powders I’ve tried. It’s quite mild, and although it’s dairy-free it tastes both creamy and a little bit fruity, almost like a berry yogurt. It’s definitely one of the best tasting greens powders I’ve tried, but it’s mild enough that it can disappear into any smoothie.

Whereas another (on Amazon) only gives one star – ‘tastes terrible’.

As with most super greens blends, you would need to have an idea of what the expected taste would be, otherwise, you could try blending it with a smoothie or into a different recipe.

The MacroLife Naturals website does suggest that you don’t blend with citrus juice (as this will eliminate the effectiveness of healthy gut bacteria, apparently).

Side Effects

This product stands apart from some other super greens blends in that it contains digestive enzymes. These may assist in digestive health, along with the probiotic blend.

There has been plenty of research on the effectiveness of probiotics, and the results are in the eye of the beholder (so to speak), but it is likely that taking bacteria is mostly effective for treating specific digestive tract issues such as diarrhea.

One reviewer (‘success story’ from the MacroLife Naturals website) claims that her ‘elimination is regular’ due to this product.

The evidence behind taking a probiotics in super greens though is by no means conclusive though!

Does Macro Greens Superfood Actually Work?

Quoted on their website as ‘completely nutritious, builds health and cleanses the system’, this is of course difficult to quantify. I suppose it would depend on what you set out to achieve with the greens blend.

People seem to take these products for such a plethora of reasons, and find health benefits from all angles: from stronger hair and nails to better bowel health, weight loss, fewer migraines, increased energy, better sleep. The list is seemingly endless.

But this to me is the power of marketing. If you tell someone they will have perceived benefits if they replace something they are already eating or taking with your product, they are likely to look for results.

Macro Greens Superfoods blend seems to be a little low in quantity of ingredients, so I doubt how effective the results of taking particular ingredients would be.

For me, the Macro Greens Superfoods blend seems to be a little low in the number of ingredients, so I doubt how effective the results of taking particular ingredients would be. Perhaps that means this isn’t the blend for me. However, I do have to state again how surprised I was to find transparent labeling in this area.

Spirulina powder organicTake, for example, the Organic Barley Grass (1250mg) used in this superfoods blend. I struggled to find any information on this on my go-to science-based information site Examine. I do however find a wealth of information on which recommends taking 15g per day for an effect on lowering cholesterol.

The next most-potent ingredient in the Macro Greens Superfoods blend is spirulina (300mg) which has a decent write up on but again recommends between 1-8g intake per day for health benefits.

So, the fact is the two main ingredients in this supplement are well below the recommended serving amount to be effective.

Macro Greens Superfood Customer Reviews

As I have mentioned there are plenty of ‘success stories’ to read on the MacroLife Naturals About Us pages. I’ve also taken a look at the reviews on Amazon just to make sure I have a balanced view of the products – this is important as I don’t feel the MacroLife website is the most honest and impartial place to go and look for reviews.

There are 658 reviews of MacroLife Naturals Macro Greens Superfood 30 oz on Amazon at the time of writing, and 549 are positive reviews. A sample of these are below;

Excellent quality – very good value

The absolute best green drink I’ve ever had

Tried hard to work with the taste of this … can’t do full dose

Love most of the ingredients but this has a strong stevia flavor which I don’t care for

Just as an aside there is a live issue at the moment with products that may (or may not) contain lead. Many of the comments and reviews on Amazon are concerned with this, and an area of the MacroLife Naturals website deals with some of these concerns. I won’t go into it but you can read more here.

Money Back Guarantee / Returns Policy

I tried to find information on any money back or returns policy on the MacroLife Naturals website, but I had to do a little digging. Firstly there is no drop-down menu so I entered it into the search box and no results were found.

So I assume there is no such guarantee otherwise they would be promoting it! This is very poor and somewhat surprising when I haven't seen a daily green supplement that doesn't support their product by a guarantee – I am thinking of Yuri Energy Greens here and their 365-day guarantee!

Where to Buy Macro Greens Superfood?

Macro Greens are available on the MacroLife Naturals website and also at

If you buy through the MacroLife Naturals website and participate in the Club MacroLife frequent buyer scheme you benefit from a 30% discount plus free shipping.

Is It Worth the Price?

This is a relatively inexpensive product at $49.50 USD for 30 servings (10 oz) on the MacroLife Naturals website, with the added benefit that you can purchase a full 90-day supply ($114.95 USD for 30 oz).

It’s unlikely you would need to reorder very frequently and that to me is a bonus. There are also individual servings and a 6-servings (2 oz) tub available on the MacroLife Naturals site which I find appealing if you wanted to try without buying a full tub.

On Amazon the price is around $60 USD for the 30 oz tub.

Macro Greens doesn’t include as much of the most potent ingredients as I would like to see in my super greens formulation

I like the fact that you know (a little more about) what is inside the tin due to the ingredients listing, but having said that Macro Greens doesn’t include as much of the most potent ingredients as I would like to see in my super greens formulation.

The Bottom Line

As with many of the products available on the market the use of proprietary blends is a little disappointing, however, they have chosen to specify how much of each ingredient in the Superfoods blend is included, and this is a definite plus point.

Too many companies choose not to do this, and I find it frustrating and disappointing. In fact, I can’t believe that people part with their money so willingly to buy products that are unclear about their ingredients.

If you want to take a super greens powder every day the overall appeal of this product seems to be the taste, value for money, and the strength of claims and testimonials available on (the MacroLife Naturals) site.

I, however, will continue to search for a product that ticks more boxes for me, and I will update as I go.

Adam Author

About the LifeHacker Guy

Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed.

Since suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved into web development, after a couple of years I then moved onto developing a number of online businesses. I've recently taken a sabbatical and I'm now looking to make big changes in my life, hopefully this may resonate with you - join me in my journey!